<accelerator key="n" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image776">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image856">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-new</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="o" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image777">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image857">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-open</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="s" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image778">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image858">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-save</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="s" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image779">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image859">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-save-as</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="d" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image780">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image860">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-execute</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="q" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image781">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image861">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-quit</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="z" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image782">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image862">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-undo</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="z" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image783">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image863">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-redo</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="x" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image784">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image864">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-cut</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="c" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image785">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image865">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-copy</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="v" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image786">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image866">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-paste</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkMenuItem" id="pastePatternMenuItem">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Paste as pattern</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
<widget class="GtkImageMenuItem" id="deleteMenuItem">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="use_underline">True</property>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image787">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image867">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-delete</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="f" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image788">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image868">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-find-and-replace</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="plus" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image789">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image869">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-zoom-in</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="minus" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image790">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image870">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-zoom-out</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<accelerator key="equal" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="activate"/>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image791">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image871">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-zoom-100</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
<property name="use_underline">True</property>
<child internal-child="image">
- <widget class="GtkImage" id="image792">
+ <widget class="GtkImage" id="image872">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="stock">gtk-about</property>
<property name="icon_size">1</property>
List.iter (fun (u,_,_) ->
prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri u))
(CicEnvironment.list_obj ()));
- addDebugItem "print selections" (fun () ->
+(* addDebugItem "print selections" (fun () ->
let cicMathView = MatitaMathView.cicMathView_instance () in
- List.iter HLog.debug (cicMathView#string_of_selections));
+ List.iter HLog.debug (cicMathView#string_of_selections)); *)
addDebugItem "dump script status" script#dump;
addDebugItem "dump configuration file to ./foo.conf.xml" (fun _ ->
Helm_registry.save_to "./foo.conf.xml");
"<i>Do you want to save the script before continuing?</i>")
+(** Selection handling
+ * Two clipboards are used: "clipboard" and "primary".
+ * "primary" is used by X, when you hit the middle button mouse is content is
+ * pasted between applications. In Matita this selection always contain the
+ * textual version of the selected term.
+ * "clipboard" is used inside Matita only and support ATM two different targets:
+ * "TERM" and "PATTERN", in the future other targets like "MATHMLCONTENT" may
+ * be added
+ *)
class gui () =
(* creation order _is_ relevant for windows placement *)
let main = new mainWin () in
val mutable font_size = default_font_size
val mutable next_devel_must_contain = None
val mutable next_ligatures = []
+ val clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard
+ val primary = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary
(* glade's check widgets *)
let undoMenuItem, redoMenuItem =
match menuItems with
- selectall;sep3;inputmethod;insertunicodecharacter] -> undo,redo
+ selectall;sep3;inputmethod;insertunicodecharacter] ->
+ List.iter menu#remove [ copy; cut; delete; paste ];
+ undo,redo
| _ -> assert false in
+ let add_menu_item =
+ let i = ref 2 in (* last occupied position *)
+ fun ?label ?stock () ->
+ incr i;
+ GMenu.image_menu_item ?label ?stock ~packing:(menu#insert ~pos:!i)
+ ()
+ in
+ let copy = add_menu_item ~stock:`COPY () in
+ let cut = add_menu_item ~stock:`CUT () in
+ let delete = add_menu_item ~stock:`DELETE () in
+ let paste = add_menu_item ~stock:`PASTE () in
+ let paste_pattern = add_menu_item ~label:"Paste as pattern" () in
+ copy#misc#set_sensitive self#canCopy;
+ cut#misc#set_sensitive self#canCut;
+ delete#misc#set_sensitive self#canDelete;
+ paste#misc#set_sensitive self#canPaste;
+ paste_pattern#misc#set_sensitive self#canPastePattern;
+ connect_menu_item copy self#copy;
+ connect_menu_item cut self#cut;
+ connect_menu_item delete self#delete;
+ connect_menu_item paste self#paste;
+ connect_menu_item paste_pattern self#pastePattern;
let new_undoMenuItem =
~image:(GMisc.image ~stock:`UNDO ())
(redoMenuItem#misc#get_flag `SENSITIVE);
menu#remove (redoMenuItem :> GMenu.menu_item);
connect_menu_item new_redoMenuItem safe_redo));
- let clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard in
- let text_selected () =
- (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#compare
- (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND) <> 0
- in
- let markup_selected () = MatitaMathView.get_selections () <> None in
connect_menu_item main#editMenu (fun () ->
- let text_selected = text_selected () in
- let markup_selected = markup_selected () in
- let something_selected = text_selected || markup_selected in
- main#cutMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive text_selected;
- main#copyMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive something_selected;
- main#deleteMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive text_selected;
- main#pasteMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive (clipboard#text <> None));
- connect_menu_item main#cutMenuItem (fun () ->
- source_view#buffer#cut_clipboard clipboard);
- connect_menu_item main#copyMenuItem (fun () ->
- if text_selected () then
- source_view#buffer#copy_clipboard clipboard
- else if markup_selected () then
- match MatitaMathView.get_selections () with
- | None
- | Some [] -> ()
- | Some (s :: _) -> clipboard#set_text s);
- connect_menu_item main#pasteMenuItem (fun () ->
- source_view#buffer#paste_clipboard clipboard;
- (MatitaScript.current ())#clean_dirty_lock);
- connect_menu_item main#deleteMenuItem (fun () ->
- ignore (source_view#buffer#delete_selection ()));
+ main#copyMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canCopy;
+ main#cutMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canCut;
+ main#deleteMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canDelete;
+ main#pasteMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canPaste;
+ main#pastePatternMenuItem#misc#set_sensitive self#canPastePattern);
+ connect_menu_item main#copyMenuItem self#copy;
+ connect_menu_item main#cutMenuItem self#cut;
+ connect_menu_item main#deleteMenuItem self#delete;
+ connect_menu_item main#pasteMenuItem self#paste;
+ connect_menu_item main#pastePatternMenuItem self#pastePattern;
connect_menu_item main#selectAllMenuItem (fun () ->
source_buffer#move_mark `INSERT source_buffer#start_iter;
source_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND source_buffer#end_iter);
MatitaMathView.reset_font_size ();
MatitaMathView.update_font_sizes ());
MatitaMathView.reset_font_size ();
+ (** selections / clipboards handling *)
+ method private markup_selected = MatitaMathView.has_selection ()
+ method private text_selected =
+ (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#compare
+ (source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND) <> 0
+ method private something_selected =
+ self#markup_selected || self#text_selected
+ method private markup_stored = MatitaMathView.has_clipboard ()
+ method private text_stored = clipboard#text <> None
+ method private something_stored = self#markup_stored || self#text_stored
+ method canCopy = self#something_selected
+ method canCut = self#text_selected
+ method canDelete = self#text_selected
+ method canPaste = self#something_stored
+ method canPastePattern = self#markup_stored
+ method copy () =
+ if self#text_selected
+ then begin
+ MatitaMathView.empty_clipboard ();
+ source_view#buffer#copy_clipboard clipboard;
+ end else
+ MatitaMathView.copy_selection ()
+ method cut () =
+ source_view#buffer#cut_clipboard clipboard;
+ MatitaMathView.empty_clipboard ()
+ method delete () = ignore (source_view#buffer#delete_selection ())
+ method paste () =
+ if MatitaMathView.has_clipboard ()
+ then source_view#buffer#insert (MatitaMathView.paste_clipboard `Term)
+ else source_view#buffer#paste_clipboard clipboard;
+ (MatitaScript.current ())#clean_dirty_lock
+ method pastePattern () =
+ source_view#buffer#insert (MatitaMathView.paste_clipboard `Pattern)
method private nextLigature () =
let iter = source_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
method newConfirmationDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.confirmationDialog
method newEmptyDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.emptyDialog
+ (** {2 Selections / clipboards handling} *)
+ method canCopy: bool
+ method canCut: bool
+ method canDelete: bool
+ method canPaste: bool
+ method canPastePattern: bool
+ method copy: unit -> unit
+ method cut: unit -> unit
+ method delete: unit -> unit
+ method paste: unit -> unit
+ method pastePattern: unit -> unit
(** {2 Utility methods} *)
(** ask the used to choose a file with the file chooser
method resetFontSize: unit -> unit
+type paste_kind = [ `Term | `Pattern ]
(** multi selection gtkMathView which handle mactions and hyperlinks. Mactions
* are handled internally. Hyperlinks are handled by calling an user provided
* callback *)
(** set hyperlink callback. None disable hyperlink handling *)
method set_href_callback: (string -> unit) option -> unit
- method string_of_selections: string list
- method string_of_selection: string option (* last selected node *)
+ method has_selection: bool
+ (** @raise Failure "no selection" *)
+ method strings_of_selection: (paste_kind * string) list
method update_font_size: unit
open GrafiteTypes
open MatitaGtkMisc
+open MatitaGuiTypes
module Stack = Continuationals.Stack
val mutable selection_changed = false
method private selection_get_cb ctxt ~info ~time =
- (match self#get_selections with
+ match self#get_selections with
| [] -> ()
- | node :: _ -> ctxt#return (self#string_of_node node))
+ | node :: _ ->
+(* eprintf "getting selection with target %s\n%!" ctxt#target; *)
+ (match ctxt#target with
+ | "PATTERN" ->
+ ctxt#return (self#string_of_node ~paste_kind:`Pattern node)
+ | "TERM" | _ ->
+ ctxt#return (self#string_of_node ~paste_kind:`Term node))
method private selection_clear_cb sel_event =
+(* eprintf "selection clear\n%!"; *)
+ (GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard)#clear ();
method private button_press_cb gdk_button =
method private popup_contextual_menu time =
- match self#string_of_selection with
- | None -> ()
- | Some s ->
- let clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard in
- let menu = GMenu.menu () in
- let copy_menu_item =
- GMenu.image_menu_item
- ~label:"_Copy" ~stock:`COPY ~packing:menu#append ()
- in
- connect_menu_item copy_menu_item (fun () -> clipboard#set_text s);
- menu#popup ~button:right_button ~time
+ let clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard in
+ let menu = GMenu.menu () in
+ let copy_menu_item =
+ GMenu.image_menu_item
+ ~label:"_Copy" ~stock:`COPY ~packing:menu#append ()
+ in
+ let gui = get_gui () in
+ copy_menu_item#misc#set_sensitive gui#canCopy;
+ connect_menu_item copy_menu_item gui#copy;
+ menu#popup ~button:right_button ~time
method private button_release_cb gdk_button =
- let clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary in
if GdkEvent.Button.button gdk_button = left_button then begin
let button_release_x = GdkEvent.Button.x gdk_button in
let button_release_y = GdkEvent.Button.y gdk_button in
menu#popup ~button ~time)
method private choose_selection_cb gdome_elt =
- let (gui: MatitaGuiTypes.gui) = get_gui () in
- let clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary in
let set_selection elt =
+ let misc = self#coerce#misc in
self#set_selection (Some elt);
- self#coerce#misc#add_selection_target
- ~target:(Gdk.Atom.name Gdk.Atom.string) Gdk.Atom.primary;
- ignore (self#coerce#misc#grab_selection Gdk.Atom.primary)
+ misc#add_selection_target ~target:"STRING" Gdk.Atom.primary;
+ ignore (misc#grab_selection Gdk.Atom.primary);
let rec aux elt =
if (elt#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:helm_ns
(try Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms id with Not_found -> assert false)
- method private string_of_node node =
+ method private string_of_node ~(paste_kind:paste_kind) node =
if node#hasAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:helm_ns ~localName:xref_ds
- then self#string_of_id_node node
+ then self#string_of_id_node ~paste_kind node
else string_of_dom_node node
- method private string_of_id_node node =
+ method private string_of_id_node ~(paste_kind:paste_kind) node =
let get_id (node: Gdome.element) =
let xref_attr =
node#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:helm_ns ~localName:xref_ds
-(* TODO: code for patterns
- let conclusion = (MatitaScript.instance ())#proofConclusion in
- let conclusion_pattern =
- ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:conclusion cic_terms
- in
let string_of_cic_sequent cic_sequent =
let _, (acic_sequent, _, _, ids_to_inner_sorts, _) =
Cic2acic.asequent_of_sequent metasenv cic_sequent
info, (~-1, [], t)
| None -> assert false
+ let paste_as_pattern_sequent term unsh_sequent =
+ match ProofEngineHelpers.locate_in_conjecture term unsh_sequent with
+ | [context, _] ->
+ (let context_len = List.length context in
+ let _, unsh_context, conclusion = unsh_sequent in
+ try
+ (match
+ List.nth unsh_context (List.length unsh_context - context_len - 1)
+ with
+ | None -> assert false (* can't select a restricted hyp *)
+ | Some (name, Cic.Decl ty) ->
+ let pattern =
+ ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:ty [term]
+ in
+ HLog.debug (CicPp.ppname name ^ ":" ^ CicPp.ppterm pattern);
+ ~-1, [], pattern
+ | Some (name, Cic.Def (bo, _)) ->
+ let pattern =
+ ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:bo [term]
+ in
+ HLog.debug (CicPp.ppname name ^ ":=" ^ CicPp.ppterm pattern);
+ ~-1, [], pattern)
+ with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ ->
+ let pattern =
+ ProofEngineHelpers.pattern_of ~term:conclusion [term]
+ in
+ HLog.debug ("\\vdash " ^ CicPp.ppterm pattern);
+ ~-1, [], pattern)
+ | _ -> assert false (* since it uses physical equality *)
+ in
+ let paste_as_term_sequent term unsh_sequent =
+ let context' =
+ match ProofEngineHelpers.locate_in_conjecture term unsh_sequent with
+ | [context,_] -> context
+ | _ -> assert false (* since it uses physical equality *)
+ in
+ ~-1, context', term
+ in
let cic_sequent =
match self#get_term_by_id cic_info id with
| `Term t ->
- let context' =
- match ProofEngineHelpers.locate_in_conjecture t unsh_sequent with
- [context,_] -> context
- | _ ->
-(* prerr_endline (sprintf "%d\nt=%s\ncontext=%s"
- (List.length l) (CicPp.ppterm t) (CicPp.ppcontext context)); *)
- assert false (* since it uses physical equality *)
- in
- ~-1, context', t
+ (match paste_kind with
+ | `Term -> paste_as_term_sequent t unsh_sequent
+ | `Pattern -> paste_as_pattern_sequent t unsh_sequent)
| `Hyp context -> ~-1, context, Cic.Rel 1
string_of_cic_sequent cic_sequent
- method string_of_selections =
- List.map self#string_of_node (List.rev self#get_selections)
- method string_of_selection =
+ method private string_of_selection ~(paste_kind:paste_kind) =
match self#get_selections with
| [] -> None
- | node :: _ -> Some (self#string_of_node node)
+ | node :: _ -> Some (self#string_of_node ~paste_kind node)
+ method has_selection = self#get_selections <> []
+ (** @return an associative list format -> string with all possible selection
+ * formats. Rationale: in order to convert the selection to TERM or PATTERN
+ * format we need the sequent, the metasenv, ... keeping all of them in a
+ * closure would be more expensive than keeping their already converted
+ * forms *)
+ method strings_of_selection =
+ try
+ let misc = self#coerce#misc in
+ List.iter
+ (fun target -> misc#add_selection_target ~target Gdk.Atom.clipboard)
+ [ "TERM"; "PATTERN"; "STRING" ];
+ ignore (misc#grab_selection Gdk.Atom.clipboard);
+ List.map
+ (fun paste_kind ->
+ paste_kind, HExtlib.unopt (self#string_of_selection ~paste_kind))
+ [ `Term; `Pattern ]
+ with Failure _ -> failwith "no selection"
notebook#append_page logo_with_qed
method reset =
+ cicMathView#remove_selections;
(match scrolledWin with
| Some w ->
(* removing page from the notebook will destroy all contained widget,
self#script#setGoal ~-1;
method load_sequents { proof = (_,metasenv,_,_) as proof; stack = stack } =
- let sequents_no = List.length metasenv in
_metasenv <- metasenv;
pages <- 0;
let win goal_switch =
class cicBrowser_impl ~(history:MatitaTypes.mathViewer_entry MatitaMisc.history)
- let term_RE = Pcre.regexp "^term:(.*)" in
let whelp_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*whelp" in
let uri_RE =
let dir_RE = Pcre.regexp "^cic:((/([^/]+/)*[^/]+(/)?)|/|)$" in
let whelp_query_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*whelp\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+(.*)$" in
- let trailing_slash_RE = Pcre.regexp "/$" in
- let has_xpointer_RE = Pcre.regexp "#xpointer\\(\\d+/\\d+(/\\d+)?\\)$" in
let is_whelp txt = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:whelp_RE txt in
let is_uri txt = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:uri_RE txt in
let is_dir txt = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:dir_RE txt in
let refresh_all_browsers () =
- List.iter (fun b -> b#refresh ~force:false ()) !cicBrowsers
+ List.iter (fun b -> b#refresh ~force:false ()) !cicBrowsers
let update_font_sizes () =
List.iter (fun b -> b#updateFontSize) !cicBrowsers;
((cicMathView_instance ()) :> MatitaGuiTypes.clickableMathView)
:: (List.map (fun b -> b#mathView) !cicBrowsers)
-let get_selections () =
+let find_selection_owner () =
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | mv :: tl ->
+ (match mv#get_selections with
+ | [] -> aux tl
+ | sel :: _ -> mv)
+ in
+ aux (get_math_views ())
+let has_selection () =
+ try ignore (find_selection_owner ()); true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let math_view_clipboard = ref None (* associative list target -> string *)
+let has_clipboard () = !math_view_clipboard <> None
+let empty_clipboard () = math_view_clipboard := None
+let copy_selection () =
+ try
+ math_view_clipboard :=
+ Some ((find_selection_owner ())#strings_of_selection)
+ with Not_found -> failwith "no selection"
+let paste_clipboard paste_kind =
+ match !math_view_clipboard with
+ | None -> failwith "empty clipboard"
+ | Some cb ->
+ (try List.assoc paste_kind cb with Not_found -> assert false)
+(* let get_selections () =
if (MatitaScript.current ())#onGoingProof () then
let rec aux =
let reset_selections () =
- List.iter (fun mv -> mv#remove_selections) (get_math_views ())
+ List.iter (fun mv -> mv#remove_selections) (get_math_views ()) *)
val refresh_all_browsers: unit -> unit (** act on all cicBrowsers *)
val update_font_sizes: unit -> unit
- (** {3 selection handling} *)
+ (** {3 Clipboard & Selection handling} *)
- (* @return the selections of a (unspecified) math viewer *)
-val get_selections: unit -> string list option
+val has_selection: unit -> bool
- (* remove the selections of all math viewers *)
-val reset_selections: unit -> unit
+ (** fills the clipboard with the current selection
+ * @raise Failure "no selection" *)
+val copy_selection: unit -> unit
+val has_clipboard: unit -> bool (** clipboard is not empty *)
+val empty_clipboard: unit -> unit (** empty the clipboard *)
+ (** @raise Failure "empty clipboard" *)
+val paste_clipboard: MatitaGuiTypes.paste_kind -> string
(** {2 Singleton instances} *)