include "compiler/".
include "compiler/".
-(* *********************** *)
-(* *********************** *)
- PREAST_VAR_ID: aux_str_type → preast_var
- PREAST_VAR_ARRAY: preast_var → preast_expr → preast_var
- PREAST_VAR_STRUCT: ne_list preast_var → nat → preast_var.
-let rec evaluate_var_type (preast:preast_var) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (Prod bool ast_type) ≝
- match preast with
- [ PREAST_VAR_ID name ⇒
- opt_map ?? (get_desc_env_aux e (None ?) name)
- (λdesc.Some ? (pair ?? (get_const_desc desc) (get_type_desc desc)))
- | PREAST_VAR_ARRAY subVar expr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_var_type subVar e)
- (λcDesc.match snd ?? cDesc with
- [ AST_TYPE_ARRAY subType dim ⇒ Some ? (pair ?? (fst ?? cDesc) subType)
- | _ ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_VAR_STRUCT subVar field ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_var_type subVar e)
- (λcDesc.match snd ?? cDesc with
- [ AST_TYPE_STRUCT nelSubType ⇒
- opt_map ?? (nth_neList ? nelSubType field)
- (λsubType.Some ? (pair ?? (fst ?? cDesc) subType))
- | _ ⇒ None ? ])
- ].
- PREAST_EXPR_BYTE8 : byte8 → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_WORD16: word16 → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_WORD32: word32 → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_NEG: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_NOT: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_COM: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_ADD: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_SUB: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_MUL: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_DIV: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_SHR: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_SHL: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_GT : preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_GTE: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_LT : preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_LTE: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_EQ : preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_NEQ: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_B8toW16 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_B8toW32 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W16toB8 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W16toW32: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W32toB8 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W32toW16: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_ID: preast_var → preast_expr
-let rec evaluate_expr_type (preast:preast_expr) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option ast_base_type ≝
- match preast with
- | PREAST_EXPR_NEG subExpr ⇒ evaluate_expr_type subExpr e
- | PREAST_EXPR_NOT subExpr ⇒ evaluate_expr_type subExpr e
- | PREAST_EXPR_COM subExpr ⇒ evaluate_expr_type subExpr e
- | PREAST_EXPR_ADD subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? t1 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_SUB subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? t1 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_MUL subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? t1 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_DIV subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? t1 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_SHR subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t2 AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with [ true ⇒ Some ? t1 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_SHL subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t2 AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with [ true ⇒ Some ? t1 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_GT subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_GTE subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_LT subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_LTE subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_EQ subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_NEQ subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λt1.opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr2 e)
- (λt2.match eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ]))
- | PREAST_EXPR_B8toW16 subExpr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr e)
- (λt.match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 | false ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_EXPR_B8toW32 subExpr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr e)
- (λt.match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 | false ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_EXPR_W16toB8 subExpr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr e)
- (λt.match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_EXPR_W16toW32 subExpr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr e)
- (λt.match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 | false ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_EXPR_W32toB8 subExpr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr e)
- (λt.match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 | false ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_EXPR_W32toW16 subExpr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr e)
- (λt.match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 with [ true ⇒ Some ? AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 | false ⇒ None ? ])
- | PREAST_EXPR_ID var ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_var_type var e)
- (λcDesc.match snd ?? cDesc with [ AST_TYPE_BASE bType ⇒ Some ? bType | _ ⇒ None ? ])
- ].
-inductive sigma (A:Type) (P:A \to Type) : Type \def
- sigma_intro: \forall x:A. P x \to sigma A P.
-notation < "hvbox(\Sigma ident i opt (: ty) break . p)"
- right associative with precedence 20
-for @{ 'Sigma ${default
- @{\lambda ${ident i} : $ty. $p}
- @{\lambda ${ident i} . $p}}}.
-notation > "\Sigma list1 ident x sep , opt (: T). term 19 Px"
- with precedence 20
- for ${ default
- @{ ${ fold right @{$Px} rec acc @{'Sigma (λ${ident x}:$T.$acc)} } }
- @{ ${ fold right @{$Px} rec acc @{'Sigma (λ${ident x}.$acc)} } }
- }.
-notation "\ll term 19 a, break term 19 b \gg"
-with precedence 90 for @{'dependent_pair (λx:?.? x) $a $b}.
-interpretation "dependent pair" 'dependent_pair \eta.c a b = (sigma_intro _ c a b).
-interpretation "sigma" 'Sigma \eta.x = (sigma _ x).
+include "compiler/".
+(* ************************* *)
+(* PASSO 1 : da PREAST a AST *)
+(* ************************* *)
+lemma pippo : ∀t1,t2:ast_base_type.
+ (eq_ast_base_type t1 t2 = true) → (t1 = t2).
+ unfold eq_ast_base_type;
+ intros;
+ elim t1 in H:(%);
+ elim t2 in H:(%);
+ normalize in H:(%);
+ try reflexivity;
+ destruct H;
PREAST_EXPR_BYTE8 : byte8 → preast_expr
PREAST_EXPR_W32toW16: preast_expr → preast_expr
PREAST_EXPR_ID: preast_var → preast_expr
+definition preast_to_ast_expr_check ≝
+ λe:aux_env_type.λv:Σt'.ast_expr e t'.λt:ast_base_type.
+ match v with
+ [ sigma_intro t' expr ⇒
+ match eq_ast_base_type t' t
+ return λb.eq_ast_base_type t' t = b → option (ast_expr e t)
+ with
+ [ true ⇒ λp.Some ? (eq_rect ? t' (λt.ast_expr e t) expr t (pippo ?? p))
+ | false ⇒ λp.None ?
+ ] (refl_eq ? (eq_ast_base_type t' t))
+ ].
let rec preast_to_ast_expr (preast:preast_expr) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (Σt:ast_base_type.ast_expr e t) ≝
match preast with
- | _ ⇒ None ? (*
- match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ Some ? (AST_EXPR_BYTE8 e val) | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_WORD16 val ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 with
- [ true ⇒ Some ? (AST_EXPR_WORD16 e val) | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_WORD32 val ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 with
- [ true ⇒ Some ? (AST_EXPR_WORD32 e val) | false ⇒ None ? ]
+ (* in pretty print diventa Some ? "≪AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8,AST_EXPR_BYTE8 e val≫" *)
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e t)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_NEG e t res))
+ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e)
+ (λsigmaRes:Σt:ast_base_type.ast_expr e t.Some ? ≪sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes, AST_EXPR_NEG e (sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes) (sigmaSnd ?? sigmaRes)≫)
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e t)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_NOT e t res))
+ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e)
+ (λsigmaRes:Σt:ast_base_type.ast_expr e t.Some ? ≪sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes, AST_EXPR_NOT e (sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes) (sigmaSnd ?? sigmaRes)≫)
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e t)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_COM e t res))
+ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e)
+ (λsigmaRes:Σt:ast_base_type.ast_expr e t.Some ? ≪sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes, AST_EXPR_COM e (sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes) (sigmaSnd ?? sigmaRes)≫)
| PREAST_EXPR_ADD subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e t)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e t)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_ADD e t res1 res2)))
- | PREAST_EXPR_SUB subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e t)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e t)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_SUB e t res1 res2)))
- | PREAST_EXPR_MUL subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e t)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e t)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_MUL e t res1 res2)))
- | PREAST_EXPR_DIV subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e t)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e t)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_DIV e t res1 res2)))
- | PREAST_EXPR_SHR subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e t)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_SHR e t res1 res2)))
- | PREAST_EXPR_SHL subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e t)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_SHL e t res1 res2)))
- | PREAST_EXPR_GT subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λresType.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e resType)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e resType)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_GT e resType res1 res2))))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_GTE subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λresType.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e resType)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e resType)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_GTE e resType res1 res2))))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_LT subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λresType.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e resType)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e resType)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_LT e resType res1 res2))))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_LTE subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λresType.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e resType)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e resType)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_LTE e resType res1 res2))))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_EQ subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λresType.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e resType)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e resType)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_EQ e resType res1 res2))))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_NEQ subExpr1 subExpr2 ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_expr_type subExpr1 e)
- (λresType.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e resType)
- (λres1.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e resType)
- (λres2.Some ? (AST_EXPR_NEQ e resType res1 res2))))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_B8toW16 subExpr ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_B8toW16 e res))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_B8toW32 subExpr ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_B8toW32 e res))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_W16toB8 subExpr ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_W16toB8 e res))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_W16toW32 subExpr ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_W16toW32 e res))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_W32toB8 subExpr ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_W32toB8 e res))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_W32toW16 subExpr ⇒ match eq_ast_base_type t AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD16 with
- [ true ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr e AST_BASE_TYPE_WORD32)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_W32toW16 e res))
- | false ⇒ None ? ]
- | PREAST_EXPR_ID var ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_var_type var e)
- (λcDesc.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_var var e (fst ?? cDesc) (AST_TYPE_BASE t))
- (λres.Some ? (AST_EXPR_ID e (fst ?? cDesc) t res)))*)
+ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr1 e)
+ (λsigmaRes1:Σt:ast_base_type.ast_expr e t.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr subExpr2 e)
+ (λsigmaRes2.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr_check e sigmaRes2 (sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes1))
+ (λres2.Some ? (≪sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes1,AST_EXPR_ADD e (sigmaFst ?? sigmaRes1) (sigmaSnd ?? sigmaRes1) res2≫))))
+ | _ ⇒ None ?
PREAST_VAR_ID: aux_str_type → preast_var
PREAST_VAR_ARRAY: preast_var → preast_expr → preast_var
PREAST_VAR_STRUCT: preast_var → nat → preast_var.
-and preast_to_ast_var (preast:preast_var) (e:aux_env_type) (c:bool) (t:ast_type) on preast : option (ast_var e c t) ≝
- None (ast_var e c t)
+and preast_to_ast_var (preast:preast_var) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (Σb:bool.Σt:ast_type.ast_var e b t) ≝
+ None ?.
- PREAST_EXPR_BYTE8 : byte8 → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_WORD16: word16 → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_WORD32: word32 → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_NEG: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_NOT: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_COM: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_ADD: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_SUB: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_MUL: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_DIV: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_SHR: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_SHL: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_GT : preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_GTE: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_LT : preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_LTE: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_EQ : preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_NEQ: preast_expr → preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_B8toW16 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_B8toW32 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W16toB8 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W16toW32: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W32toB8 : preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_W32toW16: preast_expr → preast_expr
- PREAST_EXPR_ID: preast_var → preast_expr
+ PREAST_INIT_VAL_BYTE8: byte8 → preast_init_val
+ PREAST_INIT_VAL_WORD16: word16 → preast_init_val
+ PREAST_INIT_VAL_WORD32: word32 → preast_init_val
+ PREAST_INIT_VAL_ARRAY: ne_list preast_init_val → preast_init_val
+ PREAST_INIT_VAL_STRUCT: ne_list preast_init_val → preast_init_val.
-and preast_to_ast_base_expr (preast:preast_expr) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (ast_base_expr e) ≝
- None (ast_base_expr e).
+let rec preast_to_ast_init_val (preast:preast_init_val) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (sigma ast_type (ast_init e)) ≝
+ None ?.
+ PREAST_INIT_VAR: preast_var → preast_init
+ PREAST_INIT_VAL: preast_init_val → preast_init.
+definition preast_to_ast_init : preast_init → Πe:aux_env_type.option (sigma ast_type (ast_init e)) ≝
+λpreast:preast_init.λe:aux_env_type.None ?.
PREAST_STM_ASG: preast_var → preast_expr → preast_stm
PREAST_STM_WHILE: preast_expr → preast_decl → preast_stm
PREAST_STM_IF: ne_list (Prod preast_expr preast_decl) → option preast_decl → preast_stm
let rec preast_to_ast_stm (preast:preast_stm) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (ast_stm e) ≝
- match preast with
- (* (A) assegnamento *)
- [ PREAST_STM_ASG var expr ⇒
- opt_map ?? (evaluate_var_type var e)
- (λcDesc.match fst ?? cDesc with
- (* NO: left non deve essere read only *)
- [ true ⇒ None ?
- (* OK: left e' read write *)
- | false ⇒
- match isntb_ast_base_type (snd ?? cDesc)
- return λx.(isntb_ast_base_type (snd ?? cDesc)) = x → option (ast_stm e)
- with
- (* (A.1) memcpy *)
- [ true ⇒ λp:(isntb_ast_base_type (snd ?? cDesc)) = true.match expr with
- (* OK: right deve essere una var *)
- [ PREAST_EXPR_ID subVar ⇒ opt_map ?? (evaluate_var_type subVar e)
- (λcDesc'.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_var var e false (snd ?? cDesc))
- (λresVar.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_var subVar e (fst ?? cDesc') (snd ?? cDesc))
- (λresVar'.Some ? (AST_STM_MEMCPY_ASG e (fst ?? cDesc') (snd ?? cDesc)
- (isntbastbasetype_to_isntastbasetype (snd ?? cDesc) p)
- resVar resVar'))))
- (* NO: right non e' una var *)
- | _ ⇒ None ? ]
- (* (A.2) variabile *)
- | false ⇒ λp:(isntb_ast_base_type (snd ?? cDesc)) = false.match snd ?? cDesc with
- [ AST_TYPE_BASE bType ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr expr e bType)
- (λresExpr.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_var var e false (AST_TYPE_BASE bType))
- (λresVar.Some ? (AST_STM_ASG e bType resVar resExpr)))
- | _ ⇒ None ? ]] (refl_eq ? (isntb_ast_base_type (snd ?? cDesc)))
- ])
- (* (B) while *)
- | PREAST_STM_WHILE expr decl ⇒
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_base_expr expr e)
- (λresExpr.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_decl decl e)
- (λresDecl.Some ? (AST_STM_WHILE e resExpr resDecl)))
- (* (C) if *)
- | PREAST_STM_IF nelExprDecl optDecl ⇒
- opt_map ?? (fold_right_neList ?? (λh,t.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_base_expr (fst ?? h) e)
- (λresExpr.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_decl (snd ?? h) e)
- (λresDecl.opt_map ?? t
- (λt'.Some ? («(pair ?? resExpr resDecl)£»&t')))))
- (Some ? (ne_nil ? (pair ?? (AST_BASE_EXPR e AST_BASE_TYPE_BYTE8 (AST_EXPR_BYTE8 e 〈x0,x0〉)) (AST_NO_DECL e (nil ?)))))
- nelExprDecl)
- (λres.match optDecl with
- [ None ⇒ Some ? (AST_STM_IF e (cut_last_neList ? res) (None ?))
- | Some decl ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_decl decl e)
- (λresDecl.Some ? (AST_STM_IF e (cut_last_neList ? res) (Some ? resDecl)))
- ])
- ]
+ None ?
PREAST_NO_DECL: list preast_stm → preast_decl
PREAST_DECL: bool → aux_str_type → ast_type → option preast_expr → preast_decl → preast_decl.
and preast_to_ast_decl (preast:preast_decl) (e:aux_env_type) on preast : option (ast_decl e) ≝
- match preast with
- (* (A) nessuna dichiarazione, solo statement *)
- [ PREAST_NO_DECL lPreastStm ⇒
- opt_map ?? (fold_right_list ?? (λh,t.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_stm h e)
- (λh'.opt_map ?? t
- (λt'.Some ? ([h']@t')))) (Some ? (nil ?)) lPreastStm)
- (λres.Some ? (AST_NO_DECL e res))
- (* (B) dichiarazione *)
- | PREAST_DECL constFlag decName decType optInitExpr subPreastDecl ⇒
- match checkb_not_already_def_env e decName
- return λx.(checkb_not_already_def_env e decName) = x → option (ast_decl e)
- with
- (* OK: non era gia' dichiarata *)
- [ true ⇒ λp:(checkb_not_already_def_env e decName) = true.
- match decType with
- (* (B.1) dichiarazione tipo base *)
- [ AST_TYPE_BASE decBaseType ⇒ match optInitExpr with
- (* (B.1.1) tipo base senza inizializzazione *)
- [ None ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_decl subPreastDecl (add_desc_env e decName constFlag (AST_TYPE_BASE decBaseType)))
- (λsubRes.Some ? (AST_BASE_DECL e constFlag decName decBaseType
- (checkbnotalreadydefenv_to_checknotalreadydefenv e decName p)
- (None ?) subRes))
- (* (B.1.2) tipo base con inizializzazione *)
- | Some initExpr ⇒ opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_expr initExpr e decBaseType)
- (λinitRes.opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_decl subPreastDecl (add_desc_env e decName constFlag (AST_TYPE_BASE decBaseType)))
- (λsubRes.Some ? (AST_BASE_DECL e constFlag decName decBaseType
- (checkbnotalreadydefenv_to_checknotalreadydefenv e decName p)
- (None ?) subRes)))
- ]
- (* (B.2) dichiarazione record/struttura *)
- | _ ⇒ match optInitExpr with
- (* OK: senza inizializzazione *)
- [ None ⇒ match isntb_ast_base_type decType
- return λy.(isntb_ast_base_type decType) = y → option (ast_decl e)
- with
- [ true ⇒ λp':(isntb_ast_base_type decType) = true.
- opt_map ?? (preast_to_ast_decl subPreastDecl (add_desc_env e decName constFlag decType))
- (λsubRes.Some ? (AST_DECL e constFlag decName decType
- (checkbnotalreadydefenv_to_checknotalreadydefenv e decName p)
- (isntbastbasetype_to_isntastbasetype decType p')
- subRes))
- | false ⇒ λp':(isntb_ast_base_type decType) = false.None ?
- ] (refl_eq ? (isntb_ast_base_type decType))
- (* NO: con inizializzazione *)
- | Some _ ⇒ None ?
- ]
- ]
- (* NO: era gia' dichiarata *)
- | false ⇒ λp:(checkb_not_already_def_env e decName) = false.None ?
- ] (refl_eq ? (checkb_not_already_def_env e decName))
- ].
+ None ?.
PREAST_ROOT: preast_decl → preast_root.