(* $Id$ *)
+let ppterm =
+ ref (fun ~context:_ ~subst:_ ~metasenv:_ ?inside_fix _ ->
+ let _ = inside_fix in assert false)
+let set_ppterm f = ppterm := f;;
module C = NCic
module Ref = NReference
| n when n < k -> t
| n (* k <= n < k+nargs *) ->
(try lift (k-1) (map_arg (List.nth args (n-k)))
- with Failure _ -> assert false))
+ with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> assert false))
| C.Meta (i,(m,l)) as t when m >= k + nargs - 1 ->
if nargs <> 0 then C.Meta (i,(m-nargs,l)) else t
| C.Meta (i,(m,(C.Irl l as irl))) as t when k > l + m ->
if nargs <> 0 then C.Meta (i,(m-nargs,irl)) else t
| C.Meta (i,(m,l)) ->
let lctx = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l in
- (* 1-nargs < k-m, when <= 0 is still reasonable because we will
- * substitute args[ k-m ... k-m+nargs-1 > 0 ] *)
- C.Meta (i,(m, C.Ctx (HExtlib.sharing_map (substaux (k-m)) lctx)))
+ C.Meta (i,(0,
+ C.Ctx (HExtlib.sharing_map (fun x -> substaux k (lift m x)) lctx)))
| C.Implicit _ -> assert false (* was identity *)
| C.Appl (he::tl) as t ->
(* Invariant: no Appl applied to another Appl *)
(* $Id$ *)
+val set_ppterm : (context:NCic.context ->
+ subst:NCic.substitution ->
+ metasenv:NCic.metasenv ->
+ ?inside_fix:bool ->
+ NCic.term -> string) -> unit
(* lift n t *)
(* lifts [t] of [n] *)
(* [from] default 1, lifts only indexes >= [from] *)