matitaGui.cmx: matitaConsole.cmx matitaGeneratedGui.cmx matitaGtkMisc.cmx \
-matitaInterpreter.cmo: matitaProof.cmi matitaTypes.cmo matitaInterpreter.cmi
-matitaInterpreter.cmx: matitaProof.cmx matitaTypes.cmx matitaInterpreter.cmi
+matitaInterpreter.cmo: matitaConsole.cmi matitaProof.cmi matitaTypes.cmo \
+ matitaInterpreter.cmi
+matitaInterpreter.cmx: matitaConsole.cmx matitaProof.cmx matitaTypes.cmx \
+ matitaInterpreter.cmi
matita.cmo: buildTimeConf.cmo matitaDisambiguator.cmi matitaGtkMisc.cmi \
matitaGui.cmi matitaInterpreter.cmi matitaProof.cmi matitaTypes.cmo
matita.cmx: buildTimeConf.cmx matitaDisambiguator.cmx matitaGtkMisc.cmx \
matitaTypes.cmx: buildTimeConf.cmx
matitaDisambiguator.cmi: matitaTypes.cmo
matitaGtkMisc.cmi: matitaGeneratedGui.cmi matitaTypes.cmo
-matitaGui.cmi: matitaGeneratedGui.cmi
-matitaInterpreter.cmi: matitaTypes.cmo
+matitaGui.cmi: matitaConsole.cmi matitaGeneratedGui.cmi
+matitaInterpreter.cmi: matitaConsole.cmi matitaTypes.cmo
matitaProof.cmi: matitaTypes.cmo
match !current_proof with
| Some proof -> proof
| None -> failwith "No current proof"),
- (fun proof -> current_proof := proof),
+ (fun proof -> (* TODO Zack: this function should probably be smarter taking
+ care also of unregistering notifications subscriber and so on *)
+ current_proof := proof),
(fun () -> !current_proof <> None))
(** {2 Settings} *)
let error_props = [ `WEIGHT `BOLD ]
let prompt_props = [ ]
+let trailing_NL_RE = Pcre.regexp "\n\\s*$"
class console
?(prompt = default_prompt) ?(phrase_sep = default_phrase_sep)
?(callback = default_callback)
- let ui_mark = `NAME "USER_INPUT_START" in
object (self)
inherit GText.view obj
val mutable _callback = callback
method set_callback f = _callback <- f
+ val mutable _ignore_insert_text_signal = false
+ method ignore_insert_text_signal ignore =
+ _ignore_insert_text_signal <- ignore
(* TODO Zack: implement history.
IDEA: use CTRL-P/N a la emacs.
let buf = self#buffer in
+ self#set_wrap_mode `CHAR;
(* create "USER_INPUT_START" mark. This mark will always point to the
* beginning of user input not yet processed *)
ignore (buf#create_mark ~name:"USER_INPUT_START"
~left_gravity:true buf#start_iter);
- ignore (self#event#connect#key_press (fun key -> (* handle return ev. *)
- if GdkEvent.Key.keyval key = GdkKeysyms._Return then begin
- let insert_point = buf#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
- if insert_point#compare buf#end_iter = 0 then (* insert pt. at end *)
- let inserted_text =
- buf#get_text ~start:(buf#get_iter_at_mark ui_mark)
- ~stop:buf#end_iter ()
- in
- let pat = (Pcre.quote _phrase_sep) ^ "\\s*$" in
- if Pcre.pmatch ~pat inserted_text then begin (* complete phrase *)
- self#lock;
- _callback inserted_text
- end
- end;
- false (* continue event processing *)))
+ ignore (buf#connect#after#insert_text (fun iter text ->
+ if (not _ignore_insert_text_signal) &&
+ (iter#compare buf#end_iter = 0) && (* insertion at end *)
+ (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:trailing_NL_RE text)
+ then
+ let inserted_text =
+ buf#get_text
+ ~start:(buf#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "USER_INPUT_START"))
+ ~stop:buf#end_iter ()
+ in
+ let pat = (Pcre.quote _phrase_sep) ^ "\\s*$" in
+ if Pcre.pmatch ~pat inserted_text then begin (* complete phrase *)
+ self#lock;
+ _callback inserted_text;
+ self#echo_prompt ()
+ end))
(* lock old text and bump USER_INPUT_START mark *)
method private lock =
let buf = self#buffer in
let read_only = buf#create_tag [`EDITABLE false] in
- let stop = buf#end_iter in
- buf#apply_tag read_only ~start:buf#start_iter ~stop;
- buf#move_mark ui_mark stop
+ buf#apply_tag read_only ~start:buf#start_iter ~stop:buf#end_iter;
+ buf#move_mark (`NAME "USER_INPUT_START") buf#end_iter
method echo_prompt () =
let buf = self#buffer in
+ self#ignore_insert_text_signal true;
buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter ~tags:[buf#create_tag prompt_props] prompt;
+ self#ignore_insert_text_signal false;
method echo_message msg =
let buf = self#buffer in
+ self#ignore_insert_text_signal true;
buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter ~tags:[buf#create_tag message_props]
(msg ^ "\n");
+ self#ignore_insert_text_signal false;
method echo_error msg =
let buf = self#buffer in
+ self#ignore_insert_text_signal true;
buf#insert ~iter:buf#end_iter ~tags:[buf#create_tag error_props]
(msg ^ "\n");
+ self#ignore_insert_text_signal false;
(** override previous callback definition *)
method set_callback : (string -> unit) -> unit
+ method ignore_insert_text_signal: bool -> unit
(** @param prompt user prompt (default "# ")
class parserr () =
- method parseTerm (stream: char Stream.t) =
- CicTextualParser2.parse_term stream
- (* TODO Zack: implements methods below *)
- method parseTactic (_: char Stream.t) : DisambiguateTypes.tactic =
- MatitaTypes.not_implemented "parserr.parseTactic"
- method parseTactical (_: char Stream.t) : DisambiguateTypes.tactical =
- MatitaTypes.not_implemented "parserr.parseTactical"
- method parseCommand (_: char Stream.t) : DisambiguateTypes.command =
- MatitaTypes.not_implemented "parserr.parseCommand"
- method parseScript (_: char Stream.t) : DisambiguateTypes.script =
- MatitaTypes.not_implemented "parserr.parseScript"
+ method parseTerm = CicTextualParser2.parse_term
+ method parseTactical = CicTextualParser2.parse_tactical
class disambiguator
[ main#saveMenuItem; main#saveAsMenuItem ];
main#helpMenu#set_right_justified true;
(* console *)
- console#echo_message "message";
- console#echo_error "error";
+ console#echo_message "\tMatita version 0.0.1\n";
console#echo_prompt ();
console#misc#grab_focus ()
+open Printf
type state_tag = [ `Command | `Proof ]
-class type interpreterState =
- object
+exception Command_not_found of string
+class virtual interpreterState ~(console: MatitaConsole.console) =
+ object (self)
(** eval a toplevel phrase in the current state and return the new state
- method evalPhrase: string -> state_tag
+ method parsePhrase s = CicTextualParser2.parse_tactical (Stream.of_string s)
+ method virtual evalTactical:
+ (CicAst.term, string) TacticAst.tactical -> state_tag
+ method evalPhrase s = self#evalTactical (self#parsePhrase s)
class commandState
~(console: MatitaConsole.console)
- object
- method evalPhrase s: state_tag =
- let command = CicTextualParser2.parse_command (Stream.of_string s) in
- match command with
- | CommandAst.Theorem (_, _, Some name, ast, None) ->
+ object (self)
+ inherit interpreterState ~console
+ method evalTactical = function
+ | TacticAst.Command _ -> failwith "1"
+ | TacticAst.Tactic _ -> failwith "2"
+ | TacticAst.LocatedTactical _ -> failwith "3"
+ | TacticAst.Fail -> failwith "4"
+ | TacticAst.Do (_, _) -> failwith "5"
+ | TacticAst.IdTac -> failwith "6"
+ | TacticAst.Repeat _ -> failwith "7"
+ | TacticAst.Seq _ -> failwith "8"
+ | TacticAst.Then (_, _) -> failwith "9"
+ | TacticAst.Tries _ -> failwith "10"
+ | TacticAst.Try _ -> failwith "11"
+ | TacticAst.LocatedTactical (_, tactical) -> self#evalTactical tactical
+ | TacticAst.Command (TacticAst.Theorem (_, Some name, ast, None)) ->
let (_, metasenv, expr) = disambiguator#disambiguateTermAst ast in
let _ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv [] expr in
let proof = MatitaProof.proof ~typ:expr ~metasenv () in
proof_handler.MatitaTypes.new_proof proof;
- | CommandAst.Quit _ ->
+ | TacticAst.Command TacticAst.Quit ->
proof_handler.MatitaTypes.quit ();
- `Command (* dummy answer *)
- | _ ->
- MatitaTypes.not_implemented (* TODO Zack *)
- "MatitaInterpreter.commandState#evalPhrase: commands other than full theorem ones";
- `Proof
+ `Command (* dummy answer, useless *)
+ | TacticAst.Command TacticAst.Proof ->
+ (* do nothing, just for compatibility with coq syntax *)
+ `Command
+ | tactical ->
+ raise (Command_not_found (TacticAstPp.pp_tactical tactical))
- * bisogna rivedere la grammatica di tatticali/comandi
- * molti comandi (o addirittura tutti tranne Theorem) hanno senso anche nello
- * stato proof, e' quindi un casino parsare la phrase. Un'idea potrebbe essere
- * quella di tentare di parsare una tattica e se il parsing fallisce provare a
- * parsare un comando (BLEAARGH). Oppure si puo' aggiungere una possibile entry
- * nella grammatica delle tattiche che punti ad un comando (RI-BLEAARGH).
- * Oppure boh ...
- *)
class proofState
~(disambiguator: MatitaTypes.disambiguator)
~(proof_handler: MatitaTypes.proof_handler)
~(console: MatitaConsole.console)
+ let commandState =
+ new commandState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ()
+ in
- method evalPhrase (s: string): state_tag =
- (* TODO Zack *)
- MatitaTypes.not_implemented "MatitaInterpreter.proofState#evalPhrase";
- `Command
+ inherit interpreterState ~console
+ method evalTactical = function
+ | TacticAst.Command TacticAst.Abort ->
+ proof_handler.MatitaTypes.set_proof None;
+ `Command
+ | tactical -> (* fallback on command state *)
+ commandState#evalTactical tactical
class interpreter
let commandState =
- lazy (new commandState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ())
- in
- let proofState =
- lazy (new proofState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ())
+ new commandState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ()
+ let proofState = new proofState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console () in
- val mutable state = Lazy.force commandState
+ val mutable state = commandState
method evalPhrase s =
- match state#evalPhrase s with
- | `Command -> state <- Lazy.force commandState
- | `Proof -> state <- Lazy.force proofState
+ try
+ (match state#evalPhrase s with
+ | `Command -> state <- commandState
+ | `Proof -> state <- proofState)
+ with exn ->
+ console#echo_error (sprintf "Uncaught exception: %s"
+ (Printexc.to_string exn))
+exception Command_not_found of string
class interpreter:
disambiguator:MatitaTypes.disambiguator ->
proof_handler:MatitaTypes.proof_handler ->
class type parserr = (* "parser" is a keyword :-( *)
method parseTerm: char Stream.t -> DisambiguateTypes.term
- method parseTactic: char Stream.t -> DisambiguateTypes.tactic
method parseTactical: char Stream.t -> DisambiguateTypes.tactical
- method parseCommand: char Stream.t -> DisambiguateTypes.command
- method parseScript: char Stream.t -> DisambiguateTypes.script
class type disambiguator =