(**** SET_DEFAULT ****)
-exception NotRecognized;;
+exception NotRecognized of string;;
(* insert an element in front of the list, removing from the list all the
previous elements with the same key associated *)
false_URIs_ref := insert_unique false_URI (fun x -> x) !false_URIs_ref
| "absurd",[absurd_URI] ->
absurd_URIs_ref := insert_unique absurd_URI (fun x -> x) !absurd_URIs_ref
- | _,_ -> raise NotRecognized
+ | _,_ -> raise (NotRecognized what)
let reset_defaults () =
eq_URIs_ref := default_eq_URIs;
let is_eq_ind_r_URI uri =
List.exists (fun (_,_,_,_,eq_ind_r) -> UriManager.eq eq_ind_r uri) !eq_URIs_ref
-let is_trans_eq_URI uri =
+let is_trans_eq_URI uri =
List.exists (fun (_,_,trans_eq,_,_) -> UriManager.eq trans_eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let is_sym_eq_URI uri =
List.exists (fun (_,sym_eq,_,_,_) -> UriManager.eq sym_eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref
let sym_eq_URI ~eq:uri =
let _,x,_,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
- with Not_found -> raise NotRecognized
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let trans_eq_URI ~eq:uri =
let _,_,x,_,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
- with Not_found -> raise NotRecognized
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let eq_ind_URI ~eq:uri =
let _,_,_,x,_ = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
- with Not_found -> raise NotRecognized
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let eq_ind_r_URI ~eq:uri =
let _,_,_,_,x = List.find (fun eq,_,_,_,_ -> UriManager.eq eq uri) !eq_URIs_ref in x
- with Not_found -> raise NotRecognized
+ with Not_found -> raise (NotRecognized (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
let true_URI () = List.hd !true_URIs_ref
let false_URI () = List.hd !false_URIs_ref