(* *)
(* *)
-(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <natile@cs.unibo.it> *)
(* 06/01/2002 *)
(* *)
(* *)
-let prooffile = "/public/sacerdot/currentproof";;
-let prooffiletype = "/public/sacerdot/currentprooftype";;
+let prooffile = "/public/natile/currentproof";;
+let prooffiletype = "/public/natile/currentprooftype";;
-let prooffile = "/public/sacerdot/currentproof";;
-let prooffiletype = "/public/sacerdot/currentprooftype";;
+let prooffile = "/public/natile/currentproof";;
+let prooffiletype = "/public/natile/currentprooftype";;
(*CSC: the getter should handle the innertypes, not the FS *)
-let innertypesfile = "/public/sacerdot/innertypes";;
-let constanttypefile = "/public/sacerdot/constanttype";;
+let innertypesfile = "/public/natile/innertypes";;
+let constanttypefile = "/public/natile/constanttype";;
-let innertypesfile = "/public/sacerdot/innertypes";;
-let constanttypefile = "/public/sacerdot/constanttype";;
+let innertypesfile = "/public/natile/innertypes";;
+let constanttypefile = "/public/natile/constanttype";;
let dom,mk_metasenv_and_expr = inputt#get_term ~context:[] ~metasenv:[] in
let metasenv,expr = disambiguate_input [] [] dom mk_metasenv_and_expr in
- ignore (MQueryLevels2.get_constraints expr)
+ let must,can = MQueryLevels2.get_constraints expr in
+ let result = MQueryGenerator.searchPattern must can in
+ output_html outputhtml
+ ("<h1 color=\"maroon\"><pre>" ^ MQueryUtil.text_of_result result "\n" ^ "</pre></h1>")
e ->
output_html outputhtml
let (_, ey ,ty) = List.find (function (m,_,_) -> m=metano) metasenv in
let list_of_must,can = MQueryLevels.out_restr metasenv ey ty in
let must = choose_must list_of_must can in
- let result = MQueryGenerator.searchPattern metasenv ey ty must can in
+ let torigth_restriction (u,b) =
+ let p = if b then "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm#MainConclusion"
+ else "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm#InConclusion" in
+ (u,p,None)
+ in
+ let rigth_must = List.map torigth_restriction must in
+ let rigth_can = Some (List.map torigth_restriction can) in
+ let result = MQueryGenerator.searchPattern (rigth_must,[],[]) (rigth_can,None,None) in
let uris =
(function uri,_ ->
(* Query issuing functions **************************************************)
+type uri = string
+type position = string
+type depth = int
+type sort = string
+type r_obj = (uri * position * depth option)
+type r_rel = (position* depth)
+type r_sort = (position* depth * sort)
+type must_restrictions = (r_obj list * r_rel list * r_sort list)
+type can_restrictions = (r_obj list option * r_rel list option * r_sort list option)
exception Discard
let nl = " <p>\n"
execute_query q
-let searchPattern e c t must_use can_use =
+let searchPattern must_use can_use =
let module M = MathQL in
- let module L = MQueryLevels in
- let mainConclusion =
- "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm#MainConclusion" in
- let inConclusion =
- "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm#InConclusion" in
let in_path s = (s, []) in
let assign v p = (in_path v, in_path p) in
- let v_pos = M.Const [mainConclusion; inConclusion] in
- let q_where =
- M.Sub
- (M.RefOf
- (M.Select
- ("uri",
- M.Relation
- (false, M.RefineExact, in_path "refObj",
- M.Ref (M.RefOf (M.RVar "uri0")),
- [assign "pos" "position"]),
- M.Ex ["uri"]
- (M.Meet (M.VVar "positions", M.Record ("uri", in_path "pos")))
- )
- ),
- M.VVar "universe"
- ) in
- let uri_of_entry (r, b) = r in
- (*let rec restrict level = function
- | [] -> []
- | (u, b, v) :: tail ->
- if v <= level then (u, b, v) :: restrict level tail
- else restrict level tail
- in*)
- let build_select (r, b) =
- print_endline (">>>>LA URI: "^r);
- let pos = if b then mainConclusion else inConclusion in
- M.Select
+ let q_where_obj = function
+ Some l ->
+ M.Sub
+ (M.RefOf
+ (M.Select
+ ("uri",
+ M.Relation
+ (false, M.RefineExact, in_path "refObj",
+ M.Ref (M.RefOf (M.RVar "uri0")),
+ [assign "pos" "position"]),
+ M.Ex ["uri"]
+ (M.Meet (M.VVar "obj_positions", M.Record ("uri", in_path "pos")))
+ )
+ ),
+ M.VVar "universe"
+ )
+ | None -> M.True
+ in
+ let q_where_rel = function
+ Some l ->
+ M.And
+ (M.Sub(M.VVar "rel_positions", M.Property(false, M.RefineExact, ("refRel", ["position"]), M.RefOf(M.RVar "uri0"))),
+ M.Sub(M.VVar "rel_depths", M.Property(false, M.RefineExact, ("refRel", ["depth"]), M.RefOf(M.RVar "uri0"))))
+ | None -> M.True
+ in
+ let q_where_sort = function
+ Some l ->
+ M.And
+ (M.And
+ (M.Sub(M.VVar "sort_positions", M.Property(false, M.RefineExact, ("refSort", ["position"]), M.RefOf(M.RVar "uri0"))),
+ M.Sub(M.VVar "sort_depths", M.Property(false, M.RefineExact, ("refSort", ["depth"]), M.RefOf(M.RVar "uri0")))),
+ M.Sub(M.VVar "sorts", M.Property(false, M.RefineExact, ("refSort", ["sort"]), M.RefOf(M.RVar "uri0"))))
+ | None -> M.True
+ in
+ let q_where cr =
+ let (cr_o,cr_r,cr_s) = cr in
+ M.And(M.And(q_where_obj cr_o, q_where_rel cr_r), q_where_sort cr_s)
+ in
+ let uri_of_entry (r, p, d) = r in
+ let build_select_obj (r, pos, dep) =
+ match dep with
+ None -> M.Select
+ ("uri",
+ M.Relation (false, M.RefineExact, ("backPointer", []),
+ M.Ref (M.Const [r]), [assign "pos" "position"]),
+ M.Ex ["uri"]
+ ((M.Sub (M.Const [pos], M.Record ("uri", in_path "pos")))))
+ | Some dep -> let string_dep = string_of_int dep in
+ M.Select
+ ("uri",
+ M.Relation (false, M.RefineExact, ("backPointer", []),
+ M.Ref (M.Const [r]), [assign "p" "position";assign "d" "depth"]),
+ M.Ex ["uri"]
+ (M.And
+ ((M.Sub (M.Const [pos], M.Record ("uri", in_path "p"))),
+ (M.Sub (M.Const [string_dep], M.Record ("uri", in_path "d"))))))
+ in
+ let build_select_rel (pos, dep) =
+ M.Select
+ ("uri",
+ M.Relation (true, M.RefineExact, ("refRel", []), M.Ref (M.Const [""]), [assign "p" "position";assign "d" "depth"]),
+ M.Ex ["uri"]
+ (M.And
+ ((M.Sub (M.Const [pos], M.Record ("uri", in_path "p"))),
+ (M.Sub (M.Const [dep], M.Record ("uri", in_path "d"))))))
+ in
+ let build_select_sort (pos, dep, sor) =
+ M.Select
- M.Relation (false, M.RefineExact, ("backPointer", []),
- M.Ref (M.Const [r]), [assign "pos" "position"]),
- M.Ex ["uri"] (M.Sub (M.Const [pos], M.Record ("uri", in_path "pos")))) in
- let rec build_intersect = function
- | [] -> M.Pattern (M.Const ["[.]*"])
- | [hd] -> build_select hd
- | hd :: tl -> M.Intersect (build_select hd, build_intersect tl)
+ M.Relation (true, M.RefineExact, ("refSort", []), M.Ref (M.Const [""]), [assign "p" "position";assign "d" "depth";assign "s" "sort"]),
+ M.Ex ["uri"]
+ (M.And
+ ((M.And
+ ((M.Sub (M.Const [pos], M.Record ("uri", in_path "p"))),
+ (M.Sub (M.Const [dep], M.Record ("uri", in_path "d"))))),
+ (M.Sub (M.Const [sor], M.Record ("uri", in_path "s"))))))
+ in
+ let rec build_intersect_obj = function
+ [] -> M.Pattern (M.Const ["[.]*"])
+ | [hd] -> build_select_obj hd
+ | hd :: tl -> M.Intersect (build_select_obj hd, build_intersect_obj tl)
+ in
+ let rec build_intersect_rel = function
+ [] -> M.Ref(M.Const [])
+ | [hd] -> build_select_rel hd
+ | hd :: tl -> M.Intersect (build_select_rel hd, build_intersect_rel tl)
- (* let levels = L.levels_of_term e c t in
- let rest = restrict level levels in
- info := [string_of_int (List.length rest)];*)
+ let rec build_intersect_sort = function
+ [] -> M.Ref(M.Const [])
+ | [hd] -> build_select_sort hd
+ | hd :: tl -> M.Intersect (build_select_sort hd, build_intersect_sort tl)
+ in
+ let build_intersect must =
+ let tostring_sort (a,b,c) =
+ let b1 = string_of_int b in
+ (a,b1,c)
+ in
+ let tostring_rel (a,b) =
+ let b1 = string_of_int b in
+ (a,b1)
+ in
+ let (l1,l2,l3) = must in
+ match (l1,l2,l3) with
+ l1,[],[] -> build_intersect_obj l1
+ | [],l2,[] -> let lrel = List.map tostring_rel l2 in
+ build_intersect_rel lrel
+ | [],[],l3 -> let lsort = List.map tostring_sort l3 in
+ build_intersect_sort lsort
+ | l1,l2,[] -> let lrel = List.map tostring_rel l2 in
+ M.Intersect (build_intersect_obj l1, build_intersect_rel lrel)
+ | l1,[],l3 -> let lsort = List.map tostring_sort l3 in
+ M.Intersect (build_intersect_obj l1, build_intersect_sort lsort)
+ | [],l2,l3 -> let lrel = List.map tostring_rel l2 in
+ let lsort = List.map tostring_sort l3 in
+ M.Intersect (build_intersect_rel lrel, build_intersect_sort lsort)
+ | _ -> let lrel = List.map tostring_rel l2 in
+ let lsort = List.map tostring_sort l3 in
+ M.Intersect (M.Intersect (build_intersect_obj l1, build_intersect_rel lrel), build_intersect_sort lsort)
+ in
let q_in = build_intersect must_use in
- let q_select = M.Select ("uri0", q_in, q_where) in
- let universe = M.Const (List.map uri_of_entry can_use) in
+ let q_select = M.Select ("uri0", q_in, q_where can_use) in
+ let (cr_o,cr_r,cr_s) = can_use in
+ let universe =
+ match cr_o with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_o -> M.Const (List.map uri_of_entry cr_o)
+ in
+ let tfst (a,b,c) = a in
+ let tsnd (a,b,c) = b in
+ let trd (a,b,c) = c in
+ let opos =
+ match cr_o with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_o -> M.Const (List.map tsnd cr_o) in
+ let odep =
+ match cr_o with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_o -> let lofc = List.map trd cr_o in
+ let f l c =
+ match c with
+ None -> l
+ | Some c -> l@[c]
+ in
+ let lof_dep_int = List.fold_left f [] lofc in
+ M.Const(List.map string_of_int lof_dep_int)
+ in
+ let rpos =
+ match cr_r with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_r -> M.Const (List.map fst cr_r) in
+ let rdep =
+ match cr_r with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_r -> let rdep_int = List.map snd cr_r in
+ M.Const (List.map string_of_int rdep_int)
+ in
+ let spos =
+ match cr_s with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_s -> M.Const (List.map tfst cr_s) in
+ let sdep =
+ match cr_s with
+ None -> M.Const []
+ | Some cr_s -> let sdep_int = List.map tsnd cr_s in
+ M.Const (List.map string_of_int sdep_int)
+ in
+ let sor =
+ match cr_s with
+ None -> M.Const[]
+ | Some cr_s -> M.Const (List.map trd cr_s) in
let q_let_u = M.LetVVar ("universe", universe, q_select) in
- let q_let_p = M.LetVVar ("positions", v_pos, q_let_u) in
-print_endline ("### " ^ MQueryUtil.text_of_query q_let_p) ; flush stdout;
- execute_query q_let_p
+ let q_let_s = M.LetVVar ("sorts", sor, q_let_u) in
+ let q_let_ds = M.LetVVar ("sort_depths", sdep, q_let_s) in
+ let q_let_dr = M.LetVVar ("rel_depths", rdep, q_let_ds) in
+ let q_let_do = M.LetVVar ("obj_depths", odep, q_let_dr) in
+ let q_let_ps = M.LetVVar ("sort_positions", spos, q_let_do) in
+ let q_let_pr = M.LetVVar ("rel_positions", rpos, q_let_ps) in
+ let q_let_po = M.LetVVar ("obj_positions", opos, q_let_pr) in
+print_endline ("### " ^ MQueryUtil.text_of_query q_let_po) ; flush stdout;
+ execute_query q_let_po