-let rec convert_term k = function (* pass k along *)
+let convert_term uri n_fl t =
+ let rec convert_term k = function (* pass k along *)
| NCic.Rel i -> Cic.Rel i
| NCic.Meta _ -> assert false
| NCic.Appl l -> Cic.Appl (List.map (convert_term k) l)
- | NCic.Prod (n,s,t) -> Cic.Prod (Cic.Name n,convert_term k s, convert_term k t)
- | NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) -> Cic.Lambda(Cic.Name n,convert_term k s, convert_term k t)
- | NCic.LetIn (n,_,s,t) -> Cic.LetIn (Cic.Name n,convert_term k s, convert_term k t)
+ | NCic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ Cic.Prod (Cic.Name n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
+ | NCic.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ Cic.Lambda(Cic.Name n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
+ | NCic.LetIn (n,_,s,t) ->
+ Cic.LetIn (Cic.Name n,convert_term k s, convert_term (k+1) t)
| NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> Cic.Sort Cic.Prop
| NCic.Sort NCic.CProp -> Cic.Sort Cic.CProp
| NCic.Sort NCic.Set -> Cic.Sort Cic.Set
| NCic.Match (NReference.Ref (_,u,NReference.Ind i),oty,t,pl) ->
Cic.MutCase (NUri.ouri_of_nuri u,i, convert_term k oty, convert_term k t,
List.map (convert_term k) pl)
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,u,NReference.Fix (i,_))) -> assert false
- (* map to rel if is the self-fix, otherwise explode *)
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,u,NReference.CoFix i)) -> assert false
- (* map to rel if is the self-fix, otherwise explode *)
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,u,NReference.Fix (i,_)))
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,u,NReference.CoFix i)) ->
+ if NUri.eq u uri then
+ Cic.Rel (n_fl - i + k)
+ else
+ Cic.Const (NUri.ouri_of_nuri u,[])
| _ -> assert false
+ in
+ convert_term 0 t
-let convert_fix k fl =
+let convert_fix is_fix uri k fl =
let n_fl = List.length fl in
- let fl =
- List.map
- (fun (_, name,recno,ty,bo) ->
- name, recno, convert_term 0 ty, convert_term 0 bo)
- fl
- in
- Cic.Fix (k, fl)
+ if is_fix then
+ let fl =
+ List.map
+ (fun (_, name,recno,ty,bo) ->
+ name, recno, convert_term uri n_fl ty, convert_term uri n_fl bo)
+ fl
+ in
+ Cic.Fix (k, fl)
+ else
+ let fl =
+ List.map
+ (fun (_, name,_,ty,bo) ->
+ name, convert_term uri n_fl ty, convert_term uri n_fl bo)
+ fl
+ in
+ Cic.CoFix (k, fl)
let convert_nobj = function
- | _,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (rel, name, Some bo, ty, _) ->
- Cic.Constant (name, Some (convert_term 0 bo), convert_term 0 ty, [],[])
- | _,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (rel, name, None, ty, _) ->
- Cic.Constant (name, None, convert_term 0 ty, [],[])
- | _,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (is_fix, fl, _) ->
- Cic.Constant ("pippo", Some (convert_fix 0 fl),
- convert_term 0 (let _,_,_,ty,_ = List.hd fl in ty), [], [])
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (_, name, Some bo, ty, _) ->
+ Cic.Constant (name, Some (convert_term u 0 bo), convert_term u 0 ty, [],[])
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Constant (_, name, None, ty, _) ->
+ Cic.Constant (name, None, convert_term u 0 ty, [],[])
+ | u,_,_,_,NCic.Fixpoint (is_fix, fl, _) ->
+ Cic.Constant (UriManager.name_of_uri (NUri.ouri_of_nuri u),
+ Some (convert_fix is_fix u 0 fl),
+ convert_term u 0 (let _,_,_,ty,_ = List.hd fl in ty), [], [])
| _,_,_,_,NCic.Inductive _ -> assert false
| Cic.Name s -> s
-type ctx = Ce of NCic.hypothesis | Fix of int * int
+type ctx =
+ | Ce of NCic.hypothesis
+ | Fix of NReference.reference * string * NCic.term
let splat mk_pi ctx t =
| Ce (name, NCic.Def (bo,ty)) -> NCic.LetIn (name, ty, bo, t)
| Ce (name, NCic.Decl ty) when mk_pi -> NCic.Prod (name, ty, t)
| Ce (name, NCic.Decl ty) -> NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t)
- | Fix _ -> t)
+ | Fix (_,name,ty) when mk_pi -> NCic.Prod (name, ty, t)
+ | Fix (_,name,ty) -> NCic.Lambda (name,ty,t))
t ctx
+let context_tassonomy ctx =
+ let rec split inner acc acc1 = function
+ | Ce _ :: tl when inner -> split inner (acc+1) (acc1+1) tl
+ | Fix _ ::tl -> split false acc (acc1+1) tl
+ | _ as l -> acc, List.length l, acc1
+ in
+ split true 0 1 ctx
let splat_args ctx t =
- let n_args =
- List.length (List.filter (function Ce _ -> true | _ -> false) ctx)
- in
- if n_args = 0 then t
+ let bound, free, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
+ if free = 0 then t
let rec aux = function
| 0 -> []
- | n -> aux (n-1) @ [NCic.Rel n]
+ | n ->
+ (match List.nth ctx (n+bound) with
+ | Fix (refe, _, _) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix -> (NCic.Const refe)
+ | Fix _ | Ce _ -> NCic.Rel (n+bound)) :: aux (n-1)
- NCic.Appl (t:: aux n_args)
+ NCic.Appl (t:: aux free)
+(* we are lambda-lifting also variables that do not occur *)
+(* ctx does not distinguish successive blocks of cofix, since there may be no
+ * lambda separating them *)
let convert_term uri t =
let rec aux octx (ctx : ctx list) n_fix uri = function
| Cic.CoFix (k, fl) ->
- let idx = ref ~-1 in
- let bctx =
- List.map (fun (_,_,_) ->
- incr idx; Fix (~-1,!idx)) fl @ ctx
+ let bctx, fixpoints_tys, tys, _ =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name,ty,_) (ctx, fixpoints, tys, idx) ->
+ let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ let r = NReference.reference_of_ouri uri(NReference.CoFix idx) in
+ ctx @ [Fix (r,name,ty)], fixpoints_ty @ fixpoints,ty::tys,idx+1)
+ fl (ctx, [], [], 0)
let buri =
len+1)) (octx,0) fl
let fl, fixpoints =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name,ty,bo) (l,fixpoints) ->
- let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun (name,_,bo) ty (l,fixpoints) ->
let bo, fixpoints_bo = aux boctx bctx (n_fix + n_fl) buri bo in
(([],name,~-1,splat true ctx ty, splat false ctx bo)::l),
- fixpoints_ty @ fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints)
- fl ([],[])
+ fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints)
+ fl tys ([],fixpoints_tys)
let obj =
NUri.nuri_of_ouri uri,0,[],[],
NCic.Fixpoint (false, fl, (`Generated, `Definition))
- NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_ouri uri (NReference.CoFix (k))),
+ splat_args ctx
+ (NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_ouri uri (NReference.CoFix k))),
| Cic.Fix (k, fl) ->
- let idx = ref ~-1 in
let rno = ref 0 in
- let bctx =
- List.map (fun (_,recno,_,_) ->
- incr idx; if !idx = k then rno := recno;Fix (recno,!idx)) fl @ ctx
+ let bctx, fixpoints_tys, tys, _ =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name,recno,ty,_) (ctx, fixpoints, tys, idx) ->
+ let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ if idx = k then rno := recno;
+ let r =
+ NReference.reference_of_ouri uri (NReference.Fix (idx,recno))
+ in
+ ctx @ [Fix (r,name,ty)], fixpoints_ty@fixpoints,ty::tys,idx+1)
+ fl (ctx, [], [], 0)
let buri =
len+1)) (octx,0) fl
let fl, fixpoints =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name,rno,ty,bo) (l,fixpoints) ->
- let ty, fixpoints_ty = aux octx ctx n_fix uri ty in
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun (name,rno,_,bo) ty (l,fixpoints) ->
let bo, fixpoints_bo = aux boctx bctx (n_fix + n_fl) buri bo in
let rno = rno + List.length ctx - n_fix in
(([],name,rno,splat true ctx ty, splat false ctx bo)::l),
- fixpoints_ty @ fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints)
- fl ([],[])
+ fixpoints_bo @ fixpoints)
+ fl tys ([],fixpoints_tys)
let obj =
NUri.nuri_of_ouri uri,0,[],[],
NCic.Fixpoint (true, fl, (`Generated, `Definition))
- NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_ouri uri (NReference.Fix (k,!rno))),
+ splat_args ctx
+ (NCic.Const
+ (NReference.reference_of_ouri uri (NReference.Fix (k,!rno)))),
| Cic.Rel n ->
+ let _, _, primo_ce_dopo_fix = context_tassonomy ctx in
(match List.nth ctx n with
- | Ce _ -> NCic.Rel (n-n_fix), []
- | Fix (recno, fixno) ->
- (* uri should be in the context, since the inner
- * fix may refer to the outer one *)
- splat_args ctx (* this function must lift the args wrt len(octx) *)
- (NCic.Const
- (NReference.reference_of_ouri uri (NReference.Fix (fixno,recno)))),
- [])
+ | Fix (r,_,_) when n < primo_ce_dopo_fix ->
+ splat_args ctx (NCic.Const r), []
+ | Fix (_,_,_) | Ce _ -> NCic.Rel (n-n_fix), [])
| Cic.Lambda (name, (s as old_s), t) ->
let s, fixpoints_s = aux octx ctx n_fix uri s in
let ctx = Ce (cn_to_s name, NCic.Decl s) :: ctx in
l ([],[])
- NCic.Appl l, fixpoints
+ (match l with
+ | (NCic.Appl l1)::l2 -> NCic.Appl (l1@l2), fixpoints
+ | _ -> NCic.Appl l, fixpoints)
| Cic.Const (curi, _) ->
NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_ouri curi NReference.Def),[]
| Cic.MutInd (curi, tyno, _) ->