for numbers or not (set by default to a single instance)
prerr_endline "</NEW_TEXTUAL_PARSER>"
+ (** if set to true each number will have a different insance number and can
+ * thus be interpreted differently than others *)
+let use_fresh_num_instances = false
open Printf
exception Parse_error of string
type script = CicAst.term CommandAst.Script.script
let fresh_num_instance =
- let n = ref 0 in
- function () ->
- incr n;
- !n
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ if use_fresh_num_instances then
+ (fun () -> incr n; !n)
+ else
+ (fun () -> 0)
let choice_of_uri (uri: string) =
let cic = HelmLibraryObjects.term_of_uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri) in