text prefix_len) (text,prefix_len,t1) id1 (text,prefix_len,t2) id2
| GrafiteAst.Thesisbecomes (_, t1, t2) -> Declarative.thesisbecomes (text,prefix_len,t1)
(match t2 with None -> None | Some t2 -> (Some (text,prefix_len,t2)))
- | GrafiteAst.RewritingStep (_,termine,t1,t2,cont) ->
- Declarative.rewritingstep (match termine with None -> None
- | Some (s,t) -> Some (s, (text,prefix_len,t)))
- (text,prefix_len,t1)
- (match t2 with
- `Term t -> just_to_tacstatus_just t2 text prefix_len
- | `Auto params -> just_to_tacstatus_just t2 text prefix_len
+ | GrafiteAst.RewritingStep (_,rhs,just,cont) ->
+ Declarative.rewritingstep (text,prefix_len,rhs)
+ (match just with
+ `Term t -> just_to_tacstatus_just just text prefix_len
+ | `Auto params -> just_to_tacstatus_just just text prefix_len
|`Proof -> `Proof
|`SolveWith t -> `SolveWith (text,prefix_len,t)
+ | GrafiteAst.Obtain (_,id,t1) ->
+ Declarative.obtain id (text,prefix_len,t1)
+ | GrafiteAst.Conclude (_,t1) ->
+ Declarative.conclude (text,prefix_len,t1)
+ | GrafiteAst.We_proceed_by_cases_on (_, t, t1) ->
+ Declarative.we_proceed_by_cases_on (text,prefix_len,t) (text,prefix_len,t1)
+ | GrafiteAst.We_proceed_by_induction_on (_, t, t1) ->
+ Declarative.we_proceed_by_induction_on (text,prefix_len,t) (text,prefix_len,t1)
+ | GrafiteAst.Byinduction (_, t, id) -> Declarative.byinduction (text,prefix_len,t) id
+ | GrafiteAst.Case (_,id,params) -> Declarative.case id params
| GrafiteAst.PrintStack (_) -> Declarative.print_stack
aux aux tac (* trick for non uniform recursion call *)
| IDENT "the" ; IDENT "thesis" ; IDENT "becomes" ; t1=tactic_term ; t2 = OPT [IDENT "or"; IDENT
"equivalently"; t2 = tactic_term -> t2] ->
G.NTactic (loc,[G.Thesisbecomes(loc,t1,t2)])
+ | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proceed" ; IDENT "by" ; IDENT "cases" ; "on" ; t=tactic_term ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t1=tactic_term ->
+ G.NTactic (loc,[G.We_proceed_by_cases_on (loc, t, t1)])
+ | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proceed" ; IDENT "by" ; IDENT "induction" ; "on" ; t=tactic_term ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t1=tactic_term ->
+ G.NTactic (loc,[G.We_proceed_by_induction_on (loc, t, t1)])
+ | IDENT "by" ; IDENT "induction" ; IDENT "hypothesis" ; IDENT "we" ; IDENT "know" ; t=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ->
+ G.NTactic (loc,[G.Byinduction(loc, t, id)])
+ | IDENT "case" ; id = IDENT ; params=LIST0[LPAREN ; i=IDENT ;
+ SYMBOL":" ; t=tactic_term ; RPAREN -> i,t] ->
+ G.NTactic (loc,[G.Case(loc,id,params)])
| IDENT "print_stack" -> G.NTactic (loc,[G.PrintStack loc])
(* DO NOT FACTORIZE with the two following, camlp5 sucks*)
| IDENT "conclude";
termine = tactic_term;
SYMBOL "=" ;
cont = rewriting_step_continuation ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.RewritingStep(loc, Some (Some name,termine), t1, t2, cont)])
+ | IDENT "obtain" ; name = IDENT;
+ termine = tactic_term ->
+ G.NTactic(loc,[G.Obtain(loc, name, termine)])
+ | IDENT "conclude" ; termine = tactic_term ->
+ G.NTactic(loc,[G.Conclude(loc, termine)])
| SYMBOL "=" ;
t1=tactic_term ;
t2 =
cont = rewriting_step_continuation ->
- G.NTactic(loc,[G.RewritingStep(loc, None, t1, t2, cont)])
+ G.NTactic(loc,[G.RewritingStep(loc, t1, t2, cont)])
auto_fixed_param: [
-let same_type_as_conclusion ty t status goal =
+let alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm ty t status goal =
let gty = get_goalty status goal in
let ctx = ctx_of gty in
let status,cicterm = disambiguate status ctx ty `XTNone (*(`XTSome (mk_cic_term ctx t))*) in
let lambda_abstract_tac id t1 t2 status goal =
match extract_conclusion_type status goal with
| NCic.Prod (_,t,_) ->
- if same_type_as_conclusion t1 t status goal then
+ if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 t status goal then
match t2 with
| None ->
let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
let assert_tac t1 t2 status goal continuation =
let t = extract_conclusion_type status goal in
- if same_type_as_conclusion t1 t status goal then
+ if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 t status goal then
match t2 with
| None -> continuation
| Some t2 ->
-let by_just_we_proved just ty id ty' (*status*) =
- distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
- let wrappedjust = just in
- let just = mk_just status goal just in
- match id with
- | None ->
- (match ty' with
- | None -> (* just we proved P done *)
- (
- try
- assert_tac ty None status goal (exec (bydone wrappedjust) status goal)
- with
- | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The given proposition is not the same as the conclusion")
- | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The given propositions are not equivalent")
- )
- | Some ty' -> (* just we proved P that is equivalent to P' done *)
- (
- try
- assert_tac ty' (Some ty) status goal (exec (block_tac [change_tac
- ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some Ast.UserInput)) ~with_what:ty; bydone
- wrappedjust]) status goal)
- with
- | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The second proposition is not the same as the conclusion")
- | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The given propositions are not equivalent")
- )
- )
- | Some id ->
- (
- match ty' with
- | None -> exec (block_tac [cut_tac ty; branch_tac; just; shift_tac; intro_tac
- id; merge_tac ]) status goal
- | Some ty' -> exec (block_tac [cut_tac ty; branch_tac; just; shift_tac; intro_tac
- id; change_tac ~where:("",0,(None,[id,Ast.UserInput],None))
- ~with_what:ty'; merge_tac]) status goal
- )
- )
-let thesisbecomes t1 t2 status = we_need_to_prove t1 None t2 status
+let by_just_we_proved just ty id ty' status =
+ let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
+ let wrappedjust = just in
+ let just = mk_just status goal just in
+ match id with
+ | None ->
+ (match ty' with
+ | None -> (* just we proved P done *)
+ (
+ try
+ assert_tac ty None status goal (bydone wrappedjust status)
+ with
+ | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The given proposition is not the same as the conclusion")
+ | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The given propositions are not equivalent")
+ )
+ | Some ty' -> (* just we proved P that is equivalent to P' done *)
+ (
+ try
+ assert_tac ty' None status goal (block_tac [change_tac ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some
+ Ast.UserInput))
+ ~with_what:ty; bydone wrappedjust]
+ status )
+ with
+ | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The second proposition is not the same as the conclusion")
+ | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The given propositions are not equivalent")
+ )
+ )
+ | Some id ->
+ (
+ match ty' with
+ | None -> block_tac [cut_tac ty; branch_tac; just; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac ] status
+ | Some ty' -> block_tac [cut_tac ty; branch_tac; just; shift_tac; intro_tac id; change_tac
+ ~where:("",0,(None,[id,Ast.UserInput],None)) ~with_what:ty';
+ merge_tac] status
+ )
let existselim just id1 t1 t2 id2 (*status*) =
let (_,cicty) = typeof status ctx cicterm in
-let rewritingstep lhs rhs just last_step status =
+let swap_first_two_goals_tac status =
+ let gstatus =
+ match status#stack with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (g,t,k,tag) :: s ->
+ match g with
+ | (loc1) :: (loc2) :: tl ->
+ ([loc2;loc1] @+ tl,t,k,tag) :: s
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ status#set_stack gstatus
+let thesisbecomes t1 t2 = we_need_to_prove t1 None t2
+let obtain id t1 status =
+ let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
+ let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
+ let cicty = type_of_tactic_term status ctx t1 in
+ let _,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicty ctx in
+ let (_,_,t1) = t1 in
+ block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; t1; Ast.Implicit
+ `JustOne]));
+ swap_first_two_goals_tac;
+ branch_tac; shift_tac; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac; dot_tac;
+ ]
+ status
+let conclude t1 =
+ distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
+ let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
+ let _,gty = term_of_cic_term status cicgty ctx in
+ match gty with
+ NCic.Appl [_;_;plhs;_] ->
+ if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 plhs status goal then
+ exec id_tac status goal
+ else
+ fail (lazy "The given conclusion is different from the left-hand side of the current conclusion")
+ | _ -> fail (lazy "Your conclusion needs to be an equality")
+ )
+let rewritingstep rhs just last_step status =
+ let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
+ let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
+ let _,gty = term_of_cic_term status cicgty ctx in
+ let cicty = type_of_tactic_term status ctx rhs in
+ let _,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicty ctx in
+ let just' = (* Extraction of the ""justification"" from the ad hoc justification *)
+ match just with
+ `Auto (univ, params) ->
+ let params =
+ if not (List.mem_assoc "timeout" params) then
+ ("timeout","3")::params
+ else params
+ in
+ let params' =
+ if not (List.mem_assoc "paramodulation" params) then
+ ("paramodulation","1")::params
+ else params
+ in
+ if params = params' then NnAuto.auto_lowtac ~params:(univ, params) status goal
+ else
+ first_tac [NnAuto.auto_lowtac ~params:(univ, params) status goal; NnAuto.auto_lowtac
+ ~params:(univ, params') status goal]
+ | `Term just -> apply_tac just
+ | `SolveWith term -> NnAuto.demod_tac ~params:(Some [term], ["all","1";"steps","1"; "use_ctx","false"])
+ | `Proof -> id_tac
+ in
+ let plhs,prhs,prepare =
+ match gty with (* Extracting the lhs and rhs of the previous equality *)
+ NCic.Appl [_;_;plhs;prhs] -> plhs,prhs,(fun continuation -> continuation status)
+ | _ -> fail (lazy "You are not building an equaility chain")
+ in
+ let continuation =
+ if last_step then
+ (*CSC:manca controllo sul fatto che rhs sia convertibile con prhs*)
+ let todo = [just'] in
+ let todo = if mustdot status then List.append todo [dot_tac] else todo
+ in
+ block_tac todo
+ else
+ let (_,_,rhs) = rhs in
+ block_tac [apply_tac ("",0,Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("trans_eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; Ast.NCic plhs;
+ rhs; Ast.NCic prhs]); branch_tac; just'; merge_tac]
+ in
+ prepare continuation
let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in
let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in
(fun continuation -> continuation status)
| Some (Some name,lhs) -> (* obtain *)
- fail (lazy "Not implemented")
- (*
- let plhs = lhs in
- let prhs = Cic.Meta(newmeta,irl) in
- plhs,prhs,
+ NCic.Rel 1, NCic.Rel 1, (* continuation for this case is gonna be ignored, so it doesn't
+ matter what the values of these two are *)
(fun continuation ->
- let metasenv = (newmeta, ctx, ty)::metasenv in
- let mk_fresh_name_callback =
- fun metasenv ctx _ ~typ ->
- FreshNamesGenerator.mk_fresh_name ~subst:[] metasenv ctx
- (Cic.Name name) ~typ
- in
- let proof = curi,metasenv,_subst,proofbo,proofty, attrs in
- let proof,goals =
- ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic
- (Tacticals.thens
- ~start:(Tactics.cut ~mk_fresh_name_callback
- (Cic.Appl [eq ; ty ; lhs ; prhs]))
- ~continuations:[Tacticals.id_tac ; continuation]) (proof,goal)
- in
- let goals =
- match just,goals with
- `Proof, [g1;g2;g3] -> [g2;g3;newmeta;g1]
- | _, [g1;g2] -> [g2;newmeta;g1]
- | _, l ->
- prerr_endline (String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int l));
- prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] metasenv);
- assert false
- in
- proof,goals)
- *)
+ let (_,_,lhs) = lhs in
+ block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; lhs; Ast.Implicit
+ `JustOne]));
+ swap_first_two_goals_tac;
+ branch_tac; shift_tac; shift_tac; intro_tac name; merge_tac; dot_tac;
+ change_tac ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some Ast.Appl[Ast.Implicit `JustOne;Ast.Implicit
+ `JustOne; Ast.UserInput; Ast.Implicit `JustOne]))
+ ~with_what:rhs
+ ]
+ status
+ )
let continuation =
if last_step then
prepare continuation
+ *)
+let we_proceed_by_cases_on t1 t2 status =
+ let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
+ try
+ assert_tac t2 None status goal (block_tac [cases_tac ~what:t1 ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some
+ Ast.UserInput));
+ dot_tac] status)
+ with
+ | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "What you want to prove is different from the conclusion")
+let we_proceed_by_induction_on t1 t2 status =
+ let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in
+ try
+ assert_tac t2 None status goal (block_tac [elim_tac ~what:t1 ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some
+ Ast.UserInput));
+ dot_tac] status)
+ with
+ | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "What you want to prove is different from the conclusion")
+let byinduction t1 id = suppose t1 id None ;;
+let case id l =
+ distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
+ let rec aux l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> [id_tac]
+ | (id,ty)::tl ->
+ (try_tac (assume id ("",0,ty) None)) :: (aux tl)
+ in
+(* if l == [] then exec (try_tac (intro_tac "H")) status goal *)
+(* else *)
+ exec (block_tac (aux l)) status goal
+ )
let print_stack status = prerr_endline ("PRINT STACK: " ^ (pp status#stack)); id_tac status ;;