ask_confirmation: title:string -> message:string -> [`YES | `NO | `CANCEL];
-let eval_with_engine include_paths guistuff grafite_status skipped_txt nonskipped_txt st
+let eval_with_engine include_paths guistuff status skipped_txt nonskipped_txt st
let parsed_text_length =
String.length skipped_txt + String.length nonskipped_txt
let enriched_history_fragment =
MatitaEngine.eval_ast ~include_paths ~do_heavy_checks:(Helm_registry.get_bool
- grafite_status (text,prefix_len,st)
+ status (text,prefix_len,st)
let enriched_history_fragment = List.rev enriched_history_fragment in
(* really fragile *)
let pp_eager_statement_ast = GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement
-let eval_nmacro include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff grafite_status unparsed_text parsed_text script mac =
+let eval_nmacro include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff status unparsed_text parsed_text script mac =
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
match mac with
| TA.Screenshot (_,name) ->
- let status = script#grafite_status in
+ let status = script#status in
let _,_,menv,subst,_ = status#obj in
let name = Filename.dirname (script#filename) ^ "/" ^ name in
let sequents =
CicMathView.screenshot status sequents menv subst name;
[status, parsed_text], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.NCheck (_,t) ->
- let status = script#grafite_status in
+ let status = script#status in
let _,_,menv,subst,_ = status#obj in
let ctx =
match Continuationals.Stack.head_goals status#stack with
[status, parsed_text], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.NIntroGuess _loc ->
let names_ref = ref [] in
- let s =
- NTactics.intros_tac ~names_ref [] script#grafite_status
- in
+ let s = NTactics.intros_tac ~names_ref [] script#status in
let rex = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`MULTILINE] "\\A([\\n\\t\\r ]*).*\\Z" in
let nl = Pcre.replace ~rex ~templ:"$1" parsed_text in
[s, nl ^ "#" ^ String.concat " " !names_ref ^ ";"], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.NAutoInteractive (_loc, (None,a)) ->
let trace_ref = ref [] in
- let s =
- NnAuto.auto_tac
- ~params:(None,a) ~trace_ref script#grafite_status
- in
+ let s = NnAuto.auto_tac ~params:(None,a) ~trace_ref script#status in
let depth =
try List.assoc "depth" a
with Not_found -> ""
| TA.NAutoInteractive (_, (Some _,_)) -> assert false
let rec eval_executable include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff
-grafite_status unparsed_text skipped_txt nonskipped_txt script ex loc
+status unparsed_text skipped_txt nonskipped_txt script ex loc
ignore (buffer#move_mark (`NAME "beginning_of_statement")
~where:((buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked"))#forward_chars
(Glib.Utf8.length skipped_txt))) ;
- eval_with_engine include_paths
- guistuff grafite_status skipped_txt nonskipped_txt
- (TA.Executable (loc, ex))
+ eval_with_engine include_paths guistuff status skipped_txt nonskipped_txt
+ (TA.Executable (loc, ex))
MatitaTypes.Cancel -> [], "", 0
| GrafiteEngine.NMacro (_loc,macro) ->
- eval_nmacro include_paths buffer guistuff grafite_status
+ eval_nmacro include_paths buffer guistuff status
unparsed_text (skipped_txt ^ nonskipped_txt) script macro
-and eval_statement include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff
- grafite_status script statement
+and eval_statement include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff status script
+ statement
let st,unparsed_text =
match statement with
| `Raw text ->
if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE text then raise Margin;
let strm =
- GrafiteParser.parsable_statement grafite_status
+ GrafiteParser.parsable_statement status
(Ulexing.from_utf8_string text) in
- let ast = MatitaEngine.get_ast grafite_status include_paths strm in
+ let ast = MatitaEngine.get_ast status include_paths strm in
ast, text
| `Ast (st, text) -> st, text
match st with
| GrafiteAst.Executable (loc, ex) ->
let _, nonskipped, skipped, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in
- eval_executable include_paths buffer guistuff
- grafite_status unparsed_text skipped nonskipped script ex loc
+ eval_executable include_paths buffer guistuff status unparsed_text
+ skipped nonskipped script ex loc
| GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, GrafiteAst.Code (_, ex))
when Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.execcomments" ->
let _, nonskipped, skipped, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in
- eval_executable include_paths buffer guistuff
- grafite_status unparsed_text skipped nonskipped script ex loc
+ eval_executable include_paths buffer guistuff status unparsed_text
+ skipped nonskipped script ex loc
| GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, _) ->
let parsed_text, _, _, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in
let remain_len = String.length unparsed_text - parsed_text_length in
let s = String.sub unparsed_text parsed_text_length remain_len in
let s,text,len =
- eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff
- grafite_status script (`Raw s)
+ eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff status script (`Raw s)
HExtlib.Localized (floc, exn) ->
let similarsymbols_tag_name = "similarsymbolos" in
let similarsymbols_tag = `NAME similarsymbols_tag_name in
let initial_statuses current baseuri =
- let empty_lstatus = new GrafiteDisambiguate.status in
+ let status = new GrafiteTypes.status baseuri in
(match current with
Some current ->
- NCicLibrary.time_travel
- ((new GrafiteTypes.status current#baseuri)#set_disambiguate_db current#disambiguate_db);
+ NCicLibrary.time_travel status;
(* MATITA 1.0: there is a known bug in invalidation; temporary fix here *)
- NCicEnvironment.invalidate ()
+ NCicEnvironment.invalidate () *)
| None -> ());
- let lexicon_status = empty_lstatus in
- (* MATITA 1.0: ma serve ancora fare questo back-track sul lexicon_status? *)
- let grafite_status = (new GrafiteTypes.status baseuri)#set_disambiguate_db lexicon_status#disambiguate_db in
- grafite_status
+ status
let read_include_paths file =
(* history can't be empty, the invariant above grant that it contains at
* least the init grafite_status *)
- method grafite_status = match history with s::_ -> s | _ -> assert false
+ method status = match history with s::_ -> s | _ -> assert false
method private _advance ?statement () =
let s = match statement with Some s -> s | None -> self#getFuture in
let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let entries, newtext, parsed_len =
- eval_statement self#include_paths buffer guistuff
- self#grafite_status self (`Raw s)
+ eval_statement self#include_paths buffer guistuff self#status self (`Raw s)
with End_of_file -> raise Margin
let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
self#moveMark (Glib.Utf8.length new_text);
buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark)) newtext
- method private _retract offset grafite_status new_statements new_history =
- NCicLibrary.time_travel grafite_status;
+ method private _retract offset status new_statements new_history =
+ NCicLibrary.time_travel status;
statements <- new_statements;
history <- new_history;
self#moveMark (- offset)
method retract () =
- let cmp,new_statements,new_history,grafite_status =
+ let cmp,new_statements,new_history,status =
match statements,history with
stat::statements, _::(status::_ as history) ->
assert (Glib.Utf8.validate stat);
| [],[_] -> raise Margin
| _,_ -> assert false
- self#_retract cmp grafite_status new_statements
- new_history;
+ self#_retract cmp status new_statements new_history;
| Margin -> self#notify
observers <- o :: observers
method private notify =
- let grafite_status = self#grafite_status in
- List.iter (fun o -> o grafite_status) observers
+ let status = self#status in
+ List.iter (fun o -> o status) observers
method activate =
method private reset_buffer =
statements <- [];
- history <- [ initial_statuses (Some self#grafite_status) self#buri_of_current_file ];
+ history <- [ initial_statuses (Some self#status) self#buri_of_current_file ];
buffer#remove_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter;
buffer#move_mark (`MARK locked_mark) ~where:buffer#start_iter
let rec back_until_cursor len = (* go backward until locked < cursor *)
- statements, ((grafite_status)::_ as history)
+ statements, ((status)::_ as history)
when len <= 0 ->
- self#_retract (icmp - len) grafite_status statements
+ self#_retract (icmp - len) status statements
| statement::tl1, _::tl2 ->
back_until_cursor (len - MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length statement) (tl1,tl2)
| _ -> false
method eos =
- let rec is_there_only_comments lexicon_status s =
+ let rec is_there_only_comments status s =
if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE s then raise Margin;
let strm =
- GrafiteParser.parsable_statement lexicon_status
+ GrafiteParser.parsable_statement status
(Ulexing.from_utf8_string s)in
- match GrafiteParser.parse_statement lexicon_status strm with
+ match GrafiteParser.parse_statement status strm with
| GrafiteAst.Comment (loc,_) ->
let _,parsed_text_length = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text s loc in
(* CSC: why +1 in the following lines ???? *)
let parsed_text_length = parsed_text_length + 1 in
let remain_len = String.length s - parsed_text_length in
let next = String.sub s parsed_text_length remain_len in
- is_there_only_comments lexicon_status next
+ is_there_only_comments status next
| GrafiteAst.Executable _ -> false
- try is_there_only_comments self#grafite_status self#getFuture
+ try is_there_only_comments self#status self#getFuture
| NCicLibrary.IncludedFileNotCompiled _
| HExtlib.Localized _
let iter_scripts f = List.iter f !_script;;
let _ =
- CicMathView.register_matita_script_current (current :> unit -> < advance: ?statement:string -> unit -> unit; grafite_status: GrafiteTypes.status >)
+ CicMathView.register_matita_script_current (current :> unit -> < advance: ?statement:string -> unit -> unit; status: GrafiteTypes.status >)