--- /dev/null
+make saturate per compilare l'eseguibile da riga di comando (make saturate.opt per la versione ottimizzata)
+./saturate -h per vedere una lista di parametri:
+./saturate: unknown option `-h'.
+ -full Enable full mode
+ -f Enable/disable full-reduction strategy (default: enabled)
+ -r Weight-Age equality selection ratio (default: 4)
+ -s symbols-based selection ratio (relative to the weight ratio, default: 0)
+ -c Configuration file (for the db connection)
+ -o Term ordering. Possible values are:
+ kbo: Knuth-Bendix ordering
+ nr-kbo: Non-recursive variant of kbo (default)
+ lpo: Lexicographic path ordering
+ -l Time limit in seconds (default: no limit)
+ -w Maximal width (default: 3)
+ -d Maximal depth (default: 3)
+ -retrieve retrieve only
+ -help Display this list of options
+ --help Display this list of options