| _ -> assert false
-let idref register_ref =
+let freshid register_ref register_father_id =
let id = ref 0 in
- fun ?reference t ->
+ fun ?reference father_id ->
incr id;
let id = "i" ^ string_of_int !id in
(match reference with None -> () | Some r -> register_ref id r);
- Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef id, t)
+ register_father_id id father_id;
+ Some id, fun t -> Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef id, t)
(* CODICE c&p da NCicPp *)
let nast_of_cic0
- ~(idref:
- ?reference:NReference.reference -> CicNotationPt.term -> CicNotationPt.term)
- ~output_type ~subst k ~context =
+ ~(freshid:
+ ?reference:NReference.reference -> id option ->
+ id option * (CicNotationPt.term -> CicNotationPt.term))
+ ~output_type ~subst k ~context father_id =
| NCic.Rel n ->
- (try
- let name,_ = List.nth context (n-1) in
- let name = if name = "_" then "__"^string_of_int n else name in
- idref (Ast.Ident (name,None))
- with Failure "nth" | Invalid_argument "List.nth" ->
- idref (Ast.Ident ("-" ^ string_of_int (n - List.length context),None)))
- | NCic.Const r -> idref ~reference:r (Ast.Ident (NCicPp.r2s true r, None))
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ (try
+ let name,_ = List.nth context (n-1) in
+ let name = if name = "_" then "__"^string_of_int n else name in
+ idref (Ast.Ident (name,None))
+ with Failure "nth" | Invalid_argument "List.nth" ->
+ idref (Ast.Ident ("-"^ string_of_int (n - List.length context),None)))
+ | NCic.Const r ->
+ let id, idref = freshid ~reference:r father_id in
+ idref (Ast.Ident (NCicPp.r2s true r, None))
| NCic.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
let _,_,t,_ = List.assoc n subst in
- k ~context (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t)
+ k ~context father_id (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t)
| NCic.Meta (n,(s,l)) ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
(* CSC: qua non dovremmo espandere *)
let l = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l in
idref (Ast.Meta
- (n, List.map (fun x -> Some (k ~context (NCicSubstitution.lift s x))) l))
- | NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> idref (Ast.Sort `Prop)
- | NCic.Sort NCic.Type _ -> idref (Ast.Sort `Set)
+ (n,
+ List.map (fun x->Some(k ~context id (NCicSubstitution.lift s x))) l))
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Prop ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.Sort `Prop)
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type _ ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.Sort `Set)
(* CSC: | C.Sort (C.Type []) -> F.fprintf f "Type0"
| C.Sort (C.Type [false, u]) -> F.fprintf f "%s" (NUri.name_of_uri u)
| C.Sort (C.Type [true, u]) -> F.fprintf f "S(%s)" (NUri.name_of_uri u)
(List.tl l);
F.fprintf f ")"*)
(* CSC: qua siamo grezzi *)
- | NCic.Implicit `Hole -> idref (Ast.UserInput)
- | NCic.Implicit _ -> idref (Ast.Implicit)
+ | NCic.Implicit `Hole ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.UserInput)
+ | NCic.Implicit _ ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.Implicit)
| NCic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- let n = if n.[0] = '_' then "_" else n in
- let binder_kind = `Forall in
- idref (Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ~context s)),
- k ~context:((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) t))
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ let n = if n.[0] = '_' then "_" else n in
+ let binder_kind = `Forall in
+ idref
+ (Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ~context id s)),
+ k ~context:((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) id t))
| NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- idref (Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ~context s)),
- k ~context:((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) t))
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ~context id s)),
+ k ~context:((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) id t))
| NCic.LetIn (n,s,ty,t) ->
- idref (Ast.LetIn ((Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ~context ty)), k ~context s,
- k ~context:((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) t))
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.LetIn ((Ast.Ident (n,None), Some (k ~context id ty)),
+ k ~context id s, k ~context:((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) id t))
| NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (n,lc) :: args) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
let _,_,t,_ = List.assoc n subst in
let hd = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in
- k ~context
+ k ~context father_id
(NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce ~upto:(List.length args)
(match hd with
| NCic.Appl l -> NCic.Appl (l@args)
| _ -> NCic.Appl (hd :: args)))
- | NCic.Appl args -> idref (Ast.Appl (List.map (k ~context) args))
+ | NCic.Appl args ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ idref (Ast.Appl (List.map (k ~context id) args))
| NCic.Match (NReference.Ref (uri,_) as r,outty,te,patterns) ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
let name = NUri.name_of_uri uri in
(* CSC
let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
eat_branch (pred n) ((name,NCic.Decl s)::ctx) t pat
| NCic.Prod (_, _, t), NCic.Lambda (name, s, t') ->
let cv, rhs = eat_branch 0 ((name,NCic.Decl s)::ctx) t t' in
- (Ast.Ident (name,None), Some (k ~context s)) :: cv, rhs
- | _, _ -> [], k ~context pat
+ (Ast.Ident (name,None), Some (k ~context id s)) :: cv, rhs
+ | _, _ -> [], k ~context id pat
let j = ref 0 in
let patterns =
let name,(capture_variables,rhs) =
match output_type with
`Term -> name, eat_branch leftno context ty pat
- | `Pattern -> "_", ([], k ~context pat)
+ | `Pattern -> "_", ([], k ~context id pat)
- Ast.Pattern (name, None(*CSC Some (ctor_puri !j)*), capture_variables), rhs
+ Ast.Pattern
+ (name, None(*CSC Some (ctor_puri !j)*), capture_variables),rhs
) constructors patterns
with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
`Pattern -> None
| `Term -> Some case_indty
- idref (Ast.Case (k ~context te, indty, Some (k ~context outty), patterns))
+ idref
+ (Ast.Case
+ (k ~context id te, indty, Some (k ~context id outty), patterns))
(* persistent state *)
if args = [] then head
else Ast.Appl (head :: List.map instantiate_arg args)
-let rec nast_of_cic1 ~idref ~output_type ~subst ~context term =
+let rec nast_of_cic1 ~freshid ~output_type ~subst ~context father_id term =
match (get_compiled32 ()) term with
| None ->
- nast_of_cic0 ~idref ~output_type ~subst
- (nast_of_cic1 ~idref ~output_type ~subst) ~context term
- | Some (env, ctors, pid) ->
- let idrefs =
- List.map
- (fun term ->
- let attrterm =
- idref
- ~reference:
- (match term with NCic.Const nref -> nref | _ -> assert false)
- (CicNotationPt.Ident ("dummy",None))
- in
- match attrterm with
- Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef id, _) -> id
- | _ -> assert false
- ) ctors
- in
- let env =
- List.map
- (fun (name, term) ->
- name,
- nast_of_cic1 ~idref ~output_type ~subst ~context term
- ) env
- in
- let _, symbol, args, _ =
- try
- TermAcicContent.find_level2_patterns32 pid
- with Not_found -> assert false
- in
- let ast = instantiate32 idrefs env symbol args in
+ nast_of_cic0 ~freshid ~output_type ~subst
+ (nast_of_cic1 ~freshid ~output_type ~subst) ~context father_id term
+ | Some (env, ctors, pid) ->
+ let id, idref = freshid father_id in
+ let idrefs =
+ List.map
+ (fun term ->
+ let id, _ =
+ freshid
+ ~reference:
+ (match term with NCic.Const nref -> nref | _ -> assert false)
+ father_id
+ in
+ match id with Some id -> id | None -> assert false
+ ) ctors in
+ let env =
+ List.map
+ (fun (name, term) ->
+ name,nast_of_cic1 ~freshid ~output_type ~subst ~context id term
+ ) env in
+ let _, symbol, args, _ =
+ try
+ TermAcicContent.find_level2_patterns32 pid
+ with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let ast = instantiate32 idrefs env symbol args in
idref ast (*Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef (idref term), ast)*)
aux appl_pattern
-let nmap_sequent0 ~idref ~subst (i,(n,context,ty):int * NCic.conjecture) =
+let nmap_sequent0 ~freshid ~subst (i,(n,context,ty):int * NCic.conjecture) =
let module K = Content in
- let nast_of_cic = nast_of_cic1 ~idref ~output_type:`Term ~subst in
+ let nast_of_cic ~context =
+ nast_of_cic1 ~freshid ~output_type:`Term ~subst ~context None in
let context',_ =
(fun item (res,context) ->
let nmap_sequent ~subst metasenv =
let module K = Content in
- let ids_to_refs = Hashtbl.create 211 in
+ let ids_to_refs = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
let register_ref = Hashtbl.add ids_to_refs in
- nmap_sequent0 ~idref:(idref register_ref) ~subst metasenv, ids_to_refs
+ let register_father_id = Hashtbl.add ids_to_father_ids in
+ nmap_sequent0 ~freshid:(freshid register_ref register_father_id) ~subst
+ metasenv,ids_to_refs,ids_to_father_ids
let object_prefix = "obj:";;
let nmap_obj (uri,_,metasenv,subst,kind) =
let module K = Content in
- let ids_to_refs = Hashtbl.create 211 in
+ let ids_to_refs = Hashtbl.create 503 in
let register_ref = Hashtbl.add ids_to_refs in
- let idref = idref register_ref in
- let nast_of_cic =
- nast_of_cic1 ~idref ~output_type:`Term ~subst in
+ let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let register_father_id = Hashtbl.add ids_to_father_ids in
+ let freshid = freshid register_ref register_father_id in
+ let nast_of_cic ~context =
+ nast_of_cic1 ~freshid ~output_type:`Term ~subst ~context None in
let seed = ref 0 in
let conjectures =
match metasenv with
[] -> None
| _ -> (*Some (List.map (map_conjectures seed) metasenv)*)
(*CSC: used to be the previous line, that uses seed *)
- Some (List.map (nmap_sequent0 ~idref ~subst) metasenv)
+ Some (List.map (nmap_sequent0 ~freshid ~subst) metasenv)
let res =
match kind with
}) l
- res,ids_to_refs
+ res,ids_to_refs,ids_to_father_ids