module U = NUri
module K = U.UriHash
module C = Cps
-module G = Options
module J = Marks
module N = Level
module E = Entity
+module G = Options
+module S = Status
module A = Aut
module D = Crg
nodes: context_node list; (* context node list *)
line: int; (* line number *)
mk_uri: G.uri_generator; (* uri generator *)
- lenv: N.status; (* level environment *)
let henv_size, hcnt_size = 7000, 4300 (* hash tables initial sizes *)
let empty_cnt = D.ESort
-let add_abst cnt id w =
- D.EBind (cnt, E.node_attrs ~name:(id, true) (), D.Abst (N.two, w))
+let add_abst cnt id d w =
+ let a = E.node_attrs ~name:(id, true) ~degr:(succ d) () in
+ D.EBind (cnt, a, D.Abst (N.two, w))
let mk_lref f a i = f a.E.n_degr (D.TLRef (E.empty_node, i))
let id_of_name (id, _, _) = id
-let mk_qid f st id path =
+let mk_qid f lst id path =
let str = String.concat "/" path in
let str = Filename.concat str id in
- let str = st.mk_uri str in
+ let str = lst.mk_uri str in
f (U.uri_of_string str, id, path)
let uri_of_qid (uri, _, _) = uri
-let complete_qid f st (id, is_local, qs) =
- let f path = C.list_rev_append (mk_qid f st id) path ~tail:qs in
+let complete_qid f lst (id, is_local, qs) =
+ let f path = C.list_rev_append (mk_qid f lst id) path ~tail:qs in
let rec skip f = function
| phd :: ptl, qshd :: _ when phd = qshd -> f ptl
| _ :: ptl, _ :: _ -> skip f (ptl, qs)
| _ -> f []
- if is_local then f st.path else skip f (st.path, qs)
+ if is_local then f lst.path else skip f (lst.path, qs)
-let relax_qid f st (_, id, path) =
+let relax_qid f lst (_, id, path) =
let f = function
- | _ :: tl -> C.list_rev (mk_qid f st id) tl
+ | _ :: tl -> C.list_rev (mk_qid f lst id) tl
| [] -> assert false
C.list_rev f path
-let relax_opt_qid f st = function
+let relax_opt_qid f lst = function
| None -> f None
- | Some qid -> let f qid = f (Some qid) in relax_qid f st qid
+ | Some qid -> let f qid = f (Some qid) in relax_qid f lst qid
-let resolve_gref err f st qid =
+let resolve_gref err f lst qid =
try let a, cnt = K.find henv (uri_of_qid qid) in f qid a cnt
with Not_found -> err qid
-let resolve_gref_relaxed f st qid =
+let resolve_gref_relaxed f lst qid =
(* this is not tail recursive *)
- let rec err qid = relax_qid (resolve_gref err f st) st qid in
- resolve_gref err f st qid
+ let rec err qid = relax_qid (resolve_gref err f lst) lst qid in
+ resolve_gref err f lst qid
-let get_cnt err f st = function
+let get_cnt err f lst = function
| None -> f empty_cnt
| Some qid as node ->
try let cnt = K.find hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) in f cnt
with Not_found -> err node
-let get_cnt_relaxed f st =
+let get_cnt_relaxed f lst =
(* this is not tail recursive *)
- let rec err node = relax_opt_qid (get_cnt err f st) st node in
- get_cnt err f st st.node
+ let rec err node = relax_opt_qid (get_cnt err f lst) lst node in
+ get_cnt err f lst lst.node
let push_abst f a w lenv =
let bw = D.Abst (N.infinite, w) in
| _ -> D.TProj (E.empty_node, e, t)
(* this is not tail recursive in the GRef branch *)
-let rec xlate_term f st lenv = function
+let rec xlate_term f st lst y lenv = function
| A.Sort s ->
let f h = f 0 (D.TSort (E.empty_node, h)) in
if s then f 0 else f 1
| A.Appl (v, t) ->
let f vv d tt = f d (D.TAppl (E.empty_node, vv, tt)) in
- let f _ vv = xlate_term (f vv) st lenv t in
- xlate_term f st lenv v
+ let f _ vv = xlate_term (f vv) st lst y lenv t in
+ xlate_term f st lst false lenv v
| A.Abst (name, w, t) ->
let f d ww =
let a = E.node_attrs ~name:(name, true) () in
let f d tt =
- let l = match d with
- | 0 ->
- | 1 -> N.unknown st.lenv (J.new_mark ())
- | 2 -> N.two
- | _ -> assert false
+ let l = if ! then match y, d with
+ | true, _ ->
+ | _ , 0 ->
+ | _ , 1 -> N.unknown st.S.lenv (J.new_mark ())
+ | _ , 2 -> N.two
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else N.infinite
let b = D.Abst (l, ww) in
f d (D.TBind (a, b, tt))
- let f lenv = xlate_term f st lenv t in
+ let f lenv = xlate_term f st lst y lenv t in
push_abst f {a with E.n_degr = succ d} ww lenv
- xlate_term f st lenv w
+ xlate_term f st lst true lenv w
| A.GRef (name, args) ->
let map1 args (id, _) = A.GRef ((id, true, []), []) :: args in
let map2 f arg args =
let f _ arg = f (D.EAppl (args, E.empty_node, arg)) in
- xlate_term f st lenv arg
+ xlate_term f st lst false lenv arg
let g qid a cnt =
let gref = D.TGRef (a, uri_of_qid qid) in
let f args = C.list_fold_right f map2 args D.ESort in
D.sub_list_strict (D.fold_names f map1 args) cnt args
- let g qid = resolve_gref_relaxed g st qid in
- let err () = complete_qid g st name in
+ let g qid = resolve_gref_relaxed g lst qid in
+ let err () = complete_qid g lst name in
D.resolve_lref err (mk_lref f) (id_of_name name) lenv
-let xlate_entity err f st = function
+let xlate_entity err f st lst = function
| A.Section (Some (_, name)) ->
- err {st with path = name :: st.path; nodes = st.node :: st.nodes}
+ err {lst with path = name :: lst.path; nodes = lst.node :: lst.nodes}
| A.Section None ->
- begin match st.path, st.nodes with
+ begin match lst.path, lst.nodes with
| _ :: ptl, nhd :: ntl ->
- err {st with path = ptl; node = nhd; nodes = ntl}
+ err {lst with path = ptl; node = nhd; nodes = ntl}
| _ -> assert false
| A.Context None ->
- err {st with node = None}
+ err {lst with node = None}
| A.Context (Some name) ->
- let f name = err {st with node = Some name} in
- complete_qid f st name
+ let f name = err {lst with node = Some name} in
+ complete_qid f lst name
| A.Block (name, w) ->
let f qid =
let f cnt =
- let f _ ww =
- K.add hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) (add_abst cnt name ww);
- err {st with node = Some qid}
+ let f d ww =
+ K.add hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) (add_abst cnt name d ww);
+ err {lst with node = Some qid}
- xlate_term f st cnt w
+ xlate_term f st lst true cnt w
- get_cnt_relaxed f st
+ get_cnt_relaxed f lst
- complete_qid f st (name, true, [])
+ complete_qid f lst (name, true, [])
| A.Decl (name, w) ->
let f lenv =
let f qid =
let f d ww =
- let a = E.node_attrs ~apix:st.line ~degr:(succ d) () in
+ let a = E.node_attrs ~apix:lst.line ~degr:(succ d) () in
K.add henv (uri_of_qid qid) (a, lenv);
let t = add_proj lenv ww in
let b = E.Abst t in
let entity = E.empty_root, a, uri_of_qid qid, b in
- f {st with line = succ st.line} entity
+ f {lst with line = succ lst.line} entity
- xlate_term f st lenv w
+ xlate_term f st lst true lenv w
- complete_qid f st (name, true, [])
+ complete_qid f lst (name, true, [])
- get_cnt_relaxed f st
+ get_cnt_relaxed f lst
| A.Def (name, w, trans, v) ->
let f lenv =
let f qid =
let f _ ww =
let f d vv =
- let na = E.node_attrs ~apix:st.line ~degr:d () in
+ let na = E.node_attrs ~apix:lst.line ~degr:d () in
K.add henv (uri_of_qid qid) (na, lenv);
let t = add_proj lenv (D.TCast (E.empty_node, ww, vv)) in
let b = E.Abbr t in
let ra = if trans then E.empty_root else E.root_attrs ~meta:[E.Private] () in
let entity = ra, na, uri_of_qid qid, b in
- f {st with line = succ st.line} entity
+ f {lst with line = succ lst.line} entity
- xlate_term f st lenv v
+ xlate_term f st lst false lenv v
- xlate_term f st lenv w
+ xlate_term f st lst true lenv w
- complete_qid f st (name, true, [])
+ complete_qid f lst (name, true, [])
- get_cnt_relaxed f st
+ get_cnt_relaxed f lst
(* Interface functions ******************************************************)
let initial_status () =
K.clear henv; K.clear hcnt; {
path = []; node = None; nodes = []; line = 1; mk_uri = G.get_mk_uri ();
- lenv = N.initial_status ();
-let refresh_status st = {st with
+let refresh_status lst = {lst with
mk_uri = G.get_mk_uri ()
module J = Marks
-type level = Inf (* infinite *)
- | Fin of int (* finite *)
- | Ref of J.mark (* unknown *)
+type value = Inf (* infinite level *)
+ | Fin of int (* finite level *)
+ | Ref of J.mark (* referred level *)
-type const = NotZero (* not zero: beta and whnf allowed *)
+type level = bool * value (* static level? value *)
-type contents = Value of level (* defined with this level *)
+type const = NotZero (* not zero: beta allowed *)
+type contents = Value of value (* defined with this level *)
| Const of const list (* undefined with these constraints *)
type status = (J.mark, contents) H.t (* environment for level variables *)
(* Internal functions *******************************************************)
-let env_size = 2000
+let env_size = 1300
let empty_ref = Const []
+let zero = Fin 0
let find st k =
try H.find st k with Not_found -> H.add st k empty_ref; empty_ref
let initial_status () =
H.create env_size
-let infinite = Inf
-let zero = Fin 0
+let infinite = true, Inf
-let one = Fin 1
+let one = true, Fin 1
-let two = Fin 2
+let two = true, Fin 2
-let finite i = Fin i
+let finite i = true, Fin i
let unknown st k = match resolve st k with
- | _, Value l -> l
- | k, Const _ -> Ref k
+ | _, Value l -> true, l
+ | k, Const _ -> true, Ref k
-let is_zero l =
- l = zero
+let to_string = function
+ | _, Inf -> ""
+ | _, Fin i -> string_of_int i
+ | _, Ref k -> "-" ^ J.to_string k
+let is_finite j l =
+ let b, k = l in
+ match resolve st k with
+ | k, Value (Fin i) ->
+ if i <> j then Printf.printf "%s is %u but it must be %u\n" (to_string l) i j;
+ i = j
+ | k, Value Inf ->
+ Printf.printf "%s is infinite but it must be %u\n" j;
+ | k,
+let is_zero (_, n) =
+ n = zero
let minus n j = match n with
- | Inf -> Inf
- | Fin i when i > j -> Fin (i - j)
- | Fin _ -> zero
- | Ref i -> Inf (* assert false *)
-let to_string = function
- | Inf -> ""
- | Fin i -> string_of_int i
- | Ref k -> "-" ^ J.to_string k
+ | _, Inf -> false, Inf
+ | _, Fin i when i > j -> false, Fin (i - j)
+ | _, Fin _ -> false, zero
+ | _, Ref i -> false, Inf (* assert false *)
| AutEntity e ->
let err ast = {st with ast = ast} in
let g ast e = process_1 {st with ast = ast} (CrgEntity e) in
- AD.crg_of_aut err g st.ast e
+ AD.crg_of_aut err g st.kst st.ast e
| TxtEntity e ->
let crr tst = {st with tst = tst} in
let d tst e = process_1 {st with tst = tst} (CrgEntity e) in
if !G.trace >= 1 then Y.utime_stamp "at exit"
let help =
- "Usage: helena [ -LPVXcdgiopqtx1 | -Ts <number> | -O <dir> | -hkr <string> ]* [ <file> ]*\n\n" ^
+ "Usage: helena [ -LPVXdgilopqtx1 | -Ts <number> | -O <dir> | -hkr <string> ]* [ <file> ]*\n\n" ^
"Trace levels: 0 just errors (default), 1 time stamps, 2 processed files, \
3 typing information, 4 reduction information\n\n" ^
"Stages: 0 parsing, 1 to intermediate, 2 to untrusted, 3 to trusted (default)\n"
let help_V = " show version information" in
let help_X = " clear options" in
- let help_c = " read/write conversion constraints" in
let help_d = " show summary information (requires trace >= 2)" in
let help_g = " always expand global definitions" in
let help_h = "<string> set type hierarchy (default: \"Z1\")" in
let help_i = " show local references by index" in
let help_k = "<string> set kernel version (default: \"brg\")" in
- let help_o = " activate sort inclusion" in
- let help_p = " preprocess source" in
+ let help_l = " disambiguate binders level (Automath)" in
+ let help_o = " activate sort inclusion (default: false)" in
+ let help_p = " preprocess source (Automath)" in
let help_q = " disable quotation of identifiers" in
let help_r = "<string> set initial segment of URI hierarchy (default: empty)" in
let help_s = "<number> set translation stage (see above)" in
("-T", Arg.Int set_trace, help_T);
("-V", Arg.Unit print_version, help_V);
("-X", Arg.Unit clear_options, help_X);
- ("-c", Arg.Set, help_c);
("-d", Arg.Unit set_summary, help_d);
("-g", Arg.Set G.expand, help_g);
("-h", Arg.String set_hierarchy, help_h);
("-i", Arg.Set G.indexes, help_i);
("-k", Arg.String set_kernel, help_k);
+ ("-l", Arg.Set, help_l);
("-o", Arg.Set, help_o);
("-p", Arg.Unit set_preprocess, help_p);
("-q", Arg.Set G.unquote, help_q);