-let depth = 9;;
-let width = 9;;
+let depth = 5;;
+let width = 3;;
let new_search_theorems f proof goal depth gtl sign =
let choices = f (proof,goal)
match meta_inf with
Some (ey, ty) ->
(* the goal is still there *)
- (*
+ (*
prerr_endline ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
prerr_endline ("CURRENT PROOF = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm p));
prerr_endline ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
let inspected_goals = Hashtbl.create 503;;
-let compare_goal_list proof goal1 goal2 =
- let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
- let (_, ey1, ty1) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal1 metasenv in
- let (_, ey2, ty2) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal2 metasenv in
- let ty_sort1,_ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey1 ty1
- CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- let ty_sort2,_ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey2 ty2
- CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- let prop1 =
- let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible ey1 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort1
- CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- if b then 0 else 1
- in
- let prop2 =
- let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible ey2 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort2
- CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- if b then 0 else 1
- in
- prop1 - prop2
let search_theorems_in_context status =
let (proof, goal) = status in
let module C = Cic in
let (subst,(proof, goal_list)) =
PT.apply_tac_verbose ~term:(C.Rel n) status in
+ (*
let goal_list =
- List.stable_sort (compare_goal_list proof) goal_list in
+ List.stable_sort (compare_goal_list proof) goal_list in
+ *)
Some (subst,(proof, goal_list))
PET.Fail _ -> None in
-let new_search_theorems f proof goal depth sign =
+(** splits a list of goals in three groups: closed propositional goals,
+ open propositional goals and non proposotional goals *)
+let split proof l =
+ let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (c,o,z,n) g ->
+ try
+ let (_, ey, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
+ let ty_sort,u =
+ CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey ty CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ let b,_ =
+ CicReduction.are_convertible ey (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort u in
+ if b then
+ (if CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty then
+ (g::c,o,z,n)
+ else
+ (c,g::o,z,n))
+ else (c,o,z,g::n)
+ with
+ CicUtil.Meta_not_found _ -> (c,o,g::z,n)
+ )
+ ([],[],[],[]) l
+let my_weight dbd sign proof g =
+ let res =
+ search_theorems_in_context (proof,g) in
+ (* @
+ (List.map snd (MetadataQuery.experimental_hint
+ ~dbd ~facts:false ?signature:sign (proof,g))) in *)
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun n (_,(_,l)) -> n+(List.length l)+1)
+ 0 res
+let add_weight dbd sign proof =
+ List.map (function g -> (g,my_weight dbd sign proof g))
+(* let reorder_goals dbd sign proof goals =
+ List.rev goals *)
+(* let reorder_goals dbd sign proof goals =
+ let (c,o,z,n) = split proof goals
+ in c@o@n@z *)
+let reorder_goals dbd sign proof goals =
+ let (c,o,z,n) = split proof goals in
+ match o with
+ [] -> c@n@z
+ | [g] ->c@[g]@n@z
+ | l ->
+ let l' = add_weight dbd sign proof l in
+ c@(List.map fst (List.sort (fun (_,x) (_,y) -> x - y) l'))@n@z
+let compare_goals proof goal1 goal2 =
+ let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
+ let (_, ey1, ty1) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal1 metasenv in
+ let (_, ey2, ty2) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal2 metasenv in
+ let ty_sort1,_ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey1 ty1
+ CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ let ty_sort2,_ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey2 ty2
+ CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ let prop1 =
+ let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible ey1 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort1
+ CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ if b then 0 else 1
+ in
+ let prop2 =
+ let b,_ = CicReduction.are_convertible ey2 (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort2
+ CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ if b then 0 else 1
+ in
+ prop1 - prop2
+let new_search_theorems f dbd proof goal depth sign =
let choices = f (proof,goal)
(function (subst,(proof, goallist)) ->
+ (* let goallist = reorder_goals dbd sign proof goallist in *)
+ let goallist = List.sort (compare_goals proof) goallist in
(subst,(proof,(List.map (function g -> (g,depth)) goallist), sign)))
exception NoOtherChoices;;
-let rec auto_single dbd proof goal ey ty depth width sign
+let is_in_metasenv goal metasenv =
+ try
+ let (_, ey ,ty) =
+ CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ true
+ with _ -> false
+let rec auto_single dbd proof goal ey ty depth width sign already_seen_goals
if depth = 0 then [] else
+ if List.mem ty already_seen_goals then [] else
+ let already_seen_goals = ty::already_seen_goals in
let facts = (depth = 1) in
- let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
+ let _,metasenv,p,_ = proof in
(* first of all we check if the goal has been already
inspected *)
+ assert (is_in_metasenv goal metasenv);
let exitus =
try Hashtbl.find inspected_goals ty
with Not_found -> NotYetInspected in
proof goal subst_in metasenv in
| No d when (d >= depth) ->
- (*
- prerr_endline "PRUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- *)
+ (* prerr_endline "PRUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; *)
[] (* the empty list means no choices, i.e. failure *)
| No _
- | NotYetInspected ->
- (*
+ | NotYetInspected ->
+ (*
prerr_endline ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
prerr_endline ("CURRENT PROOF = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm p));
prerr_endline ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
- *)
+ *)
let sign, new_sign =
if is_meta_closed then
None, Some (MetadataConstraints.signature_of ty)
else sign,sign in (* maybe the union ? *)
let local_choices =
- search_theorems_in_context
+ search_theorems_in_context dbd
proof goal (depth-1) new_sign in
- let global_choices =
+ let global_choices = [] in
(fun status ->
- List.map snd
+ List.map snd
~dbd ~facts:facts ?signature:sign status))
- proof goal (depth-1) new_sign in
+ dbd proof goal (depth-1) new_sign in *)
let all_choices =
local_choices@global_choices in
- let sorted_choices =
+ let sorted_choices =
(fun (_, (_, goals1, _)) (_, (_, goals2, _)) ->
(List.length goals1) (List.length goals2))
- all_choices in
- (match (auto_new dbd width sorted_choices)
+ all_choices in
+ (match (auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals sorted_choices)
[] ->
(* no proof has been found; we update the
| _ -> assert false)
-and auto_new dbd width = function
+and auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals = function
[] -> []
+ | (subst,(proof, goals, sign))::tl ->
+ let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
+ let is_in_metasenv (goal, _) =
+ try
+ let (_, ey ,ty) =
+ CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ true
+ with _ -> false in
+ let goals'= List.filter is_in_metasenv goals in
+ auto_new_aux dbd width already_seen_goals
+ ((subst,(proof, goals', sign))::tl)
+and auto_new_aux dbd width already_seen_goals = function
+ [] -> []
| (subst,(proof, [], sign))::tl -> (subst,(proof, [], sign))::tl
- | (subst,(proof, (goal,0)::_, _))::tl -> auto_new dbd width tl
- | (subst,(proof, (goal,depth)::goals, _))::tl when
- (List.length goals) > width -> auto_new dbd width tl
- | (subst,(proof, (goal,depth)::gtl, sign))::tl ->
+ | (subst,(proof, (goal,0)::_, _))::tl ->
+ auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
+ | (subst,(proof, goals, _))::tl when
+ (List.length goals) > width+1 ->
+ auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
+ | (subst,(proof, (goal,depth)::gtl, sign))::tl ->
+ let maxdepthgoals,othergoals =
+ let rec aux acc =
+ function
+ (g,d)::l when d=depth -> aux (g::acc) l
+ |l -> (acc,l) in
+ aux [goal] gtl in
let _,metasenv,p,_ = proof in
+ let len1 = List.length maxdepthgoals in
+ let maxdepthgoals = reorder_goals dbd sign proof maxdepthgoals in
+ let len2 = List.length maxdepthgoals in
+ match maxdepthgoals with
+ [] -> prerr_endline
+ ("caso sospetto " ^ (string_of_int (List.length othergoals)) ^ " " ^ string_of_int depth);
+ auto_new dbd
+ width already_seen_goals((subst,(proof, othergoals, sign))::tl)
+ | goal::tgs ->
+ let gtl = (List.map (fun x->(x,depth)) tgs)@othergoals in
+ begin
let meta_inf =
let (_, ey ,ty) =
CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
Some (ey,ty)
- with _ -> None in
+ with _ -> None
+ in
match meta_inf with
- Some (ey,ty) ->
- let (_, ey ,ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ | Some (ey,ty) ->
- match (auto_single dbd proof goal ey ty depth
- (width - (List.length gtl)) sign)
+ match (auto_single dbd proof goal ey ty depth
+ (width - (List.length gtl) - (len1-len2)) sign already_seen_goals)
- [] -> auto_new dbd width tl
+ [] -> auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
| (local_subst,(proof,[],sign))::tl1 ->
let new_subst f t = f (subst t) in
let is_meta_closed = CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty in
(function (f,(p,l,s)) -> (new_subst f,(p,l@gtl,s))) tl1)
(new_subst local_subst,(proof,gtl,sign))::tl2@tl in
- let sorted_choices = all_choices in
- List.stable_sort
- (fun (_, (_, goals1, _)) (_, (_, goals2, _)) ->
- Pervasives.compare
- (List.length goals1) (List.length goals2))
- all_choices in *)
- auto_new dbd width sorted_choices
+ auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals all_choices
| _ -> assert false
- | None -> auto_new dbd width ((subst,(proof, gtl, sign))::tl)
+ | None -> prerr_endline "caso none";
+ auto_new
+ dbd width already_seen_goals ((subst,(proof, gtl, sign))::tl)
+ end
Hashtbl.clear inspected_goals;
prerr_endline "Entro in Auto";
let id t = t in
- match (auto_new dbd width [id,(proof, [(goal,depth)],None)]) with
+ match (auto_new dbd width [] [id,(proof, [(goal,depth)],None)]) with
[] -> prerr_endline("Auto failed");
raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail "No Applicable theorem")
| (_,(proof,[],_))::_ ->
None, diff
let constraints = List.map MetadataTypes.constr_of_metadata metadata in
- Constr.at_least ~dbd ?full_card ?diff constraints
+ Constr.at_least ~dbd ?full_card ?diff constraints
let ( ** ) x y = int_of_float ((float_of_int x) ** (float_of_int y))
~(dbd:Mysql.dbd) ?(facts=false) ?signature ((proof, goal) as status) =
let (_, metasenv, _, _) = proof in
let (_, context, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ let uris =
+ if facts then
+ ["cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)"]
+ else
+ ["cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)";
+ (* "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/trans_eq.con"; *)
+ "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/f_equal.con";
+ "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/f_equal2.con";
+ "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/f_equal3.con"]
+ in
+ (*
let (uris, (main, sig_constants)) =
match signature with
| Some signature ->
(Constr.sigmatch ~dbd ~facts signature, signature)
| None ->
(Constr.cmatch' ~dbd ~facts ty, Constr.signature_of ty)
- in
+ in
let uris = List.filter nonvar (List.map snd uris) in
let uris = List.filter Hashtbl_equiv.not_a_duplicate uris in
let types_constants =
Constr.StringSet.union main hyp_and_sug
+(* Constr.StringSet.iter prerr_endline hyp_constants; *)
let all_constants_closed = close_with_types all_constants metasenv context in
let other_constants =
Constr.StringSet.diff all_constants_closed types_constants
filter_uris_forward ~dbd (main, other_constants) uris
end else
filter_uris_backward ~dbd ~facts (main, other_constants) uris
- in
+ in *)
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| uri :: tl ->
MetadataConstraints.at_least ~rating:`Hits ~dbd constraints
+let fill_with_dummy_constants t =
+ let rec aux i =
+ function
+ Cic.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ let dummy_uri =
+ UriManager.uri_of_string ("dummy_"^(string_of_int i)) in
+ (aux (i+1) (CicSubstitution.subst (Cic.Const(dummy_uri,[])) t))
+ | t -> t
+ in aux 0 t
+let instance ~dbd t =
+ let t' = fill_with_dummy_constants t in
+ let metadata = MetadataExtractor.compute ~body:None ~ty:t' in
+ let no_concl = MetadataDb.count_distinct `Conclusion metadata in
+ let no_hyp = MetadataDb.count_distinct `Hypothesis metadata in
+ let no_full = MetadataDb.count_distinct `Statement metadata in
+ let is_dummy =
+ function
+ `Obj(s, _) -> (String.sub s 0 5) = "dummy"
+ | _ -> false in
+ let metadata = List.filter is_dummy metadata in
+ let constraints = List.map MetadataTypes.constr_of_metadata metadata in
+ let concl_card = Some (MetadataConstraints.Eq no_concl) in
+ let full_card = Some (MetadataConstraints.Eq no_full) in
+ let diff = Some (MetadataConstraints.Eq (no_hyp - no_concl)) in
+ Constr.at_least ~dbd ?concl_card ?full_card ?diff constraints