--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| A.Asperti, C.Sacerdoti Coen, *)
+(* ||A|| E.Tassi, S.Zacchiroli *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/demo/realisability/".
+include "logic/connectives.ma".
+include "datatypes/constructors.ma".
+(* The following is a stranslation in Matita of the initial part of
+ Erik Palmgren, ``Internalizing Modified Realizability in Constructive Type
+ Theory'', Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol 1 (2:2), 2005, pp. 1--7
+ The original Agda file realisability.agda can be found at
+ http://www.math.uu.se/~palmgren/modif/realisability.agda
+inductive SP : Type ≝
+ abs: SP
+ | atom: ∀P:Prop.SP
+ | sand: SP → SP → SP
+ | sor: SP → SP → SP
+ | simp: SP → SP → SP
+ | forall: ∀A:Type. (A → SP) → SP
+ | exist: ∀A:Type. (A → SP) → SP.
+let rec Prop_OF_SP F ≝
+ match F with
+ [ abs ⇒ False
+ | atom P ⇒ P
+ | sand A B ⇒ Prop_OF_SP A ∧ Prop_OF_SP B
+ | sor A B ⇒ Prop_OF_SP A ∨ Prop_OF_SP B
+ | simp A B ⇒ Prop_OF_SP A → Prop_OF_SP B
+ | forall A F ⇒ ∀x:A.Prop_OF_SP (F x)
+ | exist A F ⇒ ∃x:A.Prop_OF_SP (F x)
+ ].
+inductive sigma (A:Type) (P:A → Type) : Type ≝
+ sigma_intro: ∀x:A. P x → sigma A P.
+definition pi1 ≝
+ λA,P.λs:sigma A P.
+ match s with
+ [ sigma_intro a _ ⇒ a].
+definition pi2 ≝
+ λA,P.λs:sigma A P.
+ match s return λs.P (pi1 ? ? s) with
+ [ sigma_intro _ p ⇒ p].
+notation "hvbox(Σ ident i opt (: ty) break . p)"
+ right associative with precedence 20
+for @{ 'sigma ${default
+ @{\lambda ${ident i} : $ty. $p}
+ @{\lambda ${ident i} . $p}}}.
+(*CSC: the URI must disappear: there is a bug now *)
+interpretation "Sigma" 'sigma \eta.x =
+ (cic:/matita/demo/realisability/sigma.ind#xpointer(1/1) _ x).
+let rec type_OF_SP F ≝
+ match F return λF.Type with
+ [ abs ⇒ unit
+ | atom P ⇒ unit
+ | sand A B ⇒ (type_OF_SP A) × (type_OF_SP B)
+ | sor A B ⇒ type_OF_SP A + type_OF_SP B
+ | simp A B ⇒ type_OF_SP A → type_OF_SP B
+ | forall A F ⇒ Πx:A.type_OF_SP (F x)
+ | exist A F ⇒ Σx:A.type_OF_SP (F x)
+ ].
+let rec modr F : type_OF_SP F → Prop ≝
+ match F return λF.type_OF_SP F → Prop with
+ [ abs ⇒ λr.False
+ | atom P ⇒ λr.P
+ | sand A B ⇒ λr.modr A (\fst r) ∧ modr B (\snd r)
+ | sor A B ⇒
+ λr.
+ match r with
+ [ inl a ⇒ modr A a
+ | inr b ⇒ modr B b
+ ]
+ | simp A B ⇒
+ λr.
+ (Prop_OF_SP A → Prop_OF_SP B) ∧
+ ∀a:type_OF_SP A. modr A a → modr B (r a)
+ | forall A F ⇒
+ λr:Πx:A.type_OF_SP (F x).∀a:A. modr (F a) (r a)
+ | exist A F ⇒
+ λr.
+ modr (F (pi1 ? ? r)) (pi2 ? ? r)
+ ].
+theorem correct: ∀F:SP.∀r:type_OF_SP F.modr F r → Prop_OF_SP F.
+ intro;
+ elim F; simplify;
+ [1,2: apply H
+ | split;
+ [apply H;
+ [ apply (\fst r)
+ | apply (proj1 ? ? H2)
+ ]
+ | apply H1;
+ [ apply (\snd r)
+ | apply (proj2 ? ? H2)
+ ]
+ ]
+ | generalize in match H2; clear H2;
+ change in r with (type_OF_SP s + type_OF_SP s1);
+ elim r; simplify in H2;
+ [ left; apply H; assumption
+ | right; apply H1; assumption
+ ]
+ | simplify in H2;
+ apply (proj1 ? ? H2)
+ | simplify in H1;
+ intro;
+ apply H;
+ [2: apply H1
+ | skip
+ ]
+ | simplify in r;
+ generalize in match H1; clear H1;
+ elim r;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? a);
+ apply H;
+ assumption
+ ]
+definition realized ≝
+ λF:SP.∃r:type_OF_SP F.modr F r.
+theorem correct2: ∀F:SP. realized F → Prop_OF_SP F.
+ intros;
+ elim H;
+ apply correct;
+ assumption.
+theorem extraction:
+ ∀A,B:Type.∀P: A → B → SP.
+ realized (forall A (λa:A. exist B (λb:B. P a b))) →
+ ∀a:A.∃b:B.Prop_OF_SP (P a b).
+ intros;
+ apply (correct2 (exist ? (λb:B. P a b)));
+ simplify in H; elim H; clear H;
+ simplify;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? (a1 a));
+ apply H1.
+lemma true_impl_realized:
+ ∀A,B:Prop. (A → B) → realized (simp (atom A) (atom B)).
+ intros;
+ simplify;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? (λu.u));
+ split;
+ [ assumption
+ | intro; assumption
+ ]
+(******** rules for first order logic **********************)
+lemma elim_abs: ∀P:Prop. realized (simp abs (atom P)).
+ intro;
+ simplify;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? (λu.u));
+ split;
+ [ intro; cases H
+ | intros; cases H
+ ]
+lemma id_axiom: ∀F:SP. realized (simp F F).
+ intros;
+ simplify;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? (λu.u));
+ split;
+ [ intro; assumption
+ | intros; assumption
+ ]
+lemma cut:
+ ∀F1,F2,F3:SP.
+ realized (simp F1 F2) → realized (simp F2 F3) → realized (simp F1 F3).
+ intros;
+ elim H; clear H;
+ elim H1; clear H1;
+ simplify in a a1;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? (λx.a1 (a x)));
+ simplify;
+ simplify in H2 H;
+ elim H2; clear H2;
+ elim H; clear H;
+ split;
+ [ intro; apply (H2 (H1 H))
+ | intros; apply (H4 ? (H3 ? H))
+ ]
+lemma and_i:
+ ∀F1,F2,F3:SP.
+ realized (simp F1 F2) → realized (simp F1 F3) → realized (simp F1 (sand F2 F3)).
+ intros;
+ elim H; clear H;
+ elim H1; clear H1;
+ simplify in a a1 ⊢ %;
+ apply (ex_intro ? ? (λu.〈a u, a1 u〉));
+ simplify in H2; cases H2; clear H2;
+ simplify in H; cases H; clear H;
+ split;
+ [ intro; split; [ apply (H1 H) | apply (H2 H) ]
+ | intros;
+ split;
+ [ simplify; apply H3; assumption
+ | simplify; apply H4; assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+(* Many more rules and examples missing, but trivial. *)