| Margin -> self#notify
| Not_found -> assert false
+ | Invalid_argument "Array.make" -> HLog.error "The script is too big!\n"
| exc -> self#notify; raise exc
method retract () =
| Margin -> self#notify
+ | Invalid_argument "Array.make" -> HLog.error "The script is too big!\n"
| exc -> self#notify; raise exc
method private getFuture =
set_star (Filename.basename self#ppFilename) false
method goto (pos: [`Top | `Bottom | `Cursor]) () =
+ try
let old_locked_mark =
(buffer#create_mark ~name:"old_locked_mark"
| Margin -> dispose_remember (); dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#notify
| exc -> dispose_remember (); dispose_old_locked_mark ();
self#notify; raise exc)
+ with Invalid_argument "Array.make" ->
+ HLog.error "The script is too big!\n"
method onGoingProof () =
match self#grafite_status.proof_status with
| No_proof | Proof _ -> false
| HExtlib.Localized _
| CicNotationParser.Parse_error _ -> false
| Margin | End_of_file -> true
+ | Invalid_argument "Array.make" -> false
(* debug *)
method dump () =