+dbconn.cmo: dbconn.cmi
+dbconn.cmx: dbconn.cmi
+utility.cmo: dbconn.cmi utility.cmi
+utility.cmx: dbconn.cmx utility.cmi
+relation.cmo: dbconn.cmi utility.cmi relation.cmi
+relation.cmx: dbconn.cmx utility.cmx relation.cmi
+diff.cmo: diff.cmi
+diff.cmx: diff.cmi
+meet.cmo: meet.cmi
+meet.cmx: meet.cmi
+sub.cmo: sub.cmi
+sub.cmx: sub.cmi
+union.cmo: union.cmi
+union.cmx: union.cmi
intersect.cmo: intersect.cmi
intersect.cmx: intersect.cmi
-mqint.cmo: intersect.cmi mqint.cmi
-mqint.cmx: intersect.cmx mqint.cmi
+mqint.cmo: context.cmo diff.cmi intersect.cmi meet.cmi relation.cmi sub.cmi \
+ union.cmi mqint.cmi
+mqint.cmx: context.cmx diff.cmx intersect.cmx meet.cmx relation.cmx sub.cmx \
+ union.cmx mqint.cmi
REQUIRES = helm-urimanager postgres unix helm-mathql
-INTERFACE_FILES = intersect.mli mqint.mli
+INTERFACE_FILES = dbconn.mli utility.mli relation.mli diff.mli meet.mli sub.mli union.mli intersect.mli mqint.mli
-IMPLEMENTATION_FILES = intersect.ml mqint.ml
+IMPLEMENTATION_FILES = dbconn.ml utility.ml relation.ml diff.ml meet.ml sub.ml union.ml intersect.ml context.ml mqint.ml
# $(INTERFACE_FILES:%.mli=%.ml)
open MathQL;;
+exception MQInvalidURI of string
+exception MQConnectionFailed of string
+exception MQInvalidConnection of string
* paramentri della connessione
- * implementazione del comando DIFF
- *)
+ * vecchia implementazione del comando DIFF
exception NotCompatible;;
| _, _ -> raise NotCompatible (* same keys, different values *)
- * implementazione del comando DIFF
- *)
let rec diff_ex l1 l2 =
let module S = Mathql_semantics in
match (l1, l2) with
NotCompatible ->
{S.uri = uri1 ; S.attributes = attributes1 ; S.extra = ""}::(diff_ex tl1 tl2)
+ * implementazione del comando DIFF
+ *)
+let rec diff_ex rs1 rs2 =
+ match (rs1, rs2) with
+ [],_ -> []
+ | l,[] -> l
+ | (uri1,l)::tl1,(uri2,_)::_ when uri1 < uri2 -> (uri1,l)::(diff_ex tl1 rs2)
+ | (uri1,_)::_,(uri2,_)::tl2 when uri2 < uri1 -> (diff_ex rs1 tl2)
+ | (uri1,_)::tl1, (uri2,_)::tl2 -> (diff_ex tl1 tl2)
let diff_ex l1 l2 =
let before = Unix.time () in
val diff_ex :
- Mathql_semantics.result -> Mathql_semantics.result -> Mathql_semantics.result
+ MathQL.resource_set -> MathQL.resource_set -> MathQL.resource_set
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-exception NotCompatible;;
(* Catenates two lists preserving order and getting rid of duplicates *)
let rec append (l1,l2) =
-(* Product between an attribute set and a gropu of attributes *)
+(* Product between an attribute set and a group of attributes *)
let rec sub_prod (aset, gr) = (*prende un aset e un gr e fa la somma tra tutti i gruppi di aset e gr *)
match aset with
[] -> []
match (rs1, rs2) with
| _,[] -> []
- | (uri1,as1)::tl1,
- (uri2,as2)::_ when uri1 < uri2 -> intersect_aux tl1 rs2
- | (uri1,as1)::_,
- (uri2,as2)::tl2 when uri2 < uri1 -> intersect_aux rs1 tl2
+ | (uri1,_)::tl1,
+ (uri2,_)::_ when uri1 < uri2 -> intersect_aux tl1 rs2
+ | (uri1,_)::_,
+ (uri2,_)::tl2 when uri2 < uri1 -> intersect_aux rs1 tl2
| (uri1,as1)::tl1,
(uri2,as2)::tl2 -> (uri1, prod(as1,as2))::intersect_aux tl1 tl2
open Eval;;
open Utility;;
open Dbconn;;
-open Pattern;;
-open Union;;*)
+open Pattern;;*)
+open Union;;
open Intersect;;
-(*open Diff;;
-open Sortedby;;
+open Meet;;
+open Sub;;
+open Context;;
+open Diff;;
+open Relation;;
+(*open Sortedby;;
open Use;;
open Select;;
open Letin;;
let close () = () (* FG: implementare la chiusura del database *)
-(* contexts *****************************************************************)
-type svar_context = (MathQL.svar * MathQL.resource_set) list
-type rvar_context = (MathQL.rvar * MathQL.resource) list
-type group_context = (MathQL.rvar * MathQL.attribute_group) list
-type vvar_context = (MathQL.vvar * MathQL.value) list
-let svars = ref [] (* contesto delle svar *)
-let rvars = ref [] (* contesto delle rvar *)
-let groups = ref [] (* contesto dei gruppi *)
-let vvars = ref [] (* contesto delle vvar introdotte con let-in *)
+exception BooleExpTrue
+(* valuta una MathQL.set_exp e ritorna un MathQL.resource_set *)
-let rec exec_set_exp = function
- | MathQL.Ref vexp -> List.map (fun s -> (s,[])) (exec_val_exp vexp)
- | MathQL.Intersect sexp1 sexp2 -> intersect_ex (exec_set_exp sexp1) (exec_set_exp sexp2)
+let rec exec_set_exp c = function
+ |MathQL.SVar svar -> List.assoc svar c.svars
+ |MathQL.RVar rvar -> [List.assoc rvar c.rvars]
+ | MathQL.Ref vexp -> List.map (fun s -> (s,[])) (exec_val_exp c vexp)
+ | MathQL.Intersect (sexp1, sexp2) -> intersect_ex (exec_set_exp c sexp1) (exec_set_exp c sexp2)
+ | MathQL.Union (sexp1, sexp2) -> union_ex (exec_set_exp c sexp1) (exec_set_exp c sexp2)
+ | MathQL.LetSVar (svar, sexp1, sexp2) -> let _ = (svar, (exec_set_exp c sexp1)):: (List.remove_assoc svar c.svars)
+ in (exec_set_exp c sexp2)
+ | MathQL.LetVVar (vvar, vexp, sexp) -> let _ = (vvar, (exec_val_exp c vexp)):: (List.remove_assoc vvar c.vvars)
+ in (exec_set_exp c sexp)
+ | MathQL.Relation (rop, path, sexp, attl) -> relation_ex rop path (exec_set_exp c sexp) attl
+ | MathQL.Select (rvar, sexp, bexp) -> let rset = (exec_set_exp c sexp) in
+ let rec select_ex rset =
+ match rset with
+ [] -> []
+ | r::tl -> upd_rvars c ((rvar,r)::c.rvars);
+ if (exec_boole_exp c bexp) then r::(select_ex tl)
+ else select_ex tl
+ in select_ex rset
+ | MathQL.Diff (sexp1, sexp2) -> diff_ex (exec_set_exp c sexp1) (exec_set_exp c sexp2)
| _ -> assert false
(* valuta una MathQL.boole_exp e ritorna un boole *)
-and exec_boole_exp = function
+and exec_boole_exp c = function
| MathQL.False -> false
| MathQL.True -> true
- | MathQL.Not x -> not (exec_boole_exp x)
- | MathQL.And (x, y) -> (exec_boole_exp x) && (exec_boole_exp y)
- | MathQL.Or (x, y) -> (exec_boole_exp x) || (exec_boole_exp y)
- | _ -> assert false
+ | MathQL.Not x -> not (exec_boole_exp c x)
+ | MathQL.And (x, y) -> (exec_boole_exp c x) && (exec_boole_exp c y)
+ | MathQL.Or (x, y) -> (exec_boole_exp c x) || (exec_boole_exp c y)
+ | MathQL.Sub (vexp1, vexp2) -> sub_ex (exec_val_exp c vexp1) (exec_val_exp c vexp2)
+ | MathQL.Meet (vexp1, vexp2) -> meet_ex (exec_val_exp c vexp1) (exec_val_exp c vexp2)
+ | MathQL.Eq (vexp1, vexp2) -> (exec_val_exp c vexp1) = (exec_val_exp c vexp2)
+ | MathQL.Ex l bexp ->
+ if l = [] then (exec_boole_exp c bexp)
+ else
+ let latt = List.map (fun uri ->
+ let (r,attl) = List.assoc uri c.rvars
+ in (uri,attl)) l (*latt = l + attributi*)
+ in
+ try
+ let rec prod c = function
+ [] -> if (exec_boole_exp c bexp) then raise BooleExpTrue
+ | (uri,attl)::tail1 -> let rec sub_prod attl =
+ match attl with
+(*per ogni el. di attl *) [] -> ()
+(*devo andare in ric. su tail1*) | att::tail2 -> upd_groups c ((uri,att)::c.groups);
+ prod c tail1; sub_prod tail2
+ in
+ sub_prod attl
+ in
+ prod c latt; false
+ with BooleExpTrue -> true
+ | _ -> assert false
(* valuta una MathQL.val_exp e ritorna un MathQL.value *)
-and exec_val_exp = function
- | MathQL.Const x -> x
+and exec_val_exp c = function
+ | MathQL.Const x -> List.sort compare x
+ | MathQL.Record (rvar, vvar) -> List.assoc vvar (List.assoc rvar c.groups)
+ | MathQL.VVar s -> List.assoc s c.vvars
+ | MathQL.RefOf sexp -> List.map (fun (s,_) -> s) (exec_set_exp c sexp)
| _ -> assert false
(* valuta una MathQL.set_exp nel contesto vuoto e ritorna un MathQL.resource_set *)
-(* valuta una MathQL.set_exp e ritorna un MathQL.resource_set *)
-let execute x =
- svars := []; rvars := []; groups := []; vvars := [];
- exec_set_exp x
+and execute x =
+ exec_set_exp {svars = []; rvars = []; groups = []; vvars = []} x
* implementazione del comando SELECT
open MathQL;;
open Func;;
open Utility;;
print_endline (string_of_float (Unix.time () -. t) ^ "s") ;
flush stdout ;
+;; *)
+let select_ex rvar rset bexp
+(* Merges two attribute group lists preserves order and gets rid of duplicates*)
+let rec merge l1 l2 =
+ match (l1,l2) with
+ [],l
+ | l,[] -> l
+ | g1::tl1,g2::_ when g1 < g2 -> g1::(merge tl1 l2)
+ | g1::_,g2::tl2 when g2 < g1 -> g2::(merge l1 tl2)
+ | g1::tl1,g2::tl2 -> g1::(merge tl1 tl2)
(* preserves order and gets rid of duplicates *)
-let rec union_ex l1 l2 =
- let module S = Mathql_semantics in
- match (l1, l2) with
+let rec union_ex rs1 rs2 =
+ match (rs1, rs2) with
| l,[] -> l
- | ({S.uri = uri1} as entry1)::tl1,
- ({S.uri = uri2} as entry2)::_ when uri1 < uri2 ->
- entry1::(union_ex tl1 l2)
- | ({S.uri = uri1} as entry1)::_,
- ({S.uri = uri2} as entry2)::tl2 when uri2 < uri1 ->
- entry2::(union_ex l1 tl2)
- | entry1::tl1,entry2::tl2 -> (* same entry *)
- if entry1 = entry2 then (* same attributes *)
- entry1::(union_ex tl1 tl2)
- else
- assert false
+ | (uri1,l1)::tl1,(uri2,_)::_ when uri1 < uri2 -> (uri1,l1)::(union_ex tl1 rs2)
+ | (uri1,_)::_,(uri2,l2)::tl2 when uri2 < uri1 -> (uri2,l2)::(union_ex rs1 tl2)
+ | (uri1,l1)::tl1,(uri2,l2)::tl2 -> if l1 = l2 then (uri1,l1)::(union_ex tl1 tl2)
+ else (uri1,merge l1 l2)::(union_ex tl1 tl2)
let union_ex l1 l2 =
val union_ex :
- Mathql_semantics.result -> Mathql_semantics.result -> Mathql_semantics.result
+MathQL.result -> MathQL.result -> MathQL.result
* output: string list list; lista su cui e' stato eseguito il
* comando USE/USED BY
-let use_ex alist asvar usek =
- (*(*let _ = print_string ("USE ")
- and t = Unix.time () in*)
- let result =
- let c = pgc ()
- in
- [ (List.hd alist) @ [asvar] ]
- @
- Sort.list
- (fun l m -> List.hd l < List.hd m)
- (List.fold_left
- (fun parziale xres ->
- (*let r1 = helm_property_id usek
- and r2 = helm_property_id "position"
- and r3 = helm_property_id "occurrence"
- in
- let qq = "select distinct t" ^ r3 ^ ".att1, t" ^ r2 ^ ".att1 " ^
- "from t" ^ r3 ^ ", t" ^ r2 ^ ", t" ^ r1 ^ " " ^
- "where " ^ "t" ^ r1 ^ ".att0 = '" ^ (List.hd xres) ^ "' and t" ^ r1 ^
- ".att1 = t" ^ r2 ^ ".att0 and t" ^ r1 ^ ".att1 = t" ^ r3 ^
- ".att0 order by t" ^ r3 ^ ".att1 asc"*)
- let tv = pgresult_to_string (c#exec ("select id from registry where uri='" ^ (List.hd xres) ^ "'")) in
- let _ = print_endline ("DEBUG (use.ml): " ^ tv) in
- let qq = "select uri, context from t" ^ tv ^ " where back_for='" ^ usek ^ "'" in
- let res = c#exec qq in
- (List.map
- (fun l -> [List.hd l] @ List.tl xres @ List.tl l)
- res#get_list
- )
- @
- parziale
- )
- []
- (List.tl alist)
- )
- in
- (*let _ = print_endline (string_of_float (Unix.time () -. t)); flush stdout in*)
+let get_prop_id prop =
+ if prop="refObj" then "F"
+ else if prop="backPointer" then "B"
+ else assert false
+ ;;
+let relation_ex rop path rset attl =
+ let usek = get_prop_id (List.hd path) in
- *)
-let module S = Mathql_semantics in
-let _ = print_string ("USE ")
+let _ = print_string ("RELATION "^usek)
and t = Unix.time () in
let result =
let c = pgc () in
- (fun {S.uri = uri1} {S.uri = uri2} -> uri1 < uri2)
+ (fun (uri1-> uri1 < uri2)
- (fun parziale {S.uri = uri ; S.attributes = attributes} ->
+ (fun parziale (uri,aset)->
print_string uri ;
- (* RSSDB
- let r1 = helm_property_id usek
- and r2 = helm_property_id "position"
- and r3 = helm_property_id "occurrence"
- in
- let qq = "select distinct t" ^ r3 ^ ".att1, t" ^ r2 ^ ".att1 " ^
- "from t" ^ r3 ^ ", t" ^ r2 ^ ", t" ^ r1 ^ " " ^
- "where " ^ "t" ^ r1 ^ ".att0 = '" ^ (List.hd xres) ^ "' and t" ^ r1 ^
- ".att1 = t" ^ r2 ^ ".att0 and t" ^ r1 ^ ".att1 = t" ^ r3 ^
- ".att0 order by t" ^ r3 ^ ".att1 asc"
- *)
let tv =
(c#exec ("select id from registry where uri='" ^ uri ^ "'"))
) res#get_list
) @
- ) [] alist
+ ) [] rset
print_string (" = " ^ string_of_int (List.length result) ^ ": ") ;