interpretation "SET dagger" 'prop1 h = (prop11_SET1 _ _ _ _ _ h).
interpretation "unary morphism1" 'Imply a b = (arrows2 SET1 a b).
interpretation "SET1 eq" 'eq x y = (eq_rel1 _ (eq'' _) x y).
+lemma unary_morphism1_of_arrows1_SET1: ∀S,T. (S ⇒ T) → unary_morphism1 S T.
+ intros; apply t;
+coercion unary_morphism1_of_arrows1_SET1.
\ No newline at end of file
| apply refl1]]
-lemma hintx: ∀S,T. (S ⇒ T) → unary_morphism1 S T.
- intros; apply t;
-coercion hintx.
definition BTop: category2.
constructor 1;
[ apply basic_topology
change with (b⎻* (a'⎻* (A o1 x)) = b'⎻*(a'⎻* (A o1 x)));
alias symbol "trans" = "trans1".
alias symbol "prop1" = "prop11".
- apply (.= †(saturated o1 o2 a' (A o1 x) : ?));
- [ apply ((saturation_idempotent ?? (A_is_saturation o1) x)^-1); ]
+ alias symbol "invert" = "setoid1 symmetry".
+ lapply (.= †(saturated o1 o2 a' (A o1 x) : ?));
+ [3: apply (b⎻* ); | 5: apply Hletin; |1,2: skip;
+ |apply ((saturation_idempotent ?? (A_is_saturation o1) x)^-1); ]
change in e1 with (∀x.b⎻* (A o2 x) = b'⎻* (A o2 x));
apply (.= (e1 (a'⎻* (A o1 x))));
alias symbol "invert" = "setoid1 symmetry".
- apply (†((saturated ?? a' (A o1 x) : ?) ^ -1));
- apply ((saturation_idempotent ?? (A_is_saturation o1) x)^-1);]
+ lapply (†((saturated ?? a' (A o1 x) : ?) ^ -1));
+ [2: apply (b'⎻* ); |4: apply Hletin; | skip;
+ |apply ((saturation_idempotent ?? (A_is_saturation o1) x)^-1);]]
| intros; simplify;
change with (((a34⎻* ∘ a23⎻* ) ∘ a12⎻* ) ∘ A o1 = ((a34⎻* ∘ (a23⎻* ∘ a12⎻* )) ∘ A o1));
apply rule (#‡ASSOC1\sup -1);