match before_beta_expansion,after_beta_expansion_body with
| NCic.Appl l1, NCic.Appl l2 ->
+ NCicUtils.does_not_occur 0 1 (NCic.Appl (List.tail (List.rev l2)))
+ ...
let rec all_but_last check_last = function
| [] -> assert false
| [NCic.Rel 1] -> []
| [he] -> he
| l -> NCic.Appl l
- let t =
- NCicSubstitution.subst (NCic.Sort NCic.Prop) (all_but_last true l2) in
- let all_but_last = all_but_last false l in
+ let impossible_term = NCic.Rel ~-1 in
+ let t = NCicSubstitution.subst impossible_term (all_but_last true l2) in
+ let all_but_last = all_but_last false l1 in
if t = all_but_last then all_but_last else after_beta_expansion
| _ -> after_beta_expansion
with WrongShape -> after_beta_expansion
-let rec beta_expand num test_equality_only metasenv subst context t arg =
- let rec aux (n,context as k) (metasenv, subst as acc) t' =
+let rec beta_expand num test_eq_only swap metasenv subst context t arg =
+ let rec aux (n,context,test_eq_only as k) (metasenv, subst as acc) t' =
let metasenv, subst =
- unify (* test_equality_only *) metasenv subst context
+ unify test_eq_only metasenv subst context
(NCicSubstitution.lift n arg) t'
(metasenv, subst), C.Rel (1 + n)
with Uncertain _ | UnificationFailure _ ->
match t' with
- | NCic.Rel m ->
- (metasenv, subst), if m <= n then NCic.Rel m else NCic.Rel (m+1)
+ | NCic.Rel m orig ->
+ (metasenv, subst), if m <= n then orig else NCic.Rel (m+1)
(* andrea: in general, beta_expand can create badly typed
terms. This happens quite seldom in practice, UNLESS we
iterate on the local context. For this reason, we renounce
to iterate and just lift *)
| NCic.Meta (i,(shift,lc)) ->
(metasenv,subst), NCic.Meta (i,(shift+1,lc))
+ | NCic.Prod (name, src, tgt) as orig ->
+ let (metasenv, subst), src1 = aux (n,context,true) acc src in
+ let k = n+1, (name, NCic.Decl src) :: context, test_eq_only in
+ let (metasenv,subst), tgt1 = aux k (metasenv, subst) tgt in
+ if src == src1 && tgt == tgt1 then orig else
+ NCic.Prod (name, src1, tgt1)
| t ->
- (fun e (n,ctx) -> n+i,e::ctx) k aux acc t
+ (fun e (n,ctx) -> n+1,e::ctx) k aux acc t
let argty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context arg in
let fresh_name = "Hbeta" ^ string_of_int num in
- let (metasenv,subst), t = aux (0, context) (metasenv, subst) t in
- let t = eta_reduce (C.Lambda (fresh_name,argty,t)) t t in
- metasenv, subst, t
+ let (metasenv,subst,_), t1 =
+ aux (0, context, test_eq_only) (metasenv, subst) t in
+ let t2 = eta_reduce (C.Lambda (fresh_name,argty,t1)) t1 t in
+ metasenv, subst, t2
and beta_expand_many test_equality_only metasenv subst context t args ugraph =
let _, subst, metasenv, hd =
(* we verify that none of the args is a Meta,
since beta expanding w.r.t a metavariable makes no sense *)
let subst, metasenv, beta_expanded =
- beta_expand_many
+ beta_expand_many (* passare swap *)
test_equality_only metasenv subst context t2 args ugraph
aux test_eq_only metasenv subst context