let fresh_id' = fresh_id seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids in
let time1 = Sys.time () in
let terms_to_types =
- D.double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty
+ let time0 = Sys.time () in
+ let prova = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context t in
+ let time1 = Sys.time () in
+ prerr_endline ("*** Fine type_inference:" ^ (string_of_float (time1 -. time0)));
+ let res = D.double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty in
+ let time2 = Sys.time () in
+ prerr_endline ("*** Fine double_type_inference:" ^ (string_of_float (time2 -. time1)));
+ res
let time2 = Sys.time () in
(***CSC: patch per provare i tempi
CicReduction.whd context (xxx_type_of_aux' metasenv context tt) ; *)
Cic.Sort Cic.Type ;
- D.expected = None}
+ D.expected = None}
incr number_new_type_of_aux' ;
let innersort = (*XXXXX *) xxx_type_of_aux' metasenv context synthesized (* Cic.Sort Cic.Prop *) in
ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_sorts, ids_to_inner_types
+let aconjecture_of_conjecture seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids
+ ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types ids_to_hypotheses hypotheses_seed
+ metasenv (metano,context,goal) =
+ let acic_of_cic_context =
+ acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ids_to_inner_types metasenv in
+ let _, acontext,final_idrefs =
+ (List.fold_right
+ (fun binding (context, acontext,idrefs) ->
+ let hid = "h" ^ string_of_int !hypotheses_seed in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_hypotheses hid binding ;
+ incr hypotheses_seed ;
+ match binding with
+ Some (n,Cic.Def (t,None)) ->
+ let acic = acic_of_cic_context context idrefs t None in
+ (binding::context),
+ ((hid,Some (n,Cic.ADef acic))::acontext),(hid::idrefs)
+ | Some (n,Cic.Decl t) ->
+ let acic = acic_of_cic_context context idrefs t None in
+ (binding::context),
+ ((hid,Some (n,Cic.ADecl acic))::acontext),(hid::idrefs)
+ | None ->
+ (* Invariant: "" is never looked up *)
+ (None::context),((hid,None)::acontext),""::idrefs
+ | Some (_,Cic.Def (_,Some _)) -> assert false
+ ) context ([],[],[])
+ )
+ in
+ let agoal = acic_of_cic_context context final_idrefs goal None in
+ (metano,acontext,agoal)
+let asequent_of_sequent (metasenv:Cic.metasenv) (sequent:Cic.conjecture) =
+ let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_hypotheses = Hashtbl.create 23 in
+ let hypotheses_seed = ref 0 in
+ let seed = ref 1 in (* 'i0' is used for the whole sequent *)
+ let (metano,acontext,agoal) =
+ aconjecture_of_conjecture seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids
+ ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types ids_to_hypotheses hypotheses_seed
+ metasenv sequent in
+ ("i0",metano,acontext,agoal),
+ ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,ids_to_hypotheses
let acic_object_of_cic_object obj =
let module C = Cic in
let module E = Eta_fixing in
acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
ids_to_inner_types in
let acic_term_of_cic_term' = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' [] [] [] in
+ let aconjecture_of_conjecture' = aconjecture_of_conjecture seed
+ ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
+ ids_to_hypotheses hypotheses_seed in
let aobj =
match obj with
C.Constant (id,Some bo,ty,params) ->
) conjectures
- let aconjectures =
+ let aconjectures =
(function (i,canonical_context,term) as conjecture ->
let cid = "c" ^ string_of_int !conjectures_seed in
xxx_add ids_to_conjectures cid conjecture ;
incr conjectures_seed ;
- let idrefs',revacanonical_context =
+ let (i,acanonical_context,aterm)
+ = aconjecture_of_conjecture' conjectures conjecture in
+ (cid,i,acanonical_context,aterm))
+ conjectures' in
+(* let idrefs',revacanonical_context =
let rec aux context idrefs =
[] -> idrefs,[]
- aux [] [] (List.rev canonical_context)
+ aux [] [] (List.rev canonical_context)
let aterm =
acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures
- canonical_context idrefs' term None
+ canonical_context idrefs' term None
- (cid,i,(List.rev revacanonical_context),aterm)
- ) conjectures' in
+ (cid,i,(List.rev revacanonical_context),aterm)
+ ) conjectures' in *)
let time1 = Sys.time () in
let bo' = E.eta_fix conjectures' bo in
let ty' = E.eta_fix conjectures' ty in
("++++++++++ Tempi della eta_fix: "^ string_of_float (time2 -. time1)) ;
hashtbl_add_time := 0.0 ;
type_of_aux'_add_time := 0.0 ;
+ DoubleTypeInference.syntactic_equality_add_time := 0.0 ;
let abo =
acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures' [] [] bo' (Some ty') in
let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures' [] [] ty' None in
("++++++++++++ Tempi della type_of_aux'_add_time(" ^ string_of_int !number_new_type_of_aux' ^ "): " ^ string_of_float !type_of_aux'_add_time) ;
("++++++++++++ Tempi della type_of_aux'_add_time nella double_type_inference(" ^ string_of_int !DoubleTypeInference.number_new_type_of_aux'_double_work ^ ";" ^ string_of_int !DoubleTypeInference.number_new_type_of_aux'_prop ^ "/" ^ string_of_int !DoubleTypeInference.number_new_type_of_aux' ^ "): " ^ string_of_float !DoubleTypeInference.type_of_aux'_add_time) ;
+ prerr_endline
+ ("++++++++++++ Tempi della syntactic_equality_add_time: " ^ string_of_float !DoubleTypeInference.syntactic_equality_add_time) ;
("++++++++++ Tempi della acic_of_cic: " ^ string_of_float (time3 -. time2)) ;
(Cic.id, anntypes) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_inner_types *)
(Cic.id, Cic.conjecture) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_conjectures *)
(Cic.id, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t (* ids_to_hypotheses *)
+val asequent_of_sequent :
+ Cic.metasenv -> (* metasenv *)
+ Cic.conjecture -> (* conjecture *)
+ Cic.annconjecture * (* annotated conjecture *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_terms *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_father_ids *)
+ (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_inner_sorts *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t (* ids_to_hypotheses *)
(* *)
(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 16/62003 *)
+(* 16/6/2003 *)
(* *)
generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types
else raise Not_a_proof
| C.AMutCase (id,uri,typeno,ty,te,patterns) ->
- let inductive_types =
+ let inductive_types,noparams =
(match CicEnvironment.get_obj uri with
Cic.Constant _ -> assert false
| Cic.Variable _ -> assert false
| Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,_) -> l
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,n) -> l,n
) in
- let (_,_,_,constructors) = List.nth inductive_types typeno in
+ let (_,_,_,constructors) = List.nth inductive_types typeno in
+ let name_and_arities =
+ let rec count_prods =
+ function
+ C.Prod (_,_,t) -> 1 + count_prods t
+ | _ -> 0 in
+ List.map
+ (function (n,t) -> Some n,((count_prods t) - noparams)) constructors in
+ let pp =
+ let build_proof p (name,arity) =
+ let rec make_context_and_body c p n =
+ if n = 0 then c,(aux p)
+ else
+ (match p with
+ Cic.ALambda(idl,vname,s1,t1) ->
+ let ce =
+ build_decl_item seed idl vname s1 ~ids_to_inner_sorts in
+ make_context_and_body (ce::c) t1 (n-1)
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let context,body = make_context_and_body [] p arity in
+ K.ArgProof
+ {body with K.proof_name = name; K.proof_context=context} in
+ List.map2 build_proof patterns name_and_arities in
let teid = get_id te in
- let pp = List.map2
- (fun p (name,_) -> (K.ArgProof (aux ~name p)))
- patterns constructors in
let context,term =
+(* map_sequent is similar to map_conjectures, but the for the hid
+of the hypothesis, which are preserved instead of generating
+fresh ones. We shall have to adopt a uniform policy, soon or later *)
+let map_sequent ((id,n,context,ty):Cic.annconjecture) =
+ let module K = Content in
+ let context' =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ (id,None) -> None
+ | (id,Some (name,Cic.ADecl t)) ->
+ Some
+ (* We should call build_decl_item, but we have not computed *)
+ (* the inner-types ==> we always produce a declaration *)
+ (`Declaration
+ { K.dec_name = name_of name;
+ K.dec_id = id;
+ K.dec_inductive = false;
+ K.dec_aref = get_id t;
+ K.dec_type = t
+ })
+ | (id,Some (name,Cic.ADef t)) ->
+ Some
+ (* We should call build_def_item, but we have not computed *)
+ (* the inner-types ==> we always produce a declaration *)
+ (`Definition
+ { K.def_name = name_of name;
+ K.def_id = id;
+ K.def_aref = get_id t;
+ K.def_term = t
+ })
+ ) context
+ in
+ (id,n,context',ty)
let rec annobj2content ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types =
let module C = Cic in
let module K = Content in
ids_to_inner_types:(string, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t ->
Cic.annobj ->
Cic.annterm Content.cobj
+val map_sequent :
+ Cic.annconjecture -> Cic.annterm Content.conjecture
(* *)
(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 16/62003 *)
+(* 16/6/2003 *)
(* *)
exception ListTooShort;;
exception RelToHiddenHypothesis;;
+let syntactic_equality_add_time = ref 0.0;;
let type_of_aux'_add_time = ref 0.0;;
let number_new_type_of_aux'_double_work = ref 0;;
let number_new_type_of_aux' = ref 0;;
_ -> false
+let xxx_syntactic_equality t t' =
+ let t1 = Sys.time () in
+ let res = syntactic_equality t t' in
+ let t2 = Sys.time () in
+ syntactic_equality_add_time := !syntactic_equality_add_time +. t2 -. t1 ;
+ res
let rec split l n =
match (l,n) with
(l,0) -> ([], l)
sort_of_prod context (name,s) (sort1,sort2)
| C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
(* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let _ = type_of_aux context s None in
+ let _ = type_of_aux context s None in
let expected_target_type =
match expectedty with
None -> None
| _ -> assert false
Some ty
- in
+ in
let type2 =
type_of_aux ((Some (n,(C.Decl s)))::context) t expected_target_type
let t_typ =
(* Checks suppressed *)
type_of_aux ((Some (n,(C.Def (s,Some ty))))::context) t None
- in
+ in (* CicSubstitution.subst s t_typ *)
if does_not_occur 1 t_typ then
(* since [Rel 1] does not occur in typ, substituting any term *)
(* in place of [Rel 1] is equivalent to delifting once *)
C.LetIn (n,s,t_typ)
| C.Appl (he::tl) when List.length tl > 0 ->
+ (*
let expected_hetype =
(* Inefficient, the head is computed twice. But I know *)
- (* of no other solution. *)
+ (* of no other solution. *)
(R.whd context (xxx_type_of_aux' metasenv context he)))
- in
- let hetype = type_of_aux context he (Some expected_hetype) in
+ in
+ let hetype = type_of_aux context he (Some expected_hetype) in
+ let tlbody_and_type =
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ _,[] -> []
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t),he::tl ->
+ (he, type_of_aux context he (Some (head_beta_reduce s)))::
+ (aux (R.whd context (S.subst he t), tl))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ aux (expected_hetype, tl) *)
+ let hetype = R.whd context (type_of_aux context he None) in
let tlbody_and_type =
let rec aux =
(aux (R.whd context (S.subst he t), tl))
| _ -> assert false
- aux (expected_hetype, tl)
+ aux (hetype, tl)
eat_prods context hetype tlbody_and_type
| C.Appl _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Appl: no arguments")
None ->
(* No expected type *)
{synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
- | Some ty when syntactic_equality synthesized' ty ->
+ | Some ty when xxx_syntactic_equality synthesized' ty ->
(* The expected type is synthactically equal to *)
(* the synthesized type. Let's forget it. *)
{synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
exception ListTooShort
exception RelToHiddenHypothesis
+val syntactic_equality_add_time: float ref
val type_of_aux'_add_time: float ref
val number_new_type_of_aux'_double_work: int ref
val number_new_type_of_aux': int ref
| C.Variable _ -> raise ReferenceToVariable
| C.CurrentProof (_,_,_,_,params) -> raise RferenceToCurrentProof
| C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition
- )
- in
- fix_according_to_type constant_type (C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)) l''
+ ) in
+ fix_according_to_type
+ constant_type (C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)) l''
+ let result = fix_according_to_type constant_type (C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)) l'' in
+ if not (CicReduction.are_convertible [] appl result) then
+ (prerr_endline ("prima :" ^(CicPp.ppterm appl));
+ prerr_endline ("dopo :" ^(CicPp.ppterm result)));
+ result *)
| _ -> C.Appl l' )
| C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
let exp_named_subst' =
| Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,n) -> l,n
) in
let (_,_,_,constructors) = List.nth inductive_types tyno in
- prerr_endline ("QUI");
let constructor_types =
let rec clean_up t =