Package: acc-trusted
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: fill me
- fill me
+Description: CerCo's Trusted Annotating C Compiler
+ CerCo's Annotating C Compiler is a C compiler for the 8051 microprocessor.
+ It produces both an Intel HEX code memory representation and an instrumented
+ version of the source code. The instrumented source code is a copy of the
+ original source code augmented with additional instructions to keep track of
+ the exact number of clock cycles spent by the microprocessor to execute the
+ program basic blocks. Combined with CerCo's Frama-C Cost Plugin it allows to
+ certify exact parametric time and stack bounds for the source code.
+ Limitations: the source code must all be in one .c file and it must not
+ contain external calls.
+ This version of the compiler has been certified for preservation of the
+ inferred costs using the interactive theorem prover Matita.
-fill me
+This software has been produced by the CerCo project:
+Copyright © 2010-2013 CerCo consortium.
+The software is released under the terms of the GNU/GPL license.
+The project CerCo acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET-Open grant number: 243881.