--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+include "hints_declaration.ma".
+nrecord eliminator (P_ : Prop) (T_ : Type[1]) : Type[1] ≝ {
+ indty : Type[0];
+ elimP : indty → P_;
+ elimT : indty → T_
+notation "\elim term 90 x term 90 P" non associative with precedence 90
+for @{'elim ?? ? $x … $P … $x}.
+interpretation "elimP" 'elim = elimP.
+interpretation "elimT" 'elim = elimT.
+ninductive nat : Type[0] ≝ O : nat | S : nat → nat.
+ndefinition eP ≝ mk_eliminator ?? nat (λ_.nat_ind) (λ_.nat_rect_Type0).
+alias symbol "hint_decl" (instance 1) = "hint_decl_Type1".
+unification hint 0 ≔;
+ X ≟ eP
+(*-----------------------------------------*) ⊢
+ indty ?? X ≡ nat.
+ninductive list (A : Type[0]) : nat → Type[0] ≝
+| nil : list A O
+| cons : ∀n.A → list A n → list A (S n).
+ndefinition eL ≝ λA,n.
+ mk_eliminator ?? (list A n) (λ_.list_ind A) (λ_.list_rect_Type0 A).
+alias symbol "hint_decl" (instance 1) = "hint_decl_Type1".
+unification hint 0 ≔ A,n;
+ X ≟ eL A n
+(*-----------------------------------------*) ⊢
+ indty ?? X ≡ list A n.
+naxiom A : ∀n1,n2.∀l1:list nat n1.∀l2:list nat n2.Prop.
+nlemma xxx : ∀n.∀x:list nat n.A ?? x x.
+#n; #l;
+napply (\elim l (λd,y.A ?? y l));
+##[ ##| #len e l1 Pl1;
+napply ((\elim ?? ? x) … x); #;#[ napply eP]
+nrecord eliminator (indty : Type[0])
+ (s : Type[2])
+ (t : Type[1]) : Type[2] ≝ {
+ elimp : t
+ndefinition P :
+ ?
+ λity,s,t.λR : eliminator ity s t. λG:s.
+ match R with [ mk_eliminator _ ⇒ G].
+ninductive nat : Type[0] ≝ O : nat | S : nat → nat.
+ndefinition eP := mk_eliminator nat Prop ? nat_ind.
+ndefinition eT := mk_eliminator nat Type[0] ? nat_rect_Type0.
+unification hint 0 ≔ G;
+ X ≟ eP
+(*-----------------------------------------*) ⊢
+ P nat Prop ? X G ≡ G.
+ (*
+unification hint 0 ≔ G;
+ X ≟ eT
+(*-----------------------------------------*) ⊢
+ P nat Type[0] ? X G ≡ G.
+ *)
+nlemma A : nat.
+napply (
+ndefinition elim_gen :
+ ∀ity:Type[0].∀s,t.∀x:ity.
+ ∀e:eliminator ity s t.∀G.P ity s t e G
+ λity,s,t,x,e,G.elimp ??? e x.