definition get_rewrite_direction: rewrite_direction → Argument_Class → rewrite_direction.
intros (dir R);
cases (variance_of_argument_class R);
- [ cases a;
+ [ exact dir
+ | cases a;
[ exact dir (* covariant *)
| exact (opposite_direction dir) (* contravariant *)
- | exact dir (* symmetric relation *)
definition apply_morphism:
- ∀In Out (m: function_type_of_morphism_signature In Out)
- (args: product_of_arguments In). carrier_of_relation_class Out.
- intros.
- induction In.
- exact (m args).
- simpl in m. args.
- destruct args.
- exact (IHIn (m c) p).
+ ∀In,Out.∀m: function_type_of_morphism_signature In Out.
+ ∀args: product_of_arguments In. carrier_of_relation_class ? Out.
+ intro;
+ elim In;
+ [ exact (f p)
+ | change in p with (Prod (carrier_of_relation_class variance t) (product_of_arguments n));
+ elim p;
+ change in f1 with (carrier_of_relation_class variance t → function_type_of_morphism_signature n Out);
+ exact (f ? (f1 t1) t2)
+ ]
-Theorem apply_morphism_compatibility_Right2Left:
- ∀In Out (m1 m2: function_type_of_morphism_signature In Out)
- (args1 args2: product_of_arguments In).
+theorem apply_morphism_compatibility_Right2Left:
+ ∀In,Out.∀m1,m2: function_type_of_morphism_signature In Out.
+ ∀args1,args2: product_of_arguments In.
make_compatibility_goal_aux ? ? m1 m2 →
relation_of_product_of_arguments Right2Left ? args1 args2 →
directed_relation_of_relation_class Right2Left ?
(apply_morphism ? ? m2 args1)
(apply_morphism ? ? m1 args2).
- induction In; intros.
- simpl in m1. m2. args1. args2. H0 |- *.
- destruct a; simpl in H; hnf in H0.
- apply H; exact H0.
- destruct v; simpl in H0; apply H; exact H0.
- apply H; exact H0.
- destruct v; simpl in H0; apply H; exact H0.
- rewrite H0; apply H; exact H0.
- simpl in m1. m2. args1. args2. H0 |- *.
- destruct args1; destruct args2; simpl.
- destruct H0.
- simpl in H.
- destruct a; simpl in H.
- apply IHIn.
- apply H; exact H0.
- exact H1.
- destruct v.
- apply IHIn.
- apply H; exact H0.
- exact H1.
- apply IHIn.
- apply H; exact H0.
- exact H1.
- apply IHIn.
- apply H; exact H0.
- exact H1.
- destruct v.
- apply IHIn.
- apply H; exact H0.
- exact H1.
- apply IHIn.
- apply H; exact H0.
- exact H1.
- rewrite H0; apply IHIn.
- apply H.
- exact H1.
+ intro;
+ elim In;
+ [ simplify in m1 m2 args1 args2 ⊢ %;
+ change in H1 with
+ (directed_relation_of_argument_class
+ (get_rewrite_direction Right2Left t) t args1 args2);
+ generalize in match H1; clear H1;
+ generalize in match H; clear H;
+ generalize in match args2; clear args2;
+ generalize in match args1; clear args1;
+ generalize in match m2; clear m2;
+ generalize in match m1; clear m1;
+ elim t 0;
+ [ intros (T1 r Hs Hr m1 m2 args1 args2 H H1);
+ simplify in H;
+ simplify in H1;
+ simplify;
+ apply H;
+ exact H1
+ | intros 8 (v T1 r Hr m1 m2 args1 args2);
+ cases v;
+ intros (H H1);
+ simplify in H1;
+ apply H;
+ exact H1
+ | intros;
+ apply H1;
+ exact H2
+ | intros 7 (v);
+ cases v;
+ intros (H H1);
+ simplify in H1;
+ apply H;
+ exact H1
+ | intros;
+ simplify in H1;
+ rewrite > H1;
+ apply H;
+ exact H1
+ ]
+ | change in m1 with
+ (carrier_of_relation_class variance t →
+ function_type_of_morphism_signature n Out);
+ change in m2 with
+ (carrier_of_relation_class variance t →
+ function_type_of_morphism_signature n Out);
+ change in args1 with
+ ((carrier_of_relation_class ? t) × (product_of_arguments n));
+ change in args2 with
+ ((carrier_of_relation_class ? t) × (product_of_arguments n));
+ generalize in match H2; clear H2;
+ elim args2 0; clear args2;
+ elim args1; clear args1;
+ elim H2; clear H2;
+ change in H4 with
+ (relation_of_product_of_arguments Right2Left n t2 t4);
+ change with
+ (relation_of_relation_class unit Out (apply_morphism n Out (m1 t3) t4)
+ (apply_morphism n Out (m2 t1) t2));
+ generalize in match H3; clear H3;
+ generalize in match t3; clear t3;
+ generalize in match t1; clear t1;
+ generalize in match H1; clear H1;
+ generalize in match m2; clear m2;
+ generalize in match m1; clear m1;
+ elim t 0;
+ [ intros (T1 r Hs Hr m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x1,x2:T1.r x1 x2 → make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x1) (m2 x2));
+ simplify in H;
+ apply H;
+ [ apply H1;
+ assumption
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ | intro v;
+ elim v 0;
+ [ intros (T1 r Hr m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x1,x2:T1.r x1 x2 → make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x1) (m2 x2));
+ simplify in H;
+ apply H;
+ [ apply H1;
+ assumption
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ | intros (T1 r Hr m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x1,x2:T1.r x2 x1 → make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x1) (m2 x2));
+ simplify in H;
+ apply H;
+ [ apply H1;
+ assumption
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ | intros (T1 r Hs m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x1,x2:T1.r x1 x2 → make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x1) (m2 x2));
+ simplify in H;
+ apply H;
+ [ apply H1;
+ assumption
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ | intro v;
+ elim v 0;
+ [ intros (T1 r m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x1,x2:T1.r x1 x2 → make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x1) (m2 x2));
+ | intros (T1 r m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x1,x2:T1.r x2 x1 → make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x1) (m2 x2));
+ ] ;
+ simplify in H;
+ apply H;
+ [1,3:
+ apply H1;
+ assumption
+ |2,4:
+ assumption
+ ]
+ | intros (T m1 m2 H1 t1 t3 H3);
+ simplify in H3;
+ change in H1 with
+ (∀x:T. make_compatibility_goal_aux n Out (m1 x) (m2 x));
+ rewrite > H3;
+ simplify in H;
+ apply H;
+ [ apply H1
+ | assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
Theorem apply_morphism_compatibility_Left2Right:
∀In Out (m1 m2: function_type_of_morphism_signature In Out)
(args1 args2: product_of_arguments In).
unfold impl; tauto.
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