prefix: string;
max_depth: int option;
depth: int;
- entries: C.context;
+ context: C.context;
intros: string list;
ety: C.annterm option
(* helpers ******************************************************************)
+let id x = x
+let comp f g x = f (g x)
let cic = D.deannotate_term
let split2_last l1 l2 =
| C.AMeta _ -> "meta"
| C.AImplicit _ -> "implict"
-let next st = {st with depth = succ st.depth; intros = []; ety = None}
+let clear st = {st with intros = []; ety = None}
+let next st = {(clear st) with depth = succ st.depth}
let set_ety st ety =
if st.ety = None then {st with ety = ety} else st
let add st entry intro ety =
let st = set_ety st ety in
- {st with entries = entry :: st.entries; intros = intro :: st.intros}
+ {st with context = entry :: st.context; intros = intro :: st.intros}
let test_depth st =
let msg = Printf.sprintf "Depth %u: " st.depth in
match st.max_depth with
| None -> true, ""
- | Some d ->
- if st.depth < d then true, msg else false, "DEPTH EXCEDED"
+ | Some d -> if st.depth < d then true, msg else false, "DEPTH EXCEDED: "
with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "A2P.test_depth"
let is_rewrite_right = function
let assumed_premise = "ASSUMED"
+let expanded_premise = "EXPANDED"
+let eta_expand n t =
+ let ty = C.AImplicit ("", None) in
+ let name i = Printf.sprintf "%s%u" expanded_premise i in
+ let lambda i t = C.ALambda ("", C.Name (name i), ty, t) in
+ let arg i n = T.mk_arel (n - i) (name i) in
+ let rec aux i f a =
+ if i >= n then f, a else aux (succ i) (comp f (lambda i)) (arg i n :: a)
+ in
+ let absts, args = aux 0 id [] in
+ match Cn.lift 1 n t with
+ | C.AAppl (id, ts) -> absts (C.AAppl (id, ts @ args))
+ | t -> absts (C.AAppl ("", t :: args))
+let appl_expand n = function
+ | C.AAppl (id, ts) ->
+ let before, after = T.list_split (List.length ts + n) ts in
+ C.AAppl ("", C.AAppl (id, before) :: after)
+ | _ -> assert false
let get_intro name t =
match name with
| Some ety when Cn.need_whd count ety -> p0 :: p1 :: script
| _ -> p1 :: script
with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "A2P.mk_intros"
-let rec mk_premise st dtext = function
- | C.ARel (_, _, _, binder) -> [], binder
- | where ->
- let name = contracted_premise in
- mk_fwd_proof st dtext name where, name
-let rec mk_fwd_rewrite st dtext name tl direction =
+let rec mk_atomic st dtext what =
+ if T.is_atomic what then [], what else
+ let name = defined_premise in
+ mk_fwd_proof st dtext name what, T.mk_arel 0 name
+and mk_fwd_rewrite st dtext name tl direction =
let what, where = List.nth tl 5, List.nth tl 3 in
let rewrite premise =
- [T.Rewrite (direction, what, Some (premise, name), dtext)]
+ let script, what = mk_atomic st dtext what in
+ T.Rewrite (direction, what, Some (premise, name), dtext) :: script
match where with
| C.ARel (_, _, _, binder) -> rewrite binder
let qs = [[T.Id ""]; mk_proof (next st) v] in
[T.Branch (qs, ""); T.Cut (name, ity, dtext)]
| None ->
- let ty, _ = TC.type_of_aux' [] st.entries (cic hd) Un.empty_ugraph in
- let (classes, rc) as h = Cl.classify ty in
+ let ty, _ = TC.type_of_aux' [] st.context (cic hd) Un.empty_ugraph in
+ let (classes, rc) as h = Cl.classify st.context ty in
let text = Printf.sprintf "%u %s" (List.length classes) (Cl.to_string h) in
[T.LetIn (name, v, dtext ^ text)]
| None -> None
mk_proof (add st entry intro ety) t
- | C.ALetIn (_, name, v, t) as what ->
+ | C.ALetIn (_, name, v, t) as what ->
let proceed, dtext = test_depth st in
let script = if proceed then
let entry = Some (name, C.Def (cic v, None)) in
[T.Apply (what, dtext)]
mk_intros st script
- | C.ARel _ as what ->
+ | C.ARel _ as what ->
let _, dtext = test_depth st in
let text = "assumption" in
let script = [T.Apply (what, dtext ^ text)] in
mk_intros st script
- | C.AMutConstruct _ as what ->
+ | C.AMutConstruct _ as what ->
let _, dtext = test_depth st in
let script = [T.Apply (what, dtext)] in
mk_intros st script
- | C.AAppl (_, hd :: tl) as t ->
+ | C.AAppl (_, hd :: tl) as t ->
let proceed, dtext = test_depth st in
let script = if proceed then
- let ty, _ = TC.type_of_aux' [] st.entries (cic hd) Un.empty_ugraph in
- let (classes, rc) as h = Cl.classify ty in
- let synth = Cl.S.singleton 0 in
+ let ty, _ = TC.type_of_aux' [] st.context (cic hd) Un.empty_ugraph in
+ let (classes, rc) as h = Cl.classify st.context ty in
+ let decurry = List.length classes - List.length tl in
+ if decurry < 0 then mk_proof (clear st) (appl_expand decurry t) else
+ if decurry > 0 then mk_proof (clear st) (eta_expand decurry t) else
+ let synth = Cl.S.singleton 0 in
let text = Printf.sprintf "%u %s" (List.length classes) (Cl.to_string h) in
match rc with
- | Some (i, j) when i > 1 ->
+ | Some (i, j) when i > 1 && i <= List.length classes ->
let classes, tl, _, what = split2_last classes tl in
+ let script, what = mk_atomic st dtext what in
let synth = Cl.S.add 1 synth in
let qs = mk_bkd_proofs (next st) synth classes tl in
if is_rewrite_right hd then
- [T.Rewrite (false, what, None, dtext); T.Branch (qs, "")]
+ List.rev script @
+ [T.Rewrite (false, what, None, dtext); T.Branch (qs, "")]
else if is_rewrite_left hd then
- [T.Rewrite (true, what, None, dtext); T.Branch (qs, "")]
+ List.rev script @
+ [T.Rewrite (true, what, None, dtext); T.Branch (qs, "")]
let using = Some hd in
+ List.rev script @
[T.Elim (what, using, dtext ^ text); T.Branch (qs, "")]
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
let qs = mk_bkd_proofs (next st) synth classes tl in
- [T.Apply (hd, dtext ^ text); T.Branch (qs, "")]
+ let script, hd = mk_atomic st dtext hd in
+ List.rev script @
+ [T.Apply (hd, dtext ^ text); T.Branch (qs, "")]
[T.Apply (t, dtext)]
mk_intros st script
- | t ->
+ | t ->
let text = Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" "UNEXPANDED" (string_of_head t) in
let script = [T.Note text] in
mk_intros st script
if Cl.S.is_empty inv then Some (mk_proof st v) else
Some [T.Apply (v, dtext ^ "dependent")]
- let l1, l2 = List.length classes, List.length ts in
- if l1 > l2 then failwith "partial application" else
- if l1 < l2 then failwith "too many arguments" else
T.list_map2_filter aux classes ts
with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "A2P.mk_bkd_proofs"
(* interface functions ******************************************************)
-let acic2procedural ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types prefix aobj =
+let acic2procedural ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types ?depth prefix aobj =
let st = {
sorts = ids_to_inner_sorts;
types = ids_to_inner_types;
prefix = prefix;
- max_depth = None;
+ max_depth = depth;
depth = 0;
- entries = [];
+ context = [];
intros = [];
ety = None
} in
val acic2procedural:
ids_to_inner_sorts:(, Cic2acic.sort_kind) Hashtbl.t ->
ids_to_inner_types:(, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t ->
- string -> Cic.annobj ->
+ ?depth:int -> string -> Cic.annobj ->
(Cic.annterm, Cic.annterm,
Cic.annterm GrafiteAst.reduction, Cic.annterm CicNotationPt.obj, string)
GrafiteAst.statement list
module C = Cic
-module CS = CicSubstitution
+module R = CicReduction
module D = Deannotate
module Int = struct
type t = int
+let id x = x
let rec list_fold_left g map = function
| [] -> g
| hd :: tl -> map (list_fold_left g map tl) hd
let g a = a in
aux 1 g t S.empty
-let split t =
- let rec aux a n = function
- | C.Prod (_, v, t) -> aux (v :: a) (succ n) t
- | C.Cast (t, v) -> aux a n t
- | C.LetIn (_, v, t) -> aux a n (CS.subst v t)
- | v -> v :: a, n
+let split c t =
+ let add s v c = Some (s, C.Decl v) :: c in
+ let rec aux whd a n c = function
+ | C.Prod (s, v, t) -> aux false (v :: a) (succ n) (add s v c) t
+ | v when whd -> v :: a, n
+ | v -> aux true a n c (R.whd ~delta:true c v)
- aux [] 0 t
+ aux false [] 0 c t
let classify_conclusion = function
| C.Rel i -> Some (i, 0)
| C.Appl (C.Rel i :: tl) -> Some (i, List.length tl)
| _ -> None
-let classify t =
- let vs, h = split t in
+let classify c t =
+ let vs, h = split c t in
let rc = classify_conclusion (List.hd vs) in
let map (b, h) v = (get_rels h v, S.empty) :: b, succ h in
let l, h = List.fold_left map ([], 0) vs in
let b = Array.of_list (List.rev l) in
let mk_closure b h =
- let map j = S.union (fst b.(j)) in
+ let map j = if j < h then S.union (fst b.(j)) else id in
for i = pred h downto 0 do
let direct, unused = b.(i) in
b.(i) <- S.fold map direct direct, unused
let rec mk_inverse i direct =
if S.is_empty direct then () else
let j = S.choose direct in
- let unused, inverse = b.(j) in
- b.(j) <- unused, S.add i inverse;
- mk_inverse i (S.remove j direct)
+ if j < h then
+ let unused, inverse = b.(j) in
+ b.(j) <- unused, S.add i inverse
+ else ();
+ mk_inverse i (S.remove j direct)
let map i (direct, _) = mk_inverse i direct in
Array.iteri map b;
(* out_table b; *)
List.rev_map snd ( (Array.to_list b)), rc
-let aclassify t = classify (D.deannotate_term t)
+with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "Classify.classify"
let overlaps s1 s2 =
let predicate x = S.mem x s1 in
type conclusion = (int * int) option
-val classify: Cic.term -> S.t list * conclusion
-val aclassify: Cic.annterm -> S.t list * conclusion
+val classify: Cic.context -> Cic.term -> S.t list * conclusion
val to_string: S.t list * conclusion -> string
failwith msg
match style with
- | GrafiteAst.Declarative ->
+ | GrafiteAst.Declarative ->
let cobj = Acic2content.annobj2content ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types aobj in
let bobj = Content2pres.content2pres ids_to_inner_sorts cobj in
remove_closed_substs ("\n\n" ^
BoxPp.render_to_string (function _::x::_ -> x | _ -> assert false) n (CicNotationPres.mpres_of_box bobj)
- | GrafiteAst.Procedural ->
+ | GrafiteAst.Procedural depth ->
let term_pp = term2pres (n - 8) ids_to_inner_sorts in
let lazy_term_pp = term_pp in
let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj term_pp in
let aux = GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~term_pp ~lazy_term_pp ~obj_pp in
let script = Acic2Procedural.acic2procedural
- ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types prefix aobj in
+ ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types ?depth prefix aobj in
"\n\n" ^ String.concat "" ( aux script)
(* columns, rendering style, name prefix, object *)
-val obj_to_string: int -> -> string -> Cic.obj -> string
+val obj_to_string:
+ int -> GrafiteAst.presentation_style -> string -> Cic.obj -> string
| C.AProd (_, _, _, t) when i > 0 -> need_whd (pred i) t
| _ when i > 0 -> true
| _ -> false
+let lift k n =
+ let rec lift_xns k (uri, t) = uri, lift_term k t
+ and lift_ms k = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some t -> Some (lift_term k t)
+ and lift_fix len k (id, name, i, ty, bo) =
+ id, name, i, lift_term k ty, lift_term (k + len) bo
+ and lift_cofix len k (id, name, ty, bo) =
+ id, name, lift_term k ty, lift_term (k + len) bo
+ and lift_term k = function
+ | C.ASort _ as t -> t
+ | C.AImplicit _ as t -> t
+ | C.ARel (id, rid, m, b) as t -> if m < k then t else C.ARel (id, rid, m + n, b)
+ | C.AConst (id, uri, xnss) -> C.AConst (id, uri, (lift_xns k) xnss)
+ | C.AVar (id, uri, xnss) -> C.AVar (id, uri, (lift_xns k) xnss)
+ | C.AMutInd (id, uri, tyno, xnss) -> C.AMutInd (id, uri, tyno, (lift_xns k) xnss)
+ | C.AMutConstruct (id, uri, tyno, consno, xnss) -> C.AMutConstruct (id, uri,tyno,consno, (lift_xns k) xnss)
+ | C.AMeta (id, i, mss) -> C.AMeta(id, i, (lift_ms k) mss)
+ | C.AAppl (id, ts) -> C.AAppl (id, (lift_term k) ts)
+ | C.ACast (id, te, ty) -> C.ACast (id, lift_term k te, lift_term k ty)
+ | C.AMutCase (id, sp, i, outty, t, pl) -> C.AMutCase (id, sp, i, lift_term k outty, lift_term k t, (lift_term k) pl)
+ | C.AProd (id, n, s, t) -> C.AProd (id, n, lift_term k s, lift_term (succ k) t)
+ | C.ALambda (id, n, s, t) -> C.ALambda (id, n, lift_term k s, lift_term (succ k) t)
+ | C.ALetIn (id, n, s, t) -> C.ALetIn (id, n, lift_term k s, lift_term (succ k) t)
+ | C.AFix (id, i, fl) -> C.AFix (id, i, (lift_fix (List.length fl) k) fl)
+ | C.ACoFix (id, i, fl) -> C.ACoFix (id, i, (lift_cofix (List.length fl) k) fl)
+ in
+ lift_term k
val need_whd: int -> Cic.annterm -> bool
+val lift: int -> int -> Cic.annterm -> Cic.annterm
aux a l
+let is_atomic = function
+ | C.ASort _
+ | C.AConst _
+ | C.AMutInd _
+ | C.AMutConstruct _
+ | C.AVar _
+ | C.ARel _
+ | C.AMeta _
+ | C.AImplicit _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
type name = string
val mk_arel: int -> string -> Cic.annterm
+val is_atomic:Cic.annterm -> bool
type name = string
| LetIn of loc * 'term * 'ident
| Reduce of loc * 'reduction * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern
| Reflexivity of loc
- | Rename of loc * 'ident list * 'ident list
| Replace of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern * 'lazy_term
| Rewrite of loc * direction * 'term *
('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern * 'ident list
type print_kind = [ `Env | `Coer ]
-type style = Declarative
- | Procedural
+type presentation_style = Declarative
+ | Procedural of int option
type 'term macro =
(* Whelp's stuff *)
(* real macros *)
| Check of loc * 'term
| Hint of loc
- | Inline of loc * style * string * string (* URI or base-uri, name prefix *)
+ | Inline of loc * presentation_style * string * string
+ (* URI or base-uri, name prefix *)
(** To be increased each time the command type below changes, used for "safe"
* marshalling *)
| Reduce (_, kind, pat) ->
sprintf "%s %s" (pp_reduction_kind kind) (pp_tactic_pattern pat)
| Reflexivity _ -> "reflexivity"
- | Rename (_, froms, tos) ->
- sprintf "rename %s as %s" (pp_idents froms) (pp_idents tos)
| Replace (_, pattern, t) ->
sprintf "replace %s with %s" (pp_tactic_pattern pattern) (lazy_term_pp t)
| Rewrite (_, pos, t, pattern, names) ->
let pp_macro ~term_pp =
let term_pp = pp_arg ~term_pp in
let style_pp = function
- | Declarative -> ""
- | Procedural -> "procedural "
+ | Declarative -> ""
+ | Procedural None -> "procedural "
+ | Procedural (Some i) -> sprintf "procedural %u " i
let prefix_pp prefix =
if prefix = "" then "" else sprintf " \"%s\"" prefix
| `Unfold what -> Tactics.unfold ~pattern what
| `Whd -> Tactics.whd ~pattern)
| GrafiteAst.Reflexivity _ -> Tactics.reflexivity
- | GrafiteAst.Rename (_, froms, tos) -> Tactics.rename ~froms ~tos
| GrafiteAst.Replace (_, pattern, with_what) ->
Tactics.replace ~pattern ~with_what
| GrafiteAst.Rewrite (_, direction, t, pattern, names) ->
metasenv,GrafiteAst.Reduce(loc, red_kind, pattern)
| GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc ->
metasenv,GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc
- | GrafiteAst.Rename (loc, froms, tos) ->
- metasenv,GrafiteAst.Rename (loc, froms, tos)
| GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, pattern, with_what) ->
let pattern = disambiguate_pattern pattern in
let with_what = disambiguate_lazy_term with_what in
GrafiteAst.Reduce (loc, kind, p)
| IDENT "reflexivity" ->
GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc
- | IDENT "rename"; froms = ident_list0; "as"; tos = ident_list0 ->
- GrafiteAst.Rename (loc, froms, tos)
| IDENT "replace"; p = pattern_spec; "with"; t = tactic_term ->
GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, p, t)
| IDENT "rewrite" ; d = direction; t = tactic_term ; p = pattern_spec;
[ [ IDENT "check" ]; t = term ->
GrafiteAst.Check (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "inline"];
- style = OPT [ IDENT "procedural" ];
+ style = OPT [ IDENT "procedural"; depth = OPT int -> depth ];
suri = QSTRING; prefix = OPT QSTRING ->
let style = match style with
- | None -> GrafiteAst.Declarative
- | Some _ -> GrafiteAst.Procedural
+ | None -> GrafiteAst.Declarative
+ | Some depth -> GrafiteAst.Procedural depth
let prefix = match prefix with None -> "" | Some prefix -> prefix in
GrafiteAst.Inline (loc,style,suri,prefix)
let normalize = ReductionTactics.normalize_tac
let reduce = ReductionTactics.reduce_tac
let reflexivity = Setoids.setoid_reflexivity_tac
-let rename = ProofEngineStructuralRules.rename
let replace = EqualityTactics.replace_tac
let rewrite = EqualityTactics.rewrite_tac
let rewrite_simpl = EqualityTactics.rewrite_simpl_tac
-(* GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT. STAMP:Fri Dec 29 14:56:56 CET 2006 *)
+(* GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT. STAMP:Sun Jan 14 12:32:17 CET 2007 *)
val absurd : term:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val apply : term:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val applyS :
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val reduce : pattern:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val reflexivity : ProofEngineTypes.tactic
-val rename : froms:string list -> tos:string list -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val replace :
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_pattern ->
with_what:Cic.lazy_term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
let rec interactive_error_interp ?(all_passes=false) (source_buffer:GSourceView.source_buffer) notify_exn offset errorll
+ assert (List.flatten errorll <> []);
let errorll' =
let remove_non_significant =
List.filter (fun (_env,_diff,_loc,_msg,significant) -> significant) in
if all_passes then errorll else
let safe_list_nth l n = try List.nth l n with Failure _ -> [] in
(* We remove passes 1,2 and 5,6 *)
- []::[]
- ::(remove_non_significant (safe_list_nth errorll 2))
- ::(remove_non_significant (safe_list_nth errorll 3))
- ::[]::[]
+ let res =
+ []::[]
+ ::(remove_non_significant (safe_list_nth errorll 2))
+ ::(remove_non_significant (safe_list_nth errorll 3))
+ ::[]::[]
+ in
+ if List.flatten res <> [] then res
+ else
+ (* all errors (if any) are not significant: we keep them *)
+ let res =
+ []::[]
+ ::(safe_list_nth errorll 2)
+ ::(safe_list_nth errorll 3)
+ ::[]::[]
+ in
+ if List.flatten res <> [] then
+ begin
+ HLog.warn
+ "All disambiguation errors are not significant. Showing them anyway." ;
+ res
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ HLog.warn
+ "No errors in phases 2 and 3. Showing all errors in all phases" ;
+ errorll
+ end
let choices =
let pass = ref 0 in