val in_index : t -> input -> (data -> bool) -> bool
val retrieve_generalizations : t -> input -> dataset
val retrieve_unifiables : t -> input -> dataset
+ val retrieve_generalizations_sorted : t -> input -> (data * int) list
+ val retrieve_unifiables_sorted : t -> input -> (data * int) list
module Make (I:Indexable) (A:Set.S) : DiscriminationTree
let retrieve_generalizations tree term = retrieve false tree term;;
let retrieve_unifiables tree term = retrieve true tree term;;
+ module O = struct
+ type t = A.t * int
+ let compare (_,a) (_,b) = compare a b
+ end
+ module S = Set.Make(O)
+ let retrieve_sorted unif tree term =
+ let path = I.path_string_of term in
+ let rec retrieve n path tree =
+ match tree, path with
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _), [] -> S.singleton (s, n)
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (None, _), [] -> S.empty
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (_, map), Variable::path when unif ->
+ List.fold_left S.union S.empty
+ ( (retrieve n path) (skip_root tree))
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (_, map), node::path ->
+ S.union
+ (if not unif && node = Variable then S.empty else
+ try retrieve (n+1) path (PSMap.find node map)
+ with Not_found -> S.empty)
+ (try
+ match PSMap.find Variable map,skip (arity_of node) path with
+ | DiscriminationTree.Node (Some s, _), [] ->
+ S.singleton (s, n)
+ | no, path -> retrieve n path no
+ with Not_found -> S.empty)
+ in
+ List.flatten
+ ( (fun x -> (fun y -> y, snd x) (A.elements (fst x)))
+ (S.elements (retrieve 0 path tree)))
+ ;;
+ let retrieve_generalizations_sorted tree term =
+ retrieve_sorted false tree term;;
+ let retrieve_unifiables_sorted tree term =
+ retrieve_sorted true tree term;;