e::c,List.map (fun (k,v) -> k+1,v) rf,x+1,List.map ((+)1) safes
-(* $Id: cicTypeChecker.ml 8213 2008-03-13 18:48:26Z sacerdot $ *)
+let shift_k_add_1_safe e (c,rf,x,safes) =
+ e::c,List.map (fun (k,v) -> k+1,v) rf,x+1,1::List.map ((+)1) safes
(* the boolean h means already protected *)
| (_, _) -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "split_prods"))
-let debruijn ?(cb=fun _ _ -> ()) uri number_of_types =
+let debruijn ?(cb=fun _ _ -> ()) uri number_of_types context =
let rec aux k t =
let res =
match t with
cb t res; res
- aux 0
+ aux (List.length context)
let sort_of_prod ~metasenv ~subst context (name,s) (t1, t2) =
aux ty_he args_with_ty
-let fix_lefts_in_constrs ~subst uri paramsno tyl i =
- let len = List.length tyl in
- let _,_,arity,cl = List.nth tyl i in
- let tys = List.map (fun (_,n,ty,_) -> n,C.Decl ty) tyl in
- let cl' =
- List.map
- (fun (_,id,ty) ->
- let debruijnedty = debruijn uri len ty in
- id, snd (split_prods ~subst tys paramsno ty),
- snd (split_prods ~subst tys paramsno debruijnedty))
- cl
+(* instantiate_parameters ps (x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)C *)
+(* returns ((x_|ps|:T_|ps|)...(xn:Tn)C){ps_1 / x1 ; ... ; ps_|ps| / x_|ps|} *)
+let rec instantiate_parameters params c =
+ match c, params with
+ | c,[] -> c
+ | C.Prod (_,_,ta), he::tl -> instantiate_parameters tl (S.subst he ta)
+ | t,l -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "1"))
+let specialize_inductive_type ~subst context ty_term =
+ match R.whd ~subst context ty_term with
+ | C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Ind i) as ref)
+ | C.Appl (C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Ind i) as ref) :: _ ) as ty ->
+ let args = match ty with C.Appl (_::tl) -> tl | _ -> [] in
+ let is_ind, leftno, itl, attrs, i = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
+ let left_args,_ = HExtlib.split_nth leftno args in
+ let itl =
+ List.map (fun (rel, name, arity, cl) ->
+ let arity = instantiate_parameters left_args arity in
+ let cl =
+ List.map (fun (rel, name, ty) ->
+ rel, name, instantiate_parameters left_args ty)
+ cl
+ in
+ rel, name, arity, cl)
+ itl
+ in
+ is_ind, leftno, itl, attrs, i
+ | _ -> assert false
+let fix_lefts_in_constrs ~subst r_uri r_len context ty_term =
+ let _,_,itl,_,i = specialize_inductive_type ~subst context ty_term in
+ let _,_,_,cl = List.nth itl i in
+ let cl =
+ List.map (fun (_,id,ty) -> id, debruijn r_uri r_len context ty) cl
- let lefts = fst (split_prods ~subst [] paramsno arity) in
- lefts@tys, len, cl'
+ List.map (fun (_,name,arity,_) -> name, C.Decl arity) itl, cl
exception DoesOccur;;
| _ ->
raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy "Malformed inductive constructor type"))
-(* instantiate_parameters ps (x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)C *)
-(* returns ((x_|ps|:T_|ps|)...(xn:Tn)C){ps_1 / x1 ; ... ; ps_|ps| / x_|ps|} *)
-and instantiate_parameters params c =
- match c, params with
- | c,[] -> c
- | C.Prod (_,_,ta), he::tl -> instantiate_parameters tl (S.subst he ta)
- | t,l -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "1"))
and strictly_positive ~subst context n nn te =
match R.whd context te with
| t when does_not_occur ~subst context n nn t -> true
(fun (_,_,_,cl) i ->
(fun (_,name,te) ->
- let debruijnedte = debruijn uri len te in
+ let debruijnedte = debruijn uri len [] te in
ignore (typeof ~subst ~metasenv tys debruijnedte);
(* let's check also the positivity conditions *)
raise (AssertFailure (lazy (Printf.sprintf "9 (%d, %s)" n
(NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context te))))
-and guarded_by_destructors ~subst ~metasenv context recfuns t =
+and guarded_by_destructors r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv context recfuns t =
let recursor f k t = NCicUtils.fold shift_k k (fun k () -> f k) () t in
let rec aux (context, recfuns, x, safes as k) t =
+ prerr_endline ("GB: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t
+ ^ " " ^ String.concat "," (List.map (fun i -> NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context (C.Rel i)) safes));
+ *)
match R.whd ~subst context t with (* TODO: use ~delta:false as mush as poss*)
| C.Rel m as t when List.mem_assoc m recfuns ->
raise (NotGuarded (lazy
" is a partial application of a fix")))
let rec_arg = List.nth tl rec_no in
- if not (is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv k rec_arg) then
- raise (NotGuarded (lazy
- (NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~subst ~metasenv rec_arg ^ " not smaller")));
+ if not (is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k rec_arg) then
+ raise (NotGuarded (lazy (Printf.sprintf ("Recursive call %s, %s is not"
+ ^^ " smaller.\ncontext:\n%s") (NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~subst ~metasenv
+ t) (NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~subst ~metasenv rec_arg)
+ (NCicPp.ppcontext ~subst ~metasenv context))));
List.iter (aux k) tl
- (*
- | C.Appl (C.Const ((Ref.Ref (_,_,Ref.Fix (i,j))) as r)::args) ->
- List.iter (aux k) args;
- let fixes,_,_ = E.get_checked_fixes r in
- let _,_,_,_,bo = List.nth fixes i in
- let bo_wout_lam, context = eat_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv context j in
- (* debruijna body..... *) assert false
+ | C.Appl (C.Const ((Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Fix (i,j))) as r)::args)
+ when List.length args > j
+ (* TODO: extra check really usueful?? *)
+ && List.exists (fun (k,_) -> List.exists (fun t -> not (does_not_occur ~subst context k (k+1) t)) args) recfuns
+ && is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k (List.nth args j) ->
+ let fl,_,_ = E.get_checked_fixes r in
+ let ctx_tys, bos =
+ List.split (List.map (fun (_,name,_,ty,bo) -> (name, C.Decl ty), bo) fl)
+ in
+ let bo = List.nth bos i in
+ let bo = debruijn uri (List.length fl) context bo in
+ let args, rest = HExtlib.split_nth j args in
+ let bo =
+ (* TODO: here we should check which args are passed around ... *)
+ if j > 0 then R.head_beta_reduce ~upto:j (C.Appl (bo::args)) else bo
+ in
+ let bo, context_rec = eat_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv context 1 bo in
+ let bo =
+ if rest = [] then bo else
+ let rest = List.tl rest in if rest <> [] then C.Appl (bo::rest) else bo
+ in
+ let k = context@ctx_tys, recfuns, x, safes in
+ aux (shift_k_add_1_safe (List.hd context_rec) k) bo
| C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,uri,_) as ref,outtype,term,pl) as t ->
(match R.whd ~subst context term with
| C.Rel m | C.Appl (C.Rel m :: _ ) as t when List.mem m safes || m = x ->
- let isinductive, paramsno, tl, _, i = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
+ (* TODO: add CoInd to references so that this call is useless *)
+ let isinductive, _, _, _, _ = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
if not isinductive then recursor aux k t
- let c_ctx,len,cl = fix_lefts_in_constrs ~subst uri paramsno tl i in
+ let ty = typeof ~subst ~metasenv context term in
+ let itl_ctx,cl = fix_lefts_in_constrs ~subst r_uri r_len context ty in
let args = match t with C.Appl (_::tl) -> tl | _ -> [] in
+ let dc_ctx = context @ itl_ctx in
+ let start, stop = List.length context, List.length context + r_len in
aux k outtype;
List.iter (aux k) args;
- (fun p (_,_,bruijnedc) ->
- let rl = recursive_args ~subst ~metasenv c_ctx 0 len bruijnedc in
+ (fun p (_,dc) ->
+ let rl = recursive_args ~subst ~metasenv dc_ctx start stop dc in
let p, k = get_new_safes ~subst k p rl in
aux k p)
pl cl
match R.whd context te with
| C.Rel _ | C.Appl _ -> []
| C.Prod (name,so,de) ->
+ prerr_endline ("RA: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context so
+ ^ " == " ^ string_of_bool (not (does_not_occur ~subst context n nn so)));
+ *)
(not (does_not_occur ~subst context n nn so)) ::
(recursive_args ~subst ~metasenv
((name,(C.Decl so))::context) (n+1) (nn + 1) de)
let safes = (if b then [0] else []) @ safes in
get_new_safes ~subst
(shift_k (name,(C.Decl so)) (context, recfuns, x, safes)) ta tl
- | C.Meta _ as e, _ | e, [] -> e, k
+ | C.Meta _ as e, _ | e, [] ->
+ prerr_endline ("GNS: " ^ String.concat ","
+ (List.map (fun i ->
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv:[] ~context (C.Rel i)) safes));
+ *)
+ e, k
| _ -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "Ill formed pattern"))
and split_prods ~subst context n te =
split_prods ~subst ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) (n - 1) ta
| _ -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "split_prods"))
-and is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv (context, recfuns, x, safes as k) te =
+and is_really_smaller
+ r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv (context, recfuns, x, safes as k) te
match R.whd ~subst context te with
| C.Rel m when List.mem m safes -> true
| C.Lambda (name, s, t) ->
- is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv (shift_k (name, C.Decl s) k) t
+ is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv (shift_k (name,C.Decl s) k) t
| C.Appl (he::_) ->
- is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv k he
+ is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k he
| C.Appl _
| C.Rel _
| C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,_,Ref.Con _)) -> false
| C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,uri,_) as ref,outtype,term,pl) ->
(match term with
| C.Rel m | C.Appl (C.Rel m :: _ ) when List.mem m safes || m = x ->
- let isinductive, paramsno, tl, _, i = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
+ (* TODO: add CoInd to references so that this call is useless *)
+ let isinductive, _, _, _, _ = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
if not isinductive then
- List.for_all (is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv k) pl
+ List.for_all (is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k) pl
- let c_ctx,len,cl = fix_lefts_in_constrs ~subst uri paramsno tl i in
+ let ty = typeof ~subst ~metasenv context term in
+ let itl_ctx,dcl= fix_lefts_in_constrs ~subst r_uri r_len context ty in
+ let start, stop = List.length context, List.length context + r_len in
+ let dc_ctx = context @ itl_ctx in
- (fun p (_,_,debruijnedte) ->
- let rl'=recursive_args ~subst ~metasenv c_ctx 0 len debruijnedte in
- let e, k = get_new_safes ~subst k p rl' in
- is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv k e)
- pl cl
- | _ -> List.for_all (is_really_smaller ~subst ~metasenv k) pl)
+ (fun p (_,dc) ->
+ let rl = recursive_args ~subst ~metasenv dc_ctx start stop dc in
+ let e, k = get_new_safes ~subst k p rl in
+ is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k e)
+ pl dcl
+ | _ -> List.for_all (is_really_smaller r_uri r_len ~subst ~metasenv k) pl)
| _ -> assert false
and returns_a_coinductive ~subst context ty =
((name,(C.Decl (S.lift len ty)))::types, k::kl,len+1)
) ([],[],0) fl
- List.iter (fun (_,name,x,ty,bo) ->
- let bo = debruijn uri len bo in
- let ty_bo = typeof ~subst ~metasenv types bo in
- if not (R.are_convertible ~subst ~metasenv types ty_bo (S.lift len ty))
- then raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy ("(Co)Fix: ill-typed bodies")))
- else
- if inductive then begin
- let m, context = eat_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv types (x + 1) bo in
- (* guarded by destructors conditions D{f,k,x,M} *)
- let rec enum_from k =
- function [] -> [] | v::tl -> (k,v)::enum_from (k+1) tl
+ List.iter (fun (_,name,x,ty,bo) ->
+ let bo = debruijn uri len [] bo in
+ let ty_bo = typeof ~subst ~metasenv types bo in
+ if not (R.are_convertible ~subst ~metasenv types ty_bo (S.lift len ty))
+ then raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy ("(Co)Fix: ill-typed bodies")))
+ else
+ if inductive then begin
+ let m, context = eat_lambdas ~subst ~metasenv types (x + 1) bo in
+ let r_uri, r_len =
+ let he =
+ match List.hd context with _,C.Decl t -> t | _ -> assert false
- guarded_by_destructors
- ~subst ~metasenv context (enum_from (x+2) kl) m
- end else
- match returns_a_coinductive ~subst [] ty with
- | None ->
+ match R.whd ~subst (List.tl context) he with
+ | C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Ind _) as ref)
+ | C.Appl (C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,uri,Ref.Ind _) as ref) :: _) ->
+ let _,_,itl,_,_ = E.get_checked_indtys ref in
+ uri, List.length itl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ (* guarded by destructors conditions D{f,k,x,M} *)
+ let rec enum_from k =
+ function [] -> [] | v::tl -> (k,v)::enum_from (k+1) tl
+ in
+ guarded_by_destructors r_uri r_len
+ ~subst ~metasenv context (enum_from (x+2) kl) m
+ end else
+ match returns_a_coinductive ~subst [] ty with
+ | None ->
+ raise (TypeCheckerFailure
+ (lazy "CoFix: does not return a coinductive type"))
+ | Some uri ->
+ (* guarded by constructors conditions C{f,M} *)
+ if not (guarded_by_constructors ~subst ~metasenv
+ types 0 len false bo [] uri)
+ then
raise (TypeCheckerFailure
- (lazy "CoFix: does not return a coinductive type"))
- | Some uri ->
- (* guarded by constructors conditions C{f,M} *)
- if not (guarded_by_constructors ~subst ~metasenv
- types 0 len false bo [] uri)
- then
- raise (TypeCheckerFailure
- (lazy "CoFix: not guarded by constructors"))
- ) fl
+ (lazy "CoFix: not guarded by constructors"))
+ ) fl
let typecheck_obj = check_obj_well_typed;;