| Cic.Prod (name, s, t)
| Cic.Lambda (name, s, t) ->
aux context s @ aux (add_ctx context name (Cic.Decl s)) t
+ | Cic.LetIn (name, s, t) ->
+ aux context s @ aux (add_ctx context name (Cic.Def (s,None))) t
| Cic.Appl tl -> auxs context tl
- | Cic.LetIn (Cic.Anonymous, s1, t1), Cic.LetIn (name, s2, t2) ->
- aux context s1 s2 @ aux (add_ctx context name (Cic.Def (s2,None))) t1 t2
- | Cic.LetIn (Cic.Name n1, s1, t1),
- Cic.LetIn ((Cic.Name n2) as name, s2, t2) when n1 = n2->
- aux context s1 s2 @ aux (add_ctx context name (Cic.Def (s2,None))) t1 t2
- | Cic.LetIn (name1, s1, t1), Cic.LetIn (name2, s2, t2) -> []
- | Cic.MutCase (_, _, out1, t1, pat1), Cic.MutCase (_ , _, out2, t2, pat2) ->
- aux context out1 out2 @ aux context t1 t2 @ auxs context pat1 pat2
- | Cic.Fix (_, funs1), Cic.Fix (_, funs2) ->
+ | Cic.MutCase (_, _, out, t, pat) ->
+ aux context out @ aux context t @ auxs context pat
+ | Cic.Fix (_, funs) ->
let tys =
- List.map (fun (n,_,ty,_) -> Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) funs2
+ List.map (fun (n,_,ty,_) -> Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) funs
- (List.map2
- (fun (_, _, ty1, bo1) (_, _, ty2, bo2) ->
- aux context ty1 ty2 @ aux (tys @ context) bo1 bo2)
- funs1 funs2)
- | Cic.CoFix (_, funs1), Cic.CoFix (_, funs2) ->
+ (List.map
+ (fun (_, _, ty, bo) ->
+ aux context ty @ aux (tys @ context) bo)
+ funs)
+ | Cic.CoFix (_, funs) ->
let tys =
- List.map (fun (n,ty,_) -> Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) funs2
+ List.map (fun (n,ty,_) -> Some (Cic.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) funs
- (List.map2
- (fun (_, ty1, bo1) (_, ty2, bo2) ->
- aux context ty1 ty2 @ aux (tys @ context) bo1 bo2)
- funs1 funs2)
- | x,y ->
- raise (Bad_pattern
- (Printf.sprintf "Pattern %s versus term %s"
- (CicPp.ppterm x)
- (CicPp.ppterm y)))
+ (List.map
+ (fun (_, ty, bo) ->
+ aux context ty @ aux (tys @ context) bo)
+ funs)
and auxs context tl = (* as aux for list of terms *)
List.concat (List.map (fun t -> aux context t) tl)