+++ /dev/null
-(* XXX coercions *)
-axiom A: Type.
-axiom B: Type.
-axiom cAB: A -> B.
-coercion cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/cAB.con.
-inductive eq (A:Type) (x:A) : A \to Prop \def
- refl_eq : eq A x x.
-(* XXX notation *)
-notation "hvbox(a break === b)" non associative with precedence 45 for @{ 'eqqq $a $b }.
-interpretation "test" 'eqqq x y = (cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1) _ x y).
-theorem eq_rect':
- \forall A. \forall x:A. \forall P: \forall y:A. x===y \to Type.
- P ? (refl_eq ? x) \to \forall y:A. \forall p:x===y. P y p.
- intros.
- exact
- (match p1 return \lambda y. \lambda p.P y p with
- [refl_eq \Rightarrow p]).
-lemma sym_eq : \forall A:Type.\forall x,y:A. x===y \to y===x.
-intros.elim H. apply refl_eq.
-lemma trans_eq : \forall A:Type.\forall x,y,z:A. x===y \to y===z \to x===z.
-intros.elim H1.assumption.
-theorem eq_elim_r:
- \forall A:Type.\forall x:A. \forall P: A \to Prop.
- P x \to \forall y:A. y===x \to P y.
-intros. elim (sym_eq ? ? ? H1).assumption.
-theorem eq_elim_r':
- \forall A:Type.\forall x:A. \forall P: A \to Set.
- P x \to \forall y:A. y===x \to P y.
-intros. elim (sym_eq ? ? ? H).assumption.
-theorem eq_elim_r'':
- \forall A:Type.\forall x:A. \forall P: A \to Type.
- P x \to \forall y:A. y===x \to P y.
-intros. elim (sym_eq ? ? ? H).assumption.
-theorem eq_f: \forall A,B:Type.\forall f:A\to B.
-\forall x,y:A. x===y \to f x === f y.
-intros.elim H.apply refl_eq.
-theorem eq_f': \forall A,B:Type.\forall f:A\to B.
-\forall x,y:A. x===y \to f y === f x.
-intros.elim H.apply refl_eq.
-(* XXX defaults *)
-default "equality"
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq.ind
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/sym_eq.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/trans_eq.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_ind.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_elim_r.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_rec.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_elim_r'.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_rect.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_elim_r''.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_f.con
- cic:/matita/tests/push_pop_status/eq_f'.con. (* \x.sym (eq_f x) *)
-include "push_pop_status_aux1.ma".
-(* include "push_pop_status_aux2.ma". *)
-(* XXX default *)
-theorem prova: \forall x:A. eq A x x.
-intros. reflexivity.
-(* XXX notation *)
-theorem prova1: \forall x:A. x === x.
-intros. apply refl_eq.
-(* XXX coercion *)
-theorem pippo: A -> B.
-intro a.
-apply (a : B).
-definition X := b.