prerr_endline "finished....";
let lll = List.sort compare (CicUniv.do_rank (get_graph ())) in
- prerr_endline "caching objects";
let _ =
+ try
let rec aux = function
| a::(b::_ as tl) ->
NCicEnvironment.add_constraint true (mk_type a) (mk_type b);
NCicEnvironment.add_constraint true (mk_cprop a) (mk_cprop b);
NCicEnvironment.add_constraint true (mk_type a) (mk_cprop a);
NCicEnvironment.add_constraint true (mk_cprop a) (mk_type b);
- NCicEnvironment.add_constraint true (mk_type b) (mk_cprop b);
aux tl
+ | [a] ->
+ NCicEnvironment.add_constraint true (mk_type a) (mk_cprop a);
| _ -> ()
aux lll
+ with NCicEnvironment.BadConstraint s as e ->
+ prerr_endline (Lazy.force s); raise e
prerr_endline "ranked....";
+ prerr_endline (NCicEnvironment.pp_constraints ());
HExtlib.profiling_enabled := false;
List.iter (fun uu ->
let uu= OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri uu in
indent := 0;
let o = NCicLibrary.get_obj uu in
+(* prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj o); *)
NCicTypeChecker.typecheck_obj o
| NCicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
| NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s
| NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound s
+ | NCicEnvironment.BadConstraint s
| NCicEnvironment.BadDependency s as e ->
prerr_endline ("######### " ^ Lazy.force s);
if not ignore_exc then raise e
C: ∀a:A. i a → 2 \sup A
+inductive iter (A: axiom_set) (U,V: 2 \sup A) (covers: A → CProp) : CProp ≝
+ cycle: (∀a:A.a ∈ V → covers a) → iter A U V covers.
inductive covers (A: axiom_set) (U: 2 \sup A) : A → CProp ≝
refl: ∀a:A. a ∈ U → covers A U a
- | infinity: ∀a:A. ∀j: i ? a. coversl A U (C ? a j) → covers A U a
-with coversl : (2 \sup A) → CProp ≝
- iter: ∀V:2 \sup A.(∀a:A.a ∈ V → covers A U a) → coversl A U V.
+ | infinity: ∀a:A. ∀j: i ? a. iter A U (C ? a j) (covers A U) → covers A U a.
notation "hvbox(a break ◃ b)" non associative with precedence 45
for @{ 'covers $a $b }.
-interpretation "coversl" 'covers A U = (coversl _ U A).
+interpretation "coversl" 'covers A U = (iter _ U A (covers _ U)).
interpretation "covers" 'covers a U = (covers _ U a).
definition covers_elim ≝
let rec aux (a:A) (p:a ◃ U) on p : a ∈ P ≝
match p return λaa.λ_:aa ◃ U.aa ∈ P with
[ refl a q ⇒ H1 a q
- | infinity a j q ⇒ H2 a j q (auxl (C ? a j) q)
- ]
- and auxl (V: 2 \sup A) (q: V ◃ U) on q : ∀b. b ∈ V → b ∈ P ≝
- match q return λVV.λ_:VV ◃ U.∀b. b ∈ VV → b ∈ P with
- [ iter VV f ⇒ λb.λr. aux b (f b r) ]
+ | infinity a j q ⇒
+ H2 a j q
+ match q return λ_:(C ? a j) ◃ U.∀b. b ∈ (C ? a j) → b ∈ P with
+ [ cycle f ⇒ λb.λr. aux b (f b r) ]]
theorem compatibility: ∀A:axiom_set.∀a:A.∀U,V. a ⋉ V → a ◃ U → U ⋉ V.
- generalize in match H; clear H; generalize in match V; clear V;
- apply (covers_elim ?? (mk_powerset A (λa.∀p:2 \sup A.a ⋉ p → U ⋉ p)) ??? H1);
+ generalize in match H; clear H;
+ apply (covers_elim ?? (mk_powerset A (λa.a ⋉ V → U ⋉ V)) ??? H1);
clear H1; simplify; intros;
[ exists [apply a1]
algebra/ algebra/ nat/
algebra/ higher_order_defs/
algebra/ algebra/
+demo/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
demo/ datatypes/ list/ nat/ nat/
demo/ datatypes/ logic/
-demo/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
-list/ datatypes/ datatypes/ list/
+demo/ logic/
list/ datatypes/ datatypes/ list/
list/ datatypes/ higher_order_defs/ logic/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+list/ datatypes/ datatypes/ list/
logic/ higher_order_defs/ logic/
logic/ logic/
logic/ higher_order_defs/
-nat/ list/ nat/
nat/ datatypes/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
-nat/ list/ list/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
-nat/ datatypes/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ higher_order_defs/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ higher_order_defs/ logic/ nat/
-nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/
-nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ datatypes/ datatypes/ nat/
nat/ logic/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ datatypes/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ datatypes/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ nat/ nat/
nat/ nat/ nat/
-Q/ Q/
+nat/ list/ list/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/ nat/
+nat/ list/ nat/
+nat/ list/ nat/ nat/
+Q/ Q/fraction/ Z/ Z/ nat/
Q/ Z/ Z/ nat/
-Q/ Z/ Z/ nat/
-Q/nat_fact/ nat/
+Q/ nat/ Q/q/ Q/q/ nat/
+Q/ Q/fraction/ Q/ Q/q/
Q/ratio/ Q/fraction/ Q/ratio/
Q/ratio/ Q/fraction/
Q/ratio/ Q/fraction/ Q/ratio/
-Q/q/ Q/q/ Q/ratio/
-Q/q/ nat/
-Q/q/ Q/q/ Q/ratio/
-Q/q/ Q/fraction/ Q/ratio/
+Q/fraction/ Z/ nat/
Q/fraction/ Q/fraction/ Q/nat_fact/ Q/ratio/ Z/
Q/fraction/ Q/fraction/
Q/fraction/ Q/fraction/ Z/
-Q/fraction/ Z/ nat/
+Q/q/ nat/
+Q/q/ Q/q/ Q/ratio/
+Q/q/ Q/fraction/ Q/ratio/
+Q/q/ Q/q/ Q/ratio/
+Q/nat_fact/ nat/
technicalities/ datatypes/ logic/ logic/
decidable_kit/ logic/ logic/
decidable_kit/ datatypes/ decidable_kit/ logic/ nat/
-decidable_kit/ decidable_kit/
decidable_kit/ datatypes/ decidable_kit/
decidable_kit/ decidable_kit/ list/ nat/
decidable_kit/ decidable_kit/ decidable_kit/
+decidable_kit/ decidable_kit/
higher_order_defs/ logic/
higher_order_defs/ logic/
higher_order_defs/ logic/