let rec find_path_for file =
try HExtlib.find_in include_paths file
with Failure "find_in" ->
- if Filename.check_suffix file ".ma" then begin
- let mma = Filename.chop_suffix file ".ma" ^ ".mma" in
- HLog.warn ("We look for: " ^ mma);
- let path = find_path_for mma in
- Filename.chop_suffix path ".mma" ^ ".ma"
- end else begin
- HLog.error ("We are in: " ^ Sys.getcwd ());
- HLog.error ("Unable to find: "^file^"\nPaths explored:");
- List.iter (fun x -> HLog.error (" - "^x)) include_paths;
- raise (NoRootFor file)
- end
+ HLog.error ("We are in: " ^ Sys.getcwd ());
+ HLog.error ("Unable to find: "^file^"\nPaths explored:");
+ List.iter (fun x -> HLog.error (" - "^x)) include_paths;
+ raise (NoRootFor file)
let path = find_path_for file in
let path = absolutize path in