let uritree = ref []
let theoryuritree = ref []
-(* Brutti, per via del widget che non e' imperativo *)
-let loaded_uri = ref "";;
-let theory_loaded_uri = ref "";;
let get_name =
Dir (name,_) -> name
rendering_window#label#set_text (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) ;
ignore (rendering_window#errors#delete_text 0 rendering_window#errors#length) ;
let mmlfile = XsltProcessor.process uri true "theory" in
- theory_loaded_uri := mmlfile ;
- !(rendering_window#output)#load mmlfile
+ rendering_window#output#load mmlfile
let update_output rendering_window uri =
rendering_window#label#set_text (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) ;
ignore (rendering_window#errors#delete_text 0 rendering_window#errors#length) ;
let mmlfile = XsltProcessor.process uri true "cic" in
- loaded_uri := mmlfile ;
- !(rendering_window#output)#load mmlfile
+ rendering_window#output#load mmlfile
let theory_next rendering_window () =
(* called when an hyperlink is clicked *)
-let jump rendering_window node =
- let module M = Minidom in
- let s =
- match M.node_get_attribute node (M.mDOMString_of_string "href") with
- None -> assert false
- | Some s -> M.string_of_mDOMString s
- in
- let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string s in
- rendering_window#show () ;
- rendering_window#prevb#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- rendering_window#nextb#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- visited_uris := uri::!visited_uris ;
- to_visit_uris := [] ;
- annotated_obj := None ;
- update_output rendering_window uri
-let choose_selection rendering_window node =
- let module M = Minidom in
+let jump rendering_window (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ let s = (node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "href"))#get_string in
+ let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string s in
+ rendering_window#show () ;
+ rendering_window#prevb#misc#set_sensitive true ;
+ rendering_window#nextb#misc#set_sensitive false ;
+ visited_uris := uri::!visited_uris ;
+ to_visit_uris := [] ;
+ annotated_obj := None ;
+ update_output rendering_window uri
+let choose_selection rendering_window (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
let rec aux node =
- match M.node_get_attribute node (M.mDOMString_of_string "xref") with
- None ->
- let parent =
- match M.node_get_parent node with
- None -> assert false
- | Some parent -> parent
- in
- aux parent
- | Some s -> !(rendering_window#output)#set_selection (Some node)
+ try
+ let _ = node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "xref") in
+ rendering_window#output#set_selection node
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception _ ->
+ aux (node#get_parent)
match node with
- None -> !(rendering_window#output)#set_selection None
+ None -> rendering_window#output#reset_selection
| Some node -> aux node
let annotateb_pressed rendering_window annotation_window () =
- let module M = Minidom in
- match !(rendering_window#output)#get_selection with
- None -> (rendering_window#errors : GEdit.text)#insert "\nNo selection!\n"
- | Some node ->
- let xpath =
- match M.node_get_attribute node (M.mDOMString_of_string "xref") with
- None -> assert false
- | Some xpath -> M.string_of_mDOMString xpath
- in
- try
- let annobj = get_annotated_obj ()
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ try
+ let node = rendering_window#output#get_selection in
+ let xpath =
+ (node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "xref"))#get_string
+ in
+ try
+ let annobj = get_annotated_obj ()
+ (* next "cast" can't got rid of, but I don't know why *)
+ and annotation = (annotation_window#annotation : GEdit.text) in
+ ann := CicXPath.get_annotation annobj xpath ;
+ CicAnnotationHinter.create_hints annotation_window annobj xpath ;
+ annotation#delete_text 0 annotation#length ;
+ begin
+ match !(!ann) with
+ None ->
+ annotation#misc#set_sensitive false ;
+ annotation_window#radio_none#set_active true ;
+ radio_some_status := false
+ | Some ann' ->
+ annotation#insert ann' ;
+ annotation#misc#set_sensitive true ;
+ annotation_window#radio_some#set_active true ;
+ radio_some_status := true
+ end ;
+ GMain.Grab.add (annotation_window#window_to_annotate#coerce) ;
+ annotation_window#show () ;
+ with
+ e ->
(* next "cast" can't got rid of, but I don't know why *)
- and annotation = (annotation_window#annotation : GEdit.text) in
- ann := CicXPath.get_annotation annobj xpath ;
- CicAnnotationHinter.create_hints annotation_window annobj xpath ;
- annotation#delete_text 0 annotation#length ;
- begin
- match !(!ann) with
- None ->
- annotation#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- annotation_window#radio_none#set_active true ;
- radio_some_status := false
- | Some ann' ->
- annotation#insert ann' ;
- annotation#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- annotation_window#radio_some#set_active true ;
- radio_some_status := true
- end ;
- GMain.Grab.add (annotation_window#window_to_annotate#coerce) ;
- annotation_window#show () ;
- with
- e ->
- (* next "cast" can't got rid of, but I don't know why *)
- let errors = (rendering_window#errors : GEdit.text) in
- errors#insert ("\n" ^ Printexc.to_string e ^ "\n")
+ let errors = (rendering_window#errors : GEdit.text) in
+ errors#insert ("\n" ^ Printexc.to_string e ^ "\n")
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception _ ->
+ (rendering_window#errors : GEdit.text)#insert "\nNo selection!\n"
(* called when the annotation is confirmed *)
(* Stuff for the widget settings *)
let export_to_postscript output () =
- !output#export_to_postscript "output.ps" ;
+ output#export_to_postscript ~width:595 ~height:822 ~x_margin:72
+ ~y_margin:72 ~disable_colors:false "output.ps" ;
let activate_t1 output button_set_anti_aliasing button_set_kerning
- button_export_to_postscript sw button_t1 jump_callback
- selection_changed_callback last_uri ()
+ button_export_to_postscript button_t1 ()
let is_set = button_t1#active in
- sw#remove !output#coerce ;
- let font_size = !output#get_font_size in
- let log_verbosity = !output#get_log_verbosity in
- let anti_aliasing = button_set_anti_aliasing#active in
- let kerning = button_set_kerning#active in
- output :=
- (GMathView.math_view ~packing:sw#add ~width:400 ~height:380
- ~use_t1_lib:is_set ()) ;
- !output#set_font_size font_size ;
- !output#set_log_verbosity log_verbosity ;
- if is_set then
- begin
- button_set_anti_aliasing#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- button_set_kerning#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- !output#set_anti_aliasing anti_aliasing ;
- !output#set_kerning kerning ;
- end
- else
- begin
- button_set_anti_aliasing#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- button_set_kerning#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- end ;
- !output#load !last_uri ;
- ignore(!output#connect#jump jump_callback) ;
- ignore(!output#connect#selection_changed selection_changed_callback) ;
+ output#set_font_manager_type
+ (if is_set then
+ GtkMathView.MathView.FontManagerT1
+ else
+ GtkMathView.MathView.FontManagerGtk) ;
+ if is_set then
+ begin
+ button_set_anti_aliasing#misc#set_sensitive true ;
+ button_set_kerning#misc#set_sensitive true ;
+ button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive true ;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ button_set_anti_aliasing#misc#set_sensitive false ;
+ button_set_kerning#misc#set_sensitive false ;
+ button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive false ;
+ end
let set_anti_aliasing output button_set_anti_aliasing () =
- !output#set_anti_aliasing button_set_anti_aliasing#active
+ output#set_anti_aliasing button_set_anti_aliasing#active
let set_kerning output button_set_kerning () =
- !output#set_kerning button_set_kerning#active
+ output#set_kerning button_set_kerning#active
let changefont output font_size_spinb () =
- !output#set_font_size font_size_spinb#value_as_int
+ output#set_font_size font_size_spinb#value_as_int
let set_log_verbosity output log_verbosity_spinb () =
- !output#set_log_verbosity log_verbosity_spinb#value_as_int
+ output#set_log_verbosity log_verbosity_spinb#value_as_int
class settings_window output sw button_export_to_postscript jump_callback
- selection_changed_callback last_uri
+ selection_changed_callback
let settings_window = GWindow.window ~title:"GtkMathView settings" () in
let vbox =
(* Signals connection *)
(activate_t1 output button_set_anti_aliasing button_set_kerning
- button_export_to_postscript sw button_t1 jump_callback
- selection_changed_callback last_uri)) ;
+ button_export_to_postscript button_t1)) ;
ignore(font_size_spinb#connect#changed (changefont output font_size_spinb)) ;
(set_anti_aliasing output button_set_anti_aliasing));
method radio_some = radio_some
method radio_none = radio_none
method annotation_hints = annotation_hints
- method output = (output : GMathView.math_view ref)
+ method output = (output : GMathView.math_view)
method show () = window_to_annotate#show ()
(* signal handlers here *)
visited_uris := new_current_uri::(List.tl !visited_uris) ;
label#set_text (UriManager.string_of_uri new_current_uri) ;
let mmlfile = parse_no_cache new_current_uri in
- loaded_uri := mmlfile ;
- !output#load mmlfile
+ output#load mmlfile
)) ;
ignore (abortb#connect#clicked
(fun () ->
GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~padding:5) () in
let scrolled_window0 =
GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~packing:paned#add1 () in
- let _ = scrolled_window0#add !output#coerce in
+ let _ = scrolled_window0#add output#coerce in
let scrolled_window =
~border_width:10 ~packing:paned#add2 ~width:240 ~height:100 () in
method nextb = nextb
method prevb = prevb
method label = label
- method output = (output : GMathView.math_view ref)
+ method output = (output : GMathView.math_view)
method errors = errors
method show () = window#show ()
button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive false ;
(* signal handlers here *)
- ignore(!output#connect#jump (jump self)) ;
- ignore(!output#connect#selection_changed (choose_selection self)) ;
+ ignore(output#connect#jump (jump self)) ;
+ ignore(output#connect#selection_changed (choose_selection self)) ;
ignore(nextb#connect#clicked (next self)) ;
ignore(prevb#connect#clicked (prev self)) ;
ignore(checkb#connect#clicked (check self)) ;
ignore(closeb#connect#clicked window#misc#hide) ;
ignore(annotateb#connect#clicked (annotateb_pressed self annotation_window)) ;
let settings_window = new settings_window output scrolled_window0
- button_export_to_postscript (jump self) (choose_selection self) loaded_uri in
+ button_export_to_postscript (jump self) (choose_selection self) in
ignore(settingsb#connect#clicked settings_window#show) ;
ignore(button_export_to_postscript#connect#clicked (export_to_postscript output)) ;
ignore(window#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> window#misc#hide () ; true ))
let scrolled_window0 =
GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~packing:paned#add1 () in
let output =
- ref (GMathView.math_view ~use_t1_lib:false ~width:400 ~height:380
- ~packing:scrolled_window0#add ()) in
+ GMathView.math_view ~width:400 ~height:380 ~packing:scrolled_window0#add () in
let scrolled_window =
~border_width:10 ~packing:paned#add2 ~width:240 ~height:100 () in
method nextb = nextb
method prevb = prevb
method label = label
- method output = (output : GMathView.math_view ref)
+ method output = (output : GMathView.math_view)
method errors = errors
method show () = window#show ()
button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive false ;
(* signal handlers here *)
- ignore(!output#connect#jump (jump rendering_window)) ;
- ignore(!output#connect#selection_changed (choose_selection self)) ;
+ ignore(output#connect#jump (jump rendering_window)) ;
+ ignore(output#connect#selection_changed (choose_selection self)) ;
ignore(nextb#connect#clicked (theory_next self)) ;
ignore(prevb#connect#clicked (theory_prev self)) ;
ignore(checkb#connect#clicked (theory_check self)) ;
let settings_window = new settings_window output scrolled_window0
- button_export_to_postscript (jump rendering_window) (choose_selection self)
- theory_loaded_uri in
+ button_export_to_postscript (jump rendering_window)(choose_selection self) in
ignore(settingsb#connect#clicked settings_window#show) ;
ignore(button_export_to_postscript#connect#clicked (export_to_postscript output)) ;
ignore(closeb#connect#clicked window#misc#hide) ;
let _ =
build_uri_tree () ;
- let output =
- ref (GMathView.math_view ~use_t1_lib:false ~width:400 ~height:380 ())
+ let output = GMathView.math_view ~width:400 ~height:380 ()
and label = GMisc.label ~text:"???" () in
let annotation_window = new annotation_window output label in
let rendering_window = new rendering_window annotation_window output label in