(*CSC definizione (giusta???) tratta dalla mail di Hugo ;-) *)
let rec weakly_positive ~subst context n nn uri te =
(*CSC: Che schifo! Bisogna capire meglio e trovare una soluzione ragionevole!*)
- let dummy_mutind = C.Implicit `Hole in
+ let dummy = C.Sort (C.Type ~-1) in
(*CSC: mettere in cicSubstitution *)
- let rec subst_inductive_type_with_dummy_mutind _ = function
- | C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind 0)) when NUri.eq uri' uri -> dummy_mutind
- | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind 0)))::tl) when NUri.eq uri' uri ->
- dummy_mutind
- | t -> U.map (fun _ x->x) () subst_inductive_type_with_dummy_mutind t
+ let rec subst_inductive_type_with_dummy _ = function
+ | C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind 0)) when NUri.eq uri' uri -> dummy
+ | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind 0)))::tl)
+ when NUri.eq uri' uri -> dummy
+ | t -> U.map (fun _ x->x) () subst_inductive_type_with_dummy t
match R.whd context te with
| C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind _))
- | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind _)))::_) when NUri.eq uri' uri -> true
+ | C.Appl ((C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri',Ref.Ind _)))::_)
+ when NUri.eq uri' uri -> true
| C.Prod (name,source,dest) when
does_not_occur ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context) 0 1 dest ->
(* dummy abstraction, so we behave as in the anonimous case *)
strictly_positive ~subst context n nn
- (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy_mutind () source) &&
- weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
- (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
+ (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy () source) &&
+ weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
+ (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
| C.Prod (name,source,dest) ->
does_not_occur ~subst context n nn
- (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy_mutind () source)&&
- weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
- (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
+ (subst_inductive_type_with_dummy () source)&&
+ weakly_positive ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context)
+ (n + 1) (nn + 1) uri dest
| _ ->
raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy "Malformed inductive constructor type"))