let to_unicode = Utf8Macro.unicode_of_tex
+let small_skip = Box.Text ([], " ")
let open_paren = Box.Text ([], "(")
let closed_paren = Box.Text ([], ")")
let semicolon = Box.Text ([], ";")
BoxPp.render_to_string (function x::_->x|_->assert false)
~map_unicode_to_tex:false 80 t);*)t)
+let box_of spec attrs children =
+ match children with
+ | [t] -> t
+ | _ ->
+ let kind, spacing, indent = spec in
+ let dress children =
+ if spacing then
+ NotationUtil.dress small_skip children
+ else
+ children
+ in
+ let attrs' =
+ (if spacing then RenderingAttrs.spacing_attributes `BoxML else [])
+ @ (if indent then RenderingAttrs.indent_attributes `BoxML else [])
+ @ attrs
+ in
+ match kind with
+ | A.H -> Box.H (attrs',children)
+ | A.V -> Box.V (attrs',children)
+ | A.HV -> Box.HV (attrs',children)
+ | A.HOV -> Box.HOV (attrs',children)
let render status ?(prec=(-1)) =
let rec aux prec t =
match t with