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+Data types, functions and theorems
+Matita is both a programming language and a theorem proving environment:
+you define datatypes and programs, and then prove properties on them.
+Very few things are built-in: not even booleans or logical connectives
+(but you may of course use libraries, as in normal programming languages).
+The main philosophy of the system is to let you define your own data-types
+and functions using a powerful computational mechanism based on the
+declaration of inductive types.
+Let us start this tutorial with a simple example based on the following well
+known problem.
+The goat, the wolf and the cabbage
+A farmer need to transfer a goat, a wolf and a cabbage across a river, but there
+is only one place available on his boat. Furthermore, the goat will eat the
+cabbage if they are left alone on the same bank, and similarly the wolf will eat
+the goat. The problem consists in bringing all three items safely across the
+Our first data type defines the two banks of the river, which will be named east
+and west. It is a simple example of enumerated type, defined by explicitly
+declaring all its elements. The type itself is called "bank".
+Before giving its definition we "include" the file "logic.ma" that contains a
+few preliminary notions not worth discussing for the moment.
+include "basics/logic.ma".
+inductive bank: Type[0] ≝
+| east : bank
+| west : bank.
+(* We can now define a simple function computing, for each bank of the river, the
+opposite one. *)
+definition opposite ≝ λs.
+match s with
+ [ east ⇒ west
+ | west ⇒ east
+ ].
+(* Functions are live entities, and can be actually computed. To check this, let
+us state the property that the opposite bank of east is west; every lemma needs a
+name for further reference, and we call it "east_to_west". *)
+lemma east_to_west : opposite east = west.
+The goal window
+If you stop the execution here you will see a new window on the right side
+of the screen: it is the goal window, providing a sequent like representation of
+the form
+for each open goal remaining to be solved. A is the conclusion of the goal and
+B1, ..., Bk is its context, that is the set of current hypothesis and type
+declarations. In this case, we have only one goal, and its context is empty.
+The proof proceeds by typing commands to the system. In this case, we
+want to evaluate the function, that can be done by invoking the "normalize"
+(* By executing it - just type the advance command - you will see that the goal
+has changed to west = west, by reducing the subexpression (opposite east).
+You may use the retract bottom to undo the step, if you wish.
+The new goal west = west is trivial: it is just a consequence of reflexivity.
+Such trivial steps can be just closed in Matita by typing a double slash.
+We complete the proof by the qed command, that instructs the system to store the
+lemma performing some book-keeping operations.
+// qed.
+(* In exactly the same way, we can prove that the opposite side of west is east.
+In this case, we avoid the unnecessary simplification step: // will take care of
+it. *)
+lemma west_to_east : opposite west = east.
+// qed.
+A slightly more complex problem consists in proving that opposite is idempotent *)
+lemma idempotent_opposite : ∀x. opposite (opposite x) = x.
+(* we start the proof moving x from the conclusion into the context, that is a
+(backward) introduction step. Matita syntax for an introduction step is simply
+the sharp character followed by the name of the item to be moved into the
+context. This also allows us to rename the item, if needed: for instance if we
+wish to rename x into b (since it is a bank), we just type #b. *)
+(* See the effect of the execution in the goal window on the right: b has been
+added to the context (replacing x in the conclusion); moreover its implicit type
+"bank" has been made explicit.
+Case analysis
+But how are we supposed to proceed, now? Simplification cannot help us, since b
+is a variable: just try to call normalize and you will see that it has no effect.
+The point is that we must proceed by cases according to the possible values of b,
+namely east and west. To this aim, you must invoke the cases command, followed by
+the name of the hypothesis (more generally, an arbitrary expression) that must be
+the object of the case analysis (in our case, b).
+cases b
+(* Executing the previous command has the effect of opening two subgoals,
+corresponding to the two cases b=east and b=west: you may switch from one to the
+other by using the hyperlinks over the top of the goal window.
+Both goals can be closed by trivial computations, so we may use // as usual.
+If we had to treat each subgoal in a different way, we should focus on each of
+them in turn, in a way that will be described at the end of this section.
+// qed.
+Instead of working with functions, it is sometimes convenient to work with
+predicates. For instance, instead of defining a function computing the opposite
+bank, we could declare a predicate stating when two banks are opposite to each
+other. Only two cases are possible, leading naturally to the following
+inductive opp : bank → bank → Prop ≝
+| east_west : opp east west
+| west_east : opp west east.
+(* In precisely the same way as "bank" is the smallest type containing east and
+west, opp is the smallest predicate containing the two sub-cases east_west and
+weast_east. If you have some familiarity with Prolog, you may look at opp as the
+predicate defined by the two clauses - in this case, the two facts - ast_west and
+Between opp and opposite we have the following relation:
+ opp a b iff a = opposite b
+Let us prove it, starting from the left to right implication, first *)
+lemma opp_to_opposite: ∀a,b. opp a b → a = opposite b.
+(* We start the proof introducing a, b and the hypothesis opp a b, that we
+call oppab. *)
+#a #b #oppab
+(* Now we proceed by cases on the possible proofs of (opp a b), that is on the
+possible shapes of oppab. By definition, there are only two possibilities,
+namely east_west or west_east. Both subcases are trivial, and can be closed by
+automation *)
+cases oppab // qed.
+Let us come to the opposite direction. *)
+lemma opposite_to_opp: ∀a,b. a = opposite b → opp a b.
+(* As usual, we start introducing a, b and the hypothesis (a = opposite b),
+that we call eqa. *)
+#a #b #eqa
+(* The right way to proceed, now, is by rewriting a into (opposite b). We do
+this by typing ">eqa". If we wished to rewrite in the opposite direction, namely
+opposite b into a, we would have typed "<eqa". *)
+(* We conclude the proof by cases on b. *)
+cases b // qed.
+It is time to proceed with our formalization of the farmer's problem.
+A state of the system is defined by the position of four items: the goat, the
+wolf, the cabbage, and the boat. The simplest way to declare such a data type
+is to use a record.
+record state : Type[0] ≝
+ {goat_pos : bank;
+ wolf_pos : bank;
+ cabbage_pos: bank;
+ boat_pos : bank}.
+(* When you define a record named foo, the system automatically defines a record
+constructor named mk_foo. To construct a new record you pass as arguments to
+mk_foo the values of the record fields *)
+definition start ≝ mk_state east east east east.
+definition end ≝ mk_state west west west west.
+(* We must now define the possible moves. A natural way to do it is in the form
+of a relation (a binary predicate) over states. *)
+inductive move : state → state → Prop ≝
+| move_goat: ∀g,g1,w,c. opp g g1 → move (mk_state g w c g) (mk_state g1 w c g1)
+ (* We can move the goat from a bank g to the opposite bank g1 if and only if the
+ boat is on the same bank g of the goat and we move the boat along with it. *)
+| move_wolf: ∀g,w,w1,c. opp w w1 → move (mk_state g w c w) (mk_state g w1 c w1)
+| move_cabbage: ∀g,w,c,c1.opp c c1 → move (mk_state g w c c) (mk_state g w c1 c1)
+| move_boat: ∀g,w,c,b,b1. opp b b1 → move (mk_state g w c b) (mk_state g w c b1).
+(* A state is safe if either the goat is on the same bank of the boat, or both
+the wolf and the cabbage are on the opposite bank of the goat. *)
+inductive safe_state : state → Prop ≝
+| with_boat : ∀g,w,c.safe_state (mk_state g w c g)
+| opposite_side : ∀g,g1,b.opp g g1 → safe_state (mk_state g g1 g1 b).
+(* Finally, a state y is reachable from x if either there is a single move
+leading from x to y, or there is a safe state z such that z is reachable from x
+and there is a move leading from z to y *)
+inductive reachable : state → state → Prop ≝
+| one : ∀x,y.move x y → reachable x y
+| more : ∀x,z,y. reachable x z → safe_state z → move z y → reachable x y.
+Remarkably, Matita is now able to solve the problem by itslef, provided
+you allow automation to exploit more resources. The command /n/ is similar to
+//, where n is a measure of this complexity: in particular it is a bound to
+the depth of the expected proof tree (more precisely, to the number of nested
+applicative nodes). In this case, there is a solution in six moves, and we
+need a few more applications to handle reachability, and side conditions.
+The magic number to let automation work is, in this case, 9. *)
+lemma problem: reachable start end.
+normalize /9/ qed.
+Let us now try to derive the proof in a more interactive way. Of course, we
+expect to need several moves to transfer all items from a bank to the other, so
+we should start our proof by applying "more". Matita syntax for invoking the
+application of a property named foo is to write "@foo". In general, the philosophy
+of Matita is to describe each proof of a property P as a structured collection of
+objects involved in the proof, prefixed by simple modalities (#,<,@,...) explaining
+the way it is actually used (e.g. for introduction, rewriting, in an applicative
+step, and so on).
+lemma problem1: reachable start end.
+normalize @more
+After performing the previous application, we have four open subgoals:
+ Y : reachable [east,east,east,east] X
+ W : safe_state X
+ Z : move X [west,west,west,west]
+That is, we must guess a state X, such that this is reachable from start, it is
+safe, and there is a move leading from X to end. All goals are active, that is
+emphasized by the fact that they are all red. Any command typed by the user is
+normally applied in parallel to all active goals, but clearly we must proceed
+here is a different way for each of them. The way to do it, is by structuring
+the script using the following syntax: [...|... |...|...] where we typically have
+as many cells inside the brackets as the number of the active subgoals. The
+interesting point is that we can associate with the three symbol "[", "|" and
+"]" a small-step semantics that allow to execute them individually. In particular
+- the operator "[" opens a new focusing section for the currently active goals,
+ and focus on the first of them
+- the operator "|" shift the focus to the next goal
+- the operator "]" close the focusing section, falling back to the previous level
+ and adding to it all remaining goals not yet closed
+Let us see the effect of the "[" on our proof:
+ [
+(* As you see, only the first goal has now the focus on. Moreover, all goals got
+a progressive numerical label, to help designating them, if needed.
+We can now proceed in several possible ways. The most straightforward way is to
+provide the intermediate state, that is [east,west,west,east]. We can do it, by
+just applying this term. *)
+ @(mk_state east west west east)
+(* This application closes the goal; at present, no goal has the focus on.
+In order to act on the next goal, we must focus on it using the "|" operator. In
+this case, we would like to skip the next goal, and focus on the trivial third
+subgoal: a simple way to do it, is by retyping "|". The proof that
+[east,west,west,east] is safe is trivial and can be done with //.*)
+ || //
+We then advance to the next goal, namely the fact that there is a move from
+[east,west,west,east] to [west,west,west,west]; this is trivial too, but it
+requires /2/ since move_goat opens an additional subgoal. By applying "]" we
+refocus on the skipped goal, going back to a situation similar to the one we
+started with. *)
+ | /2/ ]
+Implicit arguments
+Let us perform the next step, namely moving back the boat, in a sligtly
+different way. The more operation expects as second argument the new
+intermediate state, hence instead of applying more we can apply this term
+already instatated on the next intermediate state. As first argument, we
+type a question mark that stands for an implicit argument to be guessed by
+the system. *)
+@(more ? (mk_state east west west west))
+(* We now get three independent subgoals, all actives, and two of them are
+trivial. We can just apply automation to all of them, and it will close the two
+trivial goals. *)
+(* Let us come to the next step, that consists in moving the wolf. Suppose that
+instead of specifying the next intermediate state, we prefer to specify the next
+move. In the spirit of the previous example, we can do it in the following way
+@(more … (move_wolf … ))
+(* The dots stand here for an arbitrary number of implicit arguments, to be
+guessed by the system.
+Unfortunately, the previous move is not enough to fully instantiate the new
+intermediate state: a bank B remains unknown. Automation cannot help here,
+since all goals depend from this bank and automation refuses to close some
+subgoals instantiating other subgoals remaining open (the instantiation could
+be arbitrary). The simplest way to proceed is to focus on the bank, that is
+the fourth subgoal, and explicitly instatiate it. Instead of repeatedly using "|",
+we can perform focusing by typing "4:" as described by the following command. *)
+[4: @east] /2/
+(* Alternatively, we can directly instantiate the bank into the move. Let
+us complete the proof in this, very readable way. *)
+@(more … (move_goat west … )) /2/
+@(more … (move_cabbage ?? east … )) /2/
+@(more … (move_boat ??? west … )) /2/
+@one /2/ qed.
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+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+include "basics/types.ma".
+(* Most of the types we have seen so far are enumerated types, composed by a
+finite set of alternatives, and records, composed by tuples of heteregoneous
+elements. A more interesting case of type definition is when some of the rules
+defining its elements are recursive, i.e. they allow the formation of more
+elements of the type in terms of the already defined ones. The most typical case
+is provided by the natural numbers, that can be defined as the smallest set
+generated by a constant 0 and a successor function from natural numbers to natural
+numbers *)
+inductive nat : Type[0] ≝
+| O :nat
+| S: nat →nat.
+(* The two terms O and S are called constructors: they define the signature of the
+type, whose objects are the elements freely generated by means of them. So,
+examples of natural numbers are O, S O, S (S O), S (S (S O)) and so on.
+The language of Matita allows the definition of well founded recursive functions
+over inductive types; in order to guarantee termination of recursion you are only
+allowed to make recursive calls on structurally smaller arguments than the ones
+you received in input. Most mathematical functions can be naturally defined in this
+way. For instance, the sum of two natural numbers can be defined as follows *)
+let rec add n m ≝
+match n with
+[ O ⇒ m
+| S a ⇒ S (add a m)
+It is worth to observe that the previous algorithm works by recursion over the
+first argument. This means that, for instance, (add O x) will reduce to x, as
+expected, but (add x O) is stuck.
+How can we prove that, for a generic x, (add x O) = x? The mathematical tool to do
+it is called induction. The induction principle states that, given a property P(n)
+over natural numbers, if we prove P(0) and prove that, for any m, P(m) implies P(S m),
+than we can conclude P(n) for any n.
+The elim tactic, allow you to apply induction in a very simple way. If your goal is
+P(n), the invocation of
+ elim n
+will break down your task to prove the two subgoals P(0) and ∀m.P(m) → P(S m).
+Let us apply it to our case *)
+lemma add_0: ∀a. add a O = a.
+#a elim a
+(* If you stop the computation here, you will see on the right the two subgoals
+ - add O O = O
+ - ∀x. add x 0 = x → add (S x) O = S x
+After normalization, both goals are trivial.
+normalize // qed.
+(* In a similar way, it is convenient to state a lemma about the behaviour of
+add when the second argument is not zero. *)
+lemma add_S : ∀a,b. add a (S b) = S (add a b).
+(* In the same way as before, we proceed by induction over a. *)
+#a #b elim a normalize //
+(* We are now in the position to prove the commutativity of the sum *)
+theorem add_comm : ∀a,b. add a b = add b a.
+#a elim a normalize
+(* We have two sub goals:
+ G1: ∀b. b = add b O
+ G2: ∀x.(∀b. add x b = add b x) → ∀b. S (add x b) = add b (S x).
+G1 is just our lemma add_O. For G2, we start introducing x and the induction
+hypothesis IH; then, the goal is proved by rewriting using add_S and IH.
+For Matita, the task is trivial and we can simply close the goal with // *)
+// qed.
+inductive bool : Type[0] ≝
+| tt : bool
+| ff : bool.
+definition nat_of_bool ≝ λb. match b with
+[ tt ⇒ S O
+| ff ⇒ O
+(* coercion nat_of_bool. ?? *)
+(* Let us now define the following function: *)
+definition twice ≝ λn.add n n.
+We are interested to prove that for any natural number n there exists a natural
+number m that is the integer half of n. This will give us the opportunity to
+introduce new connectives and quantifiers and, later on, to make some interesting
+consideration on proofs and computations. *)
+theorem ex_half: ∀n.∃m. n = twice m ∨ n = S (twice m).
+#n elim n normalize
+(* We proceed by induction on n, that breaks down to the following goals:
+ G1: ∃m.O = add O O ∨ O = S (add m m)
+ G2: ∀x.(∃m. x = add m m ∨ x = S (add m m))→ ∃m. S x = add m m ∨ S x = S (add m m)
+The only way we have to prove an existential goal is by exhibiting the witness,
+that in the case of first goal is O. We do it by apply the term called ex_intro
+instantiated by the witness. Then, it is clear that we must follow the left branch
+of the disjunction. One way to do it is by applying the term or_introl, that is
+the first constructor of the disjunction. However, remembering the names of
+constructors can be annyoing: we can invoke the application of the n-th
+constructor of an inductive type (inferred by the current goal) by typing %n. At
+this point we are left with the subgoal O = add O O, that is closed by
+computation. It is worth to observe that invoking automation at depth /3/ would
+also automatically close G1.
+ [@(ex_intro … O) %1 //
+The case of G2 is more complex. We should start introducing x and the
+inductive hypothesis
+ IH: ∃m. x = add m m ∨ x = S (add m m)
+At this point we should assume the existence of m enjoying the inductive
+hypothesis. To eliminate the existential from the context we can just use the
+case tactic. This situation where we introduce something into the context and
+immediately eliminate it by case analysis is so frequent that Matita provides a
+convenient shorthand: you can just type a single "*".
+The star symbol should be reminiscent of an explosion: the idea is that you have
+a structured hypothesis, and you ask to explode it into its constituents. In the
+case of the existential, it allows to pass from a goal of the shape
+ (∃x.P x) → Q
+to a goal of the shape
+ ∀x.P x → Q
+ |#x *
+(* At this point we are left with a new goal with the following shape
+ G3: ∀m. x = add m m ∨ x = S (add m m) → ....
+We should introduce m, the hypothesis H: x = add m m ∨ x = S (add m m), and
+then reason by cases on this hypothesis. It is the same situation as before:
+we explode the disjunctive hypothesis into its possible consituents. In the case
+of a disjunction, the * tactic allows to pass from a goal of the form
+ A∨B → Q
+to two subgoals of the form
+ A → Q and B → Q
+ #m * #eqx
+(* In the first subgoal, we are under the assumption that x = add m m. The half
+of (S x) is hence m, and we have to prove the right branch of the disjunction.
+In the second subgoal, we are under the assumption that x = S (add m m). The halh
+of (S x) is hence (S m), and have to follow the left branch of the disjunction.
+ [@(ex_intro … m) /2/ | @(ex_intro … (S m)) normalize /2/
+ ]
+Computing vs. Proving
+Instead of proving the existence of a number corresponding to the half of n,
+we could be interested in computing it. The best way to do it is to define this
+division operation together with the remainder, that in our case is just a
+boolean value: tt if the input term is even, and ff if the input term is odd.
+Since we must return a pair, we could use a suitably defined record type, or
+simply a product type nat × bool, defined in the basic library. The product type
+is just a sort of general purpose record, with standard fields fst and snd, called
+A pair of values n and m is written (pair … m n) or \langle n,m \rangle - visually
+rendered as 〈n,m〉
+We first write down the function, and then discuss it.*)
+let rec div2 n ≝
+match n with
+[ O ⇒ 〈O,ff〉
+| S a ⇒
+ let 〈q,r〉 ≝ (div2 a) in
+ match r with
+ [ tt ⇒ 〈S q,ff〉
+ | ff ⇒ 〈q, tt〉
+ ]
+(* The function is computed by recursion over the input n. If n is 0, then the
+quotient is 0 and the remainder is tt. If n = S a, we start computing the half
+of a, say 〈q,b〉. Then we have two cases according to the possible values of b:
+if b is tt, then we must return 〈q,ff〉, while if b = ff then we must return
+〈S q,tt〉.
+It is important to point out the deep, substantial analogy between the algorithm
+for computing div2 and the the proof of ex_half. In particular ex_half returns a
+proof of the kind ∃n.A(n)∨B(n): the really informative content in it is the
+witness n and a boolean indicating which one between the two conditions A(n) and
+B(n) is met. This is precisely the quotient-remainder pair returned by div2.
+In both cases we proceed by recurrence (respectively, induction or recursion) over
+the input argument n. In case n = 0, we conclude the proof in ex_half by providing
+the witness O and a proof of A(O); this corresponds to returning the pair 〈O,ff〉 in
+div2. Similarly, in the inductive case n = S a, we must exploit the inductive
+hypothesis for a (i.e. the result of the recursive call), distinguishing two subcases
+according to the the two possibilites A(a) or B(a) (i.e. the two possibile values of
+the remainder for a). The reader is strongly invited to check all remaining details.
+Let us now prove that our div2 function has the expected behaviour.
+lemma surjective_pairing: ∀A,B.∀p:A×B. p = 〈fst … p,\snd … p〉.
+#A #B * // qed.
+lemma div2SO: ∀n,q. div2 n = 〈q,ff〉 → div2 (S n) = 〈q,tt〉.
+#n #q #H normalize >H normalize // qed.
+lemma div2S1: ∀n,q. div2 n = 〈q,tt〉 → div2 (S n) = 〈S q,ff〉.
+#n #q #H normalize >H normalize // qed.
+lemma div2_ok: ∀n,q,r. div2 n = 〈q,r〉 → n = add (twice q) (nat_of_bool r).
+#n elim n
+ [#q #r normalize #H destruct //
+ |#a #Hind #q #r
+ cut (div2 a = 〈fst … (div2 a), snd … (div2 a)〉) [//]
+ cases (snd … (div2 a))
+ [#H >(div2S1 … H) #H1 destruct
+ >add_0 normalize @eq_f
+ cut (∀n.add (twice n) (S O) = add n (S n))
+ [|#Hcut <Hcut @(Hind … H)] #m normalize >add_S //
+ (* >add_S whd in ⊢ (???%); <add_S @(Hind … H) *)
+ |#H >(div2SO … H) #H1 destruct >add_S @eq_f @(Hind … H)
+ ]
+Mixing proofs and computations
+There is still another possibility, however, namely to mix the program and its
+specification into a single entity. The idea is to refine the output type of the
+div2 function: it should not be just a generic pair 〈q,r〉 of natural numbers but a
+specific pair satisfying the specification of the function. In other words, we need
+the possibility to define, for a type A and a property P over A, the subset type
+{a:A|P(a)} of all elements a of type A that satisfy the property P. Subset types
+are just a particular case of the so called dependent types, that is types that
+can depend over arguments (such as arrays of a specified length, taken as a
+parameter).These kind of types are quite unusual in traditional programming
+languages, and their study is one of the new frontiers of the current research on
+type systems.
+There is nothing special in a subset type {a:A|P(a)}: it is just a record composed
+by an element of a of type A and a proof of P(a). The crucial point is to have a
+language reach enough to comprise proofs among its expressions.
+record Sub (A:Type[0]) (P:A → Prop) : Type[0] ≝
+ {witness: A;
+ proof: P witness}.
+definition qr_spec ≝ λn.λp.∀q,r. p = 〈q,r〉 → n = add (twice q) (nat_of_bool r).
+(* We can now construct a function from n to {p|qr_spec n p} by composing the objects
+we already have *)
+definition div2P: ∀n. Sub (nat×bool) (qr_spec n) ≝ λn.
+ mk_Sub ?? (div2 n) (div2_ok n).
+(* But we can also try do directly build such an object *)
+definition div2Pagain : ∀n.Sub (nat×bool) (qr_spec n).
+#n elim n
+ [@(mk_Sub … 〈O,ff〉) normalize #q #r #H destruct //
+ |#a * #p #qrspec
+ cut (p = 〈fst … p, snd … p〉) [//]
+ cases (snd … p)
+ [#H @(mk_Sub … 〈S (fst … p),ff〉) whd #q #r #H1 destruct @eq_f >add_S
+ whd in ⊢ (???%); <add_S @(qrspec … H)
+ |#H @(mk_Sub … 〈fst … p,tt〉) whd #q #r #H1 destruct >add_S @eq_f @(qrspec … H)
+ ]
+example full7: (div2Pagain (S(S(S(S(S(S(S O)))))))) = ?.
+// qed.
+example quotient7: witness … (div2Pagain (S(S(S(S(S(S(S O)))))))) = ?.
+normalize 〈S(S(S O)),tt〉.
+normalize // qed.
+example quotient8: witness … (div2Pagain (twice (twice (twice (twice (S O))))))
+ = 〈twice (twice (twice (S O))), ff〉.
+// qed.