set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/RELATIONAL/NLE/defs".
-include "logic/".
+include "NPlus/".
-include "Nat/".
-inductive NLE: Nat \to Nat \to Prop \def
- | NLE_zero: \forall q. NLE zero q
- | NLE_succ: \forall p,q. NLE p q \to NLE (succ p) (succ q)
+definition NLE: Nat \to Nat \to Prop \def
+ \lambda q,r. \exists p. (p + q == r).
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
-interpretation "natural 'less or equal to'" 'leq x y =
- (cic:/matita/RELATIONAL/NLE/defs/NLE.ind#xpointer(1/1) x y).
+interpretation "natural 'less or equal to'" 'leq x y =
+ (cic:/matita/RELATIONAL/NLE/defs/NLE.con x y).
(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
interpretation "natural 'less than'" 'lt x y =
- (cic:/matita/RELATIONAL/NLE/defs/NLE.ind#xpointer(1/1)
+ (cic:/matita/RELATIONAL/NLE/defs/NLE.con
(cic:/matita/RELATIONAL/Nat/defs/Nat.ind#xpointer(1/1/2) x) y).
include "logic/".
-include "Nat/".
+include "NPlus/".
include "NLE/".
theorem nle_gen_succ_1: \forall x,y. x < y \to
\exists z. y = succ z \land x <= z.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros;
- [ apply (eq_gen_succ_zero ? ? H)
- | lapply linear eq_gen_succ_succ to H2 as H0.
- subst.
- apply ex_intro; [|auto new timeout=30] (**)
- ].
+ unfold NLE.
+ intros. decompose.
+ lapply linear nplus_gen_succ_2 to H1 as H.
+ decompose. subst.
+ apply ex_intro; auto. (**)
theorem nle_gen_succ_succ: \forall x,y. x < succ y \to x <= y.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros;
- [ apply (eq_gen_succ_zero ? ? H)
- | lapply linear eq_gen_succ_succ to H2 as H0.
- lapply linear eq_gen_succ_succ to H3 as H2.
- subst. auto new timeout=30
- ].
+ intros.
+ lapply linear nle_gen_succ_1 to H as H0. decompose H0.
+ lapply linear eq_gen_succ_succ to H1 as H. subst.
+ auto.
theorem nle_gen_succ_zero: \forall (P:Prop). \forall x. x < zero \to P.
include "NLE/".
+theorem nle_zero: \forall q. zero <= q.
+ unfold NLE.
+ intros. apply ex_intro; auto. (**)
+theorem nle_succ: \forall p,q. p <= q \to succ p <= succ q.
+ unfold NLE.
+ intros. decompose.
+ apply ex_intro; auto. (**)
theorem nle_refl: \forall x. x <= x.
intros 1; elim x; clear x; intros; auto new timeout=100.
theorem nle_trans_succ: \forall x,y. x <= y \to x <= succ y.
- intros. elim H; clear H x y; intros; auto new timeout=100.
+ intros 1. elim x; clear x; intros;
+ [ auto new timeout=100.
+ | lapply linear nle_gen_succ_1 to H1 as H0. decompose H0. subst.
+ auto new timeout=100.
+ ].
theorem nle_lt_or_eq: \forall y,x. x <= y \to x < y \lor x = y.