method show_uri_list ?(reuse=false) ~entry l =
(self#get_browser reuse)#load entry
- method screenshot status sequent metasenv subst filename =
+ method screenshot status sequent metasenv subst (filename as ofn) =
let mathml =
ApplyTransformation.nmml_of_cic_sequent status metasenv subst sequent
let w = GWindow.window ~title:"screenshot" () in
+ let width = 600 in
+ let height = 2000 in
let m = GMathView.math_view
- ~font_size:!current_font_size ~width:500 ~height:400
+ ~font_size:!current_font_size ~width ~height
~show:true ()
w#show ();
m#load_root ~root:mathml#get_documentElement;
let pixmap = m#get_buffer in
- let pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.create ~width:500 ~height:400 () in
+ let pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.create ~width ~height () in
GdkPixbuf.get_from_drawable ~dest:pixbuf pixmap;
- let filename = filename ^ ".png" in
+ let filename = filename ^ "-raw.png" in ~filename ~typ:"png" pixbuf;
+ ignore(Sys.command (Printf.sprintf
+ "convert -trim -border 3 -bordercolor white %s %s"
+ (Filename.quote filename)
+ (Filename.quote (ofn ^ ".png"))));
w#destroy ();
let status = script#grafite_status in
let _,_,menv,subst,_ = status#obj in
let sequent = List.hd menv in
+ let name = Filename.dirname (script#filename) ^ "/" ^ name in
guistuff.mathviewer#screenshot status sequent menv subst name;
[status, parsed_text], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.NCheck (_,t) ->
+SRC=$(wildcard *.ma)
- for X in *.ma; do $(MAKE) $$X.html; done
+all: $(
rm *.html *.png convert.awk preamble.xml postamble.xml
+%.html: convert.awk preamble.xml postamble.xml
cat preamble.xml > $@
- awk -f convert.awk < $< | markdown >> $@
+ awk -f convert.awk < $< > $*.mdwn
+ markdown < $*.mdwn >> $@
cat postamble.xml >> $@
-BEGIN { p = 1; indent = ""; }
-/DOCBEGIN/ { indent = ""; NF = 0; }
-/DOCEND/ { indent = " "; NF = 0; }
-/HIDE/ { p = 0; }
-{ if (p == 1) print indent $0; }
-/UNHIDE/ { p = 1; }
+ do_print = 1;
+ indent = "";
+ refs["matita"] = "";
+ }
+# markdown mangling
+/screenshot *".*"/ {
+ match($0, "screenshot *\"([^\"]+)\"", data);
+ key = data[1];
+ refs[key] = key ".png";
+ }
+# literate programming
+ indent = ""; NF = 0; }
+ indent = " "; NF = 0; }
+/HIDE/ {
+ do_print = 0; }
+ if (do_print == 1) print indent $0; }
+ do_print = 1; }
+# closing
+END {
+ for (i in refs) {
+ print "[" i "]: " refs[i];
+ }
The library, inclusion of `sets/`, notation defined: Ω^A.
Symbols (see menu: View ▹ TeX/UTF-8 Table):
-- `Ω` \Omega
+- `Ω` can be typed \Omega
- `∀` \Forall
- `λ` \lambda
- `≝` \def
The first definition
+![bla bla][def-fish-rec]
ndefinition cover_set ≝ λc:∀A:Ax.Ω^A → A → CProp[0].λA,C,U.
(P: Ω^A) (H1: P ⊆ U)
(H2: ∀a:A. a ∈ P → ∀j: 𝐈 a. 𝐂 a j ≬ P):
∀a:A. ∀p: a ∈ P. a ⋉ U ≝ ?.
-#a; #p; napply cfish; (** screenshot "topology/def-fish-rec". *)
+#a; #p; napply cfish; (** screenshot "def-fish-rec". *)
##[ napply H1; napply p;
##| #i; ncases (H2 a p i); #x; *; #xC; #xP; @; ##[napply x]
@; ##[ napply xC ] napply (fish_rec ? U P); nassumption;
pre, code {
font-family: Sans;
font-size: 1em;
- background-color:#efee79; }
- pre { margin-right: 5em;}
- img { display: block; margin-bottom: 1em; }
- .img {
+ background-color:#fafaaf; }
+ pre { margin-right: 5em; margin-left: 2em; }
+ img {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
display: block;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 2px;
border-color: grey;
- background: grey;
- text-align:center;
- color: white;
- width: 200px;