| None -> assert false (* "ERROR: No selection!!!" *)
- method load_omdoc_proof uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts cobj =
- if !use_stylesheets then
- let
- (acic,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,
- ids_to_inner_types,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses)
- =
- Cic2acic.acic_object_of_cic_object (Content2cic.cobj2obj cobj)
+ method load_proof uri currentproof =
+ let
+ (acic,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,
+ ids_to_inner_types,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses)
+ =
+ Cic2acic.acic_object_of_cic_object currentproof
+ in
+ let mml =
+ ApplyStylesheets.mml_of_cic_object
+ ~explode_all:true uri acic ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
-prerr_endline "0000000000000000 USO GLI STYLESHEETS" ;
- let mml =
- ApplyStylesheets.mml_of_cic_object
- ~explode_all:true uri acic ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
- in
(match current_mml with
None ->
prerr_endline "0000000000000000 CARICO L'mml PRODOTTO" ;
self#load_doc ~dom:mml ;
current_mml <- Some mml ;
- current_infos <-
- Some
- (ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses) ;
- else
- let pres = Content2pres.content2pres ~ids_to_inner_sorts cobj in
- let time2 = Sys.time () in
- (* prerr_endline ("Fine trasformazione:" ^ (string_of_float (time2 -. time1))); *)
- let xmlpres = Mpresentation.print_mpres pres in
- let time25 = Sys.time () in
-prerr_endline "(******** INIZIO CONTENT ==> PRES **********)";
- (*
- prerr_endline ("FINE printing to stream:" ^ (string_of_float (time25 -. time2)));
- Xml.pp xmlpres (Some "tmp");
- let time3 = Sys.time () in
- prerr_endline ("FINE valutazione e printing dello stream:" ^ (string_of_float (time3 -. time25)));
- *)
- (try
- prerr_endline "(******** INIZIO DOM **********)";
- let mml = Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl xmlpres in
- let time3 = Sys.time () in
- (* ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile mml "tmp1" ()); *)
- prerr_endline "(******** FINE DOM **********)";
- (match current_mml with
- None ->
- self#load_doc ~dom:mml ;
- current_mml <- Some mml
- | Some current_mml ->
- self#freeze ;
-prerr_endline "XML_DIFF: prima passata";
-ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile current_mml "/tmp/current_mml_1.xml" ()) ;
-ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile mml "/tmp/mml_1.xml" ()) ;
- XmlDiff.update_dom ~from:current_mml mml ;
-prerr_endline "XML_DIFF: seconda passata";
-ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile current_mml "/tmp/current_mml_2.xml" ()) ;
-ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile mml "/tmp/mml_2.xml" ()) ;
- XmlDiff.update_dom ~from:current_mml mml ;
-ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile current_mml "/tmp/current_mml_3.xml" ()) ;
-ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile mml "/tmp/mml_3.xml" ()) ;
-prerr_endline "XML_DIFF: fine passate";
- self#thaw) ;
- self#load_doc ~dom:mml;
- prerr_endline ("Fine loading:" ^ (string_of_float (time3 -. time2)))
- (*
- self#load_uri "tmp";
- let time4 = Sys.time () in
- prerr_endline
- ("Fine loading:" ^ (string_of_float (time4 -. time3)))
- *)
- with (GdomeInit.DOMException (_,s)) as e ->
- prerr_endline s; raise e)
- method load_proof uri currentproof =
- let
- (acic,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,
- ids_to_inner_types,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses)
- =
- Cic2acic.acic_object_of_cic_object currentproof
- in
- let mml =
- ApplyStylesheets.mml_of_cic_object
- ~explode_all:true uri acic ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
- in
- self#load_doc ~dom:mml ;
- current_mml <- Some mml ;
current_infos <-
(ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses) ;