integrates several <a href="">Mathematical Knowledge
Management</a> tools and techniques. </p>
- <p> Matita is <strong>traditional</strong>. Its logical foundation is the
+ <p>
+ <span class="screenshots">
+ <a class="quiet" href="images/screenshot-matita.png">
+ <img src="images/MINI_screenshot-matita.png" alt="Matita screenshot: authoring interface" />
+ </a>
+ </span>
+ Matita is <strong>traditional</strong>. Its logical foundation is the
Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions (CIC). It can re-use
mathematical concepts produced by other proof assistants like
<a href="">Coq</a> and encoded in an
proof language is procedural in the same spirit of LCF. </p>
<p> Matita is <strong>innovative</strong>: </p>
- <ul class="with_screenshots">
+ <ul>