may have an argument which is a term (now in textual form). Depending on the
current parser in use, the syntax for the textual form must be TeX or
ASCII art. Which one is the right one? The current momentary patch activates
the TeX syntax.
| Use_split_Luke -> Tactics.split ()
| Use_left_Luke -> Tactics.left ()
| Use_right_Luke -> Tactics.right ()
- | Use_apply_Luke term -> Tactics.apply ~term ()
+ | Use_apply_Luke term ->
+ (* CSC: patch momentanea: la stringa deve essere nel formato *)
+ (* CSC: corretto (ovvero quotata se e' TeX ;-((( *)
+ let term =
+ let term' = String.sub term 4 (String.length term - 4) in
+ "$" ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "_") "\\_" term' ^ "$"
+ in
+ Tactics.apply ~term ()
| Hints _ -> assert false
let rec enable () =