let get_candidates (univ,_) ty =
S.elements (TI.retrieve_unifiables univ ty)
+let rec unfold context = function
+ | Cic.Prod(name,s,t) ->
+ let t' = unfold ((Some (name,Cic.Decl s))::context) t in
+ Cic.Prod(name,s,t')
+ | t -> ProofEngineReduction.unfold context t
let rec head = function
| Cic.Prod(_,_,t) -> CicSubstitution.subst (Cic.Meta (-1,[])) (head t)
| t -> t
let index ((univ,oldcache) as cache) key term =
match key with
| Cic.Meta _ -> cache
prerr_endline("ADD: "^CicPp.ppterm key^" |-> "^CicPp.ppterm term);
(TI.index univ key term,oldcache)
+let index_term_and_unfolded_term cache context t ty =
+ let key = head ty in
+ let cache = index cache key t in
+ try
+ let key = head (unfold context ty) in
+ index cache key t
+ with ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> cache
let cache_add_library dbd proof gl cache =
let univ = MetadataQuery.universe_of_goals ~dbd proof gl in
let terms = List.map CicUtil.term_of_uri univ in
let tyof t = fst(CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] [] t CicUniv.empty_ugraph)in
(fun acc term ->
+ (*
let key = head (tyof term) in
- index acc key term)
+ index acc key term
+ *)
+ index_term_and_unfolded_term acc [] term (tyof term))
cache terms
-let cache_add_context ctx metasenv cache =
+let cache_add_context context metasenv cache =
let tail = function [] -> [] | h::tl -> tl in
let rc,_,_ =
(fun (acc,i,ctx) ctxentry ->
match ctxentry with
| Some (_,Cic.Decl t) ->
- let key = CicSubstitution.lift i (head t) in
+ let ty = CicSubstitution.lift i t in
let elem = Cic.Rel i in
- index acc key elem, i+1, tail ctx
+ index_term_and_unfolded_term acc context elem ty, i+1, tail ctx
+ (* index acc key elem, i+1, tail ctx *)
| Some (_,Cic.Def (_,Some t)) ->
- let key = CicSubstitution.lift i (head t) in
+ let ty = CicSubstitution.lift i t in
let elem = Cic.Rel i in
- index acc key elem, i+1, tail ctx
+ index_term_and_unfolded_term acc context elem ty, i+1, tail ctx
| Some (_,Cic.Def (t,None)) ->
let ctx = tail ctx in
- let key,_ =
- CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ctx t CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ let ty =
+ CicSubstitution.lift i
+ (fst (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ctx t CicUniv.empty_ugraph))
let elem = Cic.Rel i in
- let key = CicSubstitution.lift i (head key) in
- index acc key elem, i+1, ctx
+ index_term_and_unfolded_term acc context elem ty, i+1, tail ctx
| _ -> acc,i+1,tail ctx)
- (cache,1,ctx) ctx
+ (cache,1,context) context