self#moveMark (String.length new_text)
- method private _retract () =
- match statements, history with
- | last_statement :: _, cur_status :: prev_status :: _ ->
- MatitaSync.time_travel ~present:cur_status ~past:prev_status;
- statements <- List.tl statements;
- history <- List.tl history;
- self#moveMark (- (String.length last_statement));
- | _ -> raise Margin
+ method private _retract offset status new_statements new_history =
+ let cur_status = match history with s::_ -> s | [] -> assert false in
+ MatitaSync.time_travel ~present:cur_status ~past:status;
+ statements <- new_statements;
+ history <- new_history;
+ self#moveMark (- offset)
method advance ?statement () =
method retract () =
- self#_retract ();
- self#notify
+ let cmp,new_statements,new_history,status =
+ match statements,history with
+ stat::statements, _::(status::_ as history) ->
+ String.length stat, statements, history, status
+ | [],[_] -> raise Margin
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ in
+ self#_retract cmp status new_statements new_history;
+ self#notify
| Margin -> self#notify
| exc -> self#notify; raise exc
| `Cursor ->
let locked_iter () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked") in
let cursor_iter () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
+ let cmp = (locked_iter ())#offset - (cursor_iter ())#offset in
let forward_until_cursor () = (* go forward until locked > cursor *)
let rec aux oldpos =
self#_advance ();
aux (getpos ())
- let rec back_until_cursor () = (* go backward until locked < cursor *)
- self#_retract ();
- if (locked_iter ())#compare (cursor_iter ()) > 0 then
- back_until_cursor ()
+ let rec back_until_cursor len = (* go backward until locked < cursor *)
+ function
+ statements, (status::_ as history) when len <= 0 ->
+ self#_retract (cmp - len) status statements history
+ | statement::tl1, _::tl2 ->
+ back_until_cursor (len - String.length statement) (tl1,tl2)
+ | _,_ -> assert false
- let cmp = (locked_iter ())#compare (cursor_iter ()) in
if cmp < 0 then (* locked < cursor *)
(forward_until_cursor (); self#notify)
else if cmp > 0 then (* locked > cursor *)
- (back_until_cursor (); self#notify)
+ (back_until_cursor cmp (statements,history); self#notify)
else (* cursor = locked *)