let acc = acc ^ Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf in
comment_token acc depth lexbuf
-let lookup_ligatures lexeme = List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all ligatures lexeme)
(** @param k continuation to be invoked when no ligature has been found *)
let rec ligatures_token k =
| ligature ->
let lexeme = Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf in
- (match lookup_ligatures lexeme with
+ (match List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all ligatures lexeme) with
| [] -> (* ligature not found, rollback and try default lexer *)
Ulexing.rollback lexbuf;
k lexbuf
let level2_ast_lexer = mk_lexer level2_ast_token
let level2_meta_lexer = mk_lexer level2_meta_token
+let lookup_ligatures lexeme =
+ try
+ if lexeme.[0] = '\\'
+ then [ Utf8Macro.expand (String.sub lexeme 1 (String.length lexeme - 1)) ]
+ else List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all ligatures lexeme)
+ with Invalid_argument _ | Utf8Macro.Macro_not_found _ as exn -> []