(** respond using a prebuilt Http_types.response object *)
val respond_with: Http_types.response -> out_channel -> unit
- (** create an HTTP daemon listening on 'addr':'port' (defaults are
- addr:"" and port:80), callback is the user supplied function which
- receive as a first parameter the path required by the the HTTP client as a
- string, and a list of pair <parameter, value> representing parameters passed
- via GET. The last argument of the callback is an output_channel connected to
- the HTTP client to which the user can write directly. 'timeout' parameter sets
- a timeout for each request processed by the daemon, if it's set to None,
- daemon waits forever for completed requests (use with care!), default is 5
- minute. 'mode' parameter has 3 possible values: `Single means that all request
- are handled by the same process, `Fork means that each request is handled by a
- separate process, `Thread means that each request is handled by a separate
- thread, default is `Fork; 'root' (mnemonic "document root") is the directory
- where the daemon chdir before starting up, default is current working
- directory *)
+ (** starts an HTTP daemon listening
+ * @param addr adress on which daemon will be listening, can be both a numeric
+ * address (e.g. "") and an hostname (e.g. "localhost"). Default is
+ * the wildcard address ""
+ * @param port TCP port on which the daemon will be listening. Default is the
+ * HTTP port 80
+ * @param timeout timeout in seconds after which an incoming HTTP request will
+ * be terminated closing the corresponding TCP connection. Passing None will
+ * disable the timeout. Default is 5 minutes (300 seconds)
+ * @param mode requests handling mode, it can have three different values.
+ * `Single -> all requests will be handled by the same process,
+ * `Fork -> each request will be handled by a separate process
+ * `Thread -> each request will be handled by a separate thread
+ * Default is `Fork
+ * @param root document root (i.e. directory to which ocaml http will chdir
+ * before starting handling requests). Default is current working directory
+ * @param callback function which will be called each time a correct HTTP
+ * request will be received. 1st callback argument is the path requested by
+ * the HTTP client; 2nd argument is a list of pairs <parameter, value>
+ * representing decoded query string; 3rd argument is an output channel
+ * connected with the client
+ *)
val start:
?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode -> ?root: string ->