(* TODO ristretto per ragioni di efficienza *)
List.filter (fun _,uri -> Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^cic:/Coq/" uri) uris in
- (*
- let uris =
- List.filter (fun _,uri -> not (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^cic:/Coq/ring" uri)) uris in
- *)
(* concl_cost are the costants in the conclusion of the proof
while hyp_const are the constants in the hypothesis *)
let (_,concl_const) = NewConstraints.constants_of ty in
filter_out uris
prerr_endline ("Ne sono rimasti " ^ string_of_int (List.length uris'));
List.nth list_of_must 0 *)
let searchTheorems mqi_handle (proof,goal) =
-(*prerr_endline "1";*)
let subproofs =
matchConclusion2 mqi_handle ~choose_must() (proof, goal) in
let res =
(* now we may drop the prefix tag *)
- List.map snd res
+ (*let res' =
+ List.map snd res in*)
+ let order_goal_list proof goal1 goal2 =
+ let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
+ let (ey1, ty1) =
+ let (_, ey ,ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal1 metasenv in
+ (ey, ty) in
+ let (ey2, ty2) =
+ let (_, ey ,ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal2 metasenv in
+ (ey, ty) in
+ let ty_sort1 = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey1 ty1 in
+ let ty_sort2 = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey1 ty2 in
+ let prop1 = if CicReduction.are_convertible
+ ey1 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort1 then 0
+ else 1 in
+ let prop2 = if CicReduction.are_convertible
+ ey2 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort2 then 0
+ else 1 in
+ prop1 - prop2 in
+ List.map (fun (level,(proof,goallist)) -> (proof, (List.stable_sort (order_goal_list proof) goallist))) res