+theorem lt_SO_to_le_exp_B: \forall n. S O < n \to
+exp (S(S O)) ((S(S O))*n) \le (S(S O)) * n * B ((S(S O))*n).
+apply (le_times_to_le (exp (fact n) (S(S O))))
+ [apply lt_O_exp.
+ apply lt_O_fact
+ |rewrite < assoc_times in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? (? % ?)).
+ rewrite > assoc_times in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ rewrite < eq_fact_B
+ [rewrite < sym_times.
+ apply fact3.
+ apply lt_to_le.assumption
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem le_exp_B: \forall n. O < n \to
+exp (S(S O)) ((S(S O))*n) \le (S(S O)) * n * B ((S(S O))*n).
+elim H
+ [apply le_n
+ |apply lt_SO_to_le_exp_B.
+ apply le_S_S.assumption
+ ]
theorem eq_A_SSO_n: \forall n.O < n \to
A((S(S O))*n) =
pi_p (S ((S(S O))*n)) primeb
-theorem times_exp:
-\forall n,m,p. exp n p * exp m p = exp (n*m) p.
-intros.elim p
- [simplify.reflexivity
- |simplify.
- rewrite > assoc_times.
- rewrite < assoc_times in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %) ?).
- rewrite < sym_times in ⊢ (? ? (? ? (? % ?)) ?).
- rewrite > assoc_times in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %) ?).
- rewrite < assoc_times.
- rewrite < H.
- reflexivity
- ]
-theorem monotonic_exp1: \forall n.
-monotonic nat le (\lambda x.(exp x n)).
-unfold monotonic. intros.
-simplify.elim n
- [apply le_n
- |simplify.
- apply le_times;assumption
- ]
(* a better result *)
theorem le_A_exp3: \forall n. S O < n \to
A(n) \le exp (pred n) (S(S O))*(exp (S(S O)) ((S(S O)) * n)).
+theorem eq_sigma_pi_SO_n: \forall n.
+sigma_p n (\lambda i.true) (\lambda i.S O) = n.
+intro.elim n
+ [reflexivity
+ |rewrite > true_to_sigma_p_Sn
+ [rewrite > H.reflexivity
+ |reflexivity
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem leA_prim: \forall n.
+exp n (prim n) \le A n * pi_p (S n) primeb (λp:nat.p).
+unfold prim.
+rewrite < (exp_sigma_p (S n) n primeb).
+unfold A.
+rewrite < times_pi_p.
+apply le_pi_p.
+rewrite > sym_times.
+change in ⊢ (? ? %) with (exp i (S (log i n))).
+apply lt_to_le.
+apply lt_exp_log.
+apply prime_to_lt_SO.
+apply primeb_true_to_prime.
+(* the inequalities *)
+theorem le_exp_priml: \forall n. O < n \to
+exp (S(S O)) ((S(S O))*n) \le exp ((S(S O))*n) (S(prim ((S(S O))*n))).
+apply (trans_le ? ((((S(S O))*n*(B ((S(S O))*n))))))
+ [apply le_exp_B.assumption
+ |change in ⊢ (? ? %) with ((((S(S O))*n))*(((S(S O))*n))\sup (prim ((S(S O))*n))).
+ apply le_times_r.
+ apply (trans_le ? (A ((S(S O))*n)))
+ [apply le_B_A
+ |apply le_Al
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem le_priml: \forall n. O < n \to
+(S(S O))*n \le (S (log (S(S O)) ((S(S O))*n)))*S(prim ((S(S O))*n)).
+rewrite < (eq_log_exp (S(S O))) in ⊢ (? % ?)
+ [apply (trans_le ? ((log (S(S O)) (exp ((S(S O))*n) (S(prim ((S(S O))*n)))))))
+ [apply le_log
+ [apply le_n
+ |apply lt_O_exp.apply lt_O_S
+ |apply le_exp_priml.assumption
+ ]
+ |rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ apply log_exp1.
+ apply le_n
+ ]
+ |apply le_n
+ ]
+theorem le_exp_primr: \forall n. S O < n \to
+exp n (prim n) \le exp (pred n) ((S(S O))*(S(S O)))*(exp (S(S O)) ((S(S O))*(S(S O)) * n)).
+apply (trans_le ? (exp (A n) (S(S O))))
+ [change in ⊢ (? ? %) with ((A n)*((A n)*(S O))).
+ rewrite < times_n_SO.
+ apply leA_r2
+ |apply (trans_le ? (exp (exp (pred n) (S(S O))*(exp (S(S O)) ((S(S O)) * n))) (S(S O))))
+ [apply monotonic_exp1.
+ apply le_A_exp3.
+ assumption
+ |rewrite < times_exp.
+ rewrite > exp_exp_times.
+ rewrite > exp_exp_times.
+ rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? (? ? (? ? %)) ?).
+ rewrite < assoc_times in ⊢ (? (? ? (? ? %)) ?).
+ apply le_n
+ ]
+ ]
(* da spostare *)
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| A.Asperti, C.Sacerdoti Coen, *)
+(* ||A|| E.Tassi, S.Zacchiroli *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / Matita is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/nat/div_and_mod_diseq".
+include "nat/lt_arith.ma".
+(* the proof that
+ n \mod m < m,
+ called lt_mod_m_m, is in div_and_mod.
+Other inequalities are also in lt_arith.ma.
+theorem lt_div_S: \forall n,m. O < m \to
+n < S(n / m)*m.
+change with (n < m +(n/m)*m).
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+rewrite > (div_mod n m H) in ⊢ (? % ?).
+apply lt_plus_r.
+apply lt_mod_m_m.
+theorem le_div: \forall n,m. O < n \to m/n \le m.
+rewrite > (div_mod m n) in \vdash (? ? %)
+ [apply (trans_le ? (m/n*n))
+ [rewrite > times_n_SO in \vdash (? % ?).
+ apply le_times
+ [apply le_n|assumption]
+ |apply le_plus_n_r
+ ]
+ |assumption
+ ]
+theorem le_plus_mod: \forall m,n,q. O < q \to
+(m+n) \mod q \le m \mod q + n \mod q .
+elim (decidable_le q (m \mod q + n \mod q))
+ [apply not_lt_to_le.intro.
+ apply (le_to_not_lt q q)
+ [apply le_n
+ |apply (le_to_lt_to_lt ? (m\mod q+n\mod q))
+ [assumption
+ |apply (trans_lt ? ((m+n)\mod q))
+ [assumption
+ |apply lt_mod_m_m.assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ |cut ((m+n)\mod q = m\mod q+n\mod q)
+ [rewrite < Hcut.apply le_n
+ |apply (div_mod_spec_to_eq2 (m+n) q ((m+n)/q) ((m+n) \mod q) (m/q + n/q))
+ [apply div_mod_spec_div_mod.
+ assumption
+ |apply div_mod_spec_intro
+ [apply not_le_to_lt.assumption
+ |rewrite > (div_mod n q H) in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %) ?).
+ rewrite < assoc_plus.
+ rewrite < assoc_plus in ⊢ (? ? ? %).
+ apply eq_f2
+ [rewrite > (div_mod m q) in ⊢ (? ? (? % ?) ?)
+ [rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? ? (? % ?)).
+ rewrite > distr_times_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? ? (? (? % ?) ?)).
+ rewrite > assoc_plus.
+ rewrite > assoc_plus in ⊢ (? ? ? %).
+ apply eq_f.
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_times.
+ reflexivity
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ |reflexivity
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem le_plus_div: \forall m,n,q. O < q \to
+m/q + n/q \le (m+n)/q.
+apply (le_times_to_le q)
+ [assumption
+ |rewrite > distr_times_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_times.
+ rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? (? ? %) ?).
+ rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ apply (le_plus_to_le ((m+n) \mod q)).
+ rewrite > sym_plus in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ rewrite < (div_mod ? ? H).
+ rewrite > (div_mod n q H) in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %)).
+ rewrite < assoc_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_plus in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %)).
+ rewrite < assoc_plus in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ apply le_plus_l.
+ rewrite > (div_mod m q H) in ⊢ (? ? (? % ?)).
+ rewrite > assoc_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ apply le_plus_r.
+ apply le_plus_mod.
+ assumption
+ ]
+theorem le_times_to_le_div: \forall a,b,c:nat.
+O \lt b \to (b*c) \le a \to c \le (a /b).
+apply lt_S_to_le.
+apply (lt_times_n_to_lt b)
+ [assumption
+ |rewrite > sym_times.
+ apply (le_to_lt_to_lt ? a)
+ [assumption
+ |simplify.
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ rewrite > (div_mod a b) in ⊢ (? % ?)
+ [apply lt_plus_r.
+ apply lt_mod_m_m.
+ assumption
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem le_times_to_le_div2: \forall m,n,q. O < q \to
+n \le m*q \to n/q \le m.
+apply (le_times_to_le q ? ? H).
+rewrite > sym_times.
+rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? %).
+apply (le_plus_to_le (n \mod q)).
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+rewrite < div_mod
+ [apply (trans_le ? (m*q))
+ [assumption
+ |apply le_plus_n
+ ]
+ |assumption
+ ]
+(* da spostare *)
+theorem lt_m_nm: \forall n,m. O < m \to S O < n \to
+m < n*m.
+elim H1
+ [simplify.rewrite < plus_n_O.
+ rewrite > plus_n_O in ⊢ (? % ?).
+ apply lt_plus_r.assumption
+ |simplify.
+ rewrite > plus_n_O in ⊢ (? % ?).
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ apply lt_plus
+ [assumption
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem lt_times_to_lt: \forall i,n,m. O < i \to
+i * n < i * m \to n < m.
+apply not_le_to_lt.intro.
+apply (lt_to_not_le ? ? H1).
+apply le_times_r.
+theorem lt_times_to_lt_div: \forall m,n,q. O < q \to
+n < m*q \to n/q < m.
+apply (lt_times_to_lt q ? ? H).
+rewrite > sym_times.
+rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? ? %).
+apply (le_plus_to_le (n \mod q)).
+rewrite < plus_n_Sm.
+rewrite > sym_plus.
+rewrite < div_mod
+ [apply (trans_le ? (m*q))
+ [assumption
+ |apply le_plus_n
+ ]
+ |assumption
+ ]
+theorem lt_div: \forall n,m. O < m \to S O < n \to m/n < m.
+apply lt_times_to_lt_div
+ [apply lt_to_le. assumption
+ |rewrite > sym_times.
+ apply lt_m_nm;assumption
+ ]
+theorem le_div_plus_S: \forall m,n,q. O < q \to
+(m+n)/q \le S(m/q + n/q).
+apply le_S_S_to_le.
+apply lt_times_to_lt_div
+ [assumption
+ |change in ⊢ (? ? %) with (q + (q + (m/q+n/q)*q)).
+ rewrite > sym_times.
+ rewrite > distr_times_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_times.
+ rewrite < assoc_plus in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %)).
+ rewrite < assoc_plus.
+ rewrite > sym_plus in ⊢ (? ? (? % ?)).
+ rewrite > assoc_plus.
+ apply lt_plus
+ [change with (m < S(m/q)*q).
+ apply lt_div_S.
+ assumption
+ |rewrite > sym_times.
+ change with (n < S(n/q)*q).
+ apply lt_div_S.
+ assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem le_div_S_S_div: \forall n,m. O < m \to
+(S n)/m \le S (n /m).
+apply le_times_to_le_div2
+ [assumption
+ |simplify.
+ rewrite > (div_mod n m H) in ⊢ (? (? %) ?).
+ rewrite > plus_n_Sm.
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ apply le_plus_l.
+ apply lt_mod_m_m.
+ assumption.
+ ]
+theorem le_times_div_div_times: \forall a,n,m.O < m \to
+a*(n/m) \le a*n/m.
+apply le_times_to_le_div
+ [assumption
+ |rewrite > sym_times.
+ rewrite > assoc_times.
+ apply le_times_r.
+ rewrite > (div_mod n m H) in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ apply le_plus_n_r.
+ ]
+theorem monotonic_div: \forall n.O < n \to
+monotonic nat le (\lambda m.div m n).
+unfold monotonic.simplify.intros.
+apply le_times_to_le_div
+ [assumption
+ |apply (trans_le ? x)
+ [rewrite > sym_times.
+ rewrite > (div_mod x n H) in ⊢ (? ? %).
+ apply le_plus_n_r
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+theorem le_div_times_m: \forall a,i,m. O < i \to O < m \to
+(a * (m / i)) / m \le a / i.
+apply (trans_le ? ((a*m/i)/m))
+ [apply monotonic_div
+ [assumption
+ |apply le_times_div_div_times.
+ assumption
+ ]
+ |rewrite > eq_div_div_div_times
+ [rewrite > sym_times in ⊢ (? (? ? %) ?).
+ rewrite < eq_div_div_div_times
+ [apply monotonic_div
+ [assumption
+ |rewrite > lt_O_to_div_times
+ [apply le_n
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ |assumption
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ |assumption
+ |assumption
+ ]
+ ]