* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-(* TODO libxslt support 'http_proxy' variables, but IIRC access to this
-variables is mentioned in non-reentrant stuff, so having those variables set
-cause uwobo not to work properly when invoked recursively *)
(* TODO braindead situation: /add of a stylesheet which uri is an uwobo
invocation *)
(sprintf "%s started and listening on port %d" daemon_name port);
syslogger#log `Notice (sprintf "current directory is %s" (Sys.getcwd ()));
+Unix.putenv "http_proxy" ""; (* reset http_proxy to avoid libxslt problems *)
Http_daemon.start' ~port ~mode:`Thread callback;
syslogger#log `Notice (sprintf "%s is terminating, bye!" daemon_name)