1 + !h
-(* we are lambda-lifting also variables that do not occur *)
-(* ctx does not distinguish successive blocks of cofix, since there may be no
- * lambda separating them *)
-let convert_term uri t =
(* k=true if we are converting a term to be pushed in a ctx or if we are
converting the type of a fix;
k=false if we are converting a term to be put in the body of a fix;
match ens with
[] -> he,objs
| _::_ -> NCic.Appl (he::ens),objs
- in
+(* we are lambda-lifting also variables that do not occur *)
+(* ctx does not distinguish successive blocks of cofix, since there may be no
+ * lambda separating them *)
+let convert_term uri t =
aux false [] [] 0 uri t
(*prerr_endline ("H(" ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ ") = " ^ string_of_int * (get_height uri));*)
fixpoints @ [obj]
+let convert_context uri =
+ let name_of = function Cic.Name s -> s | _ -> "_" in
+ List.fold_right
+ (function
+ | (Some (s, Cic.Decl t) as e) -> fun (nc,auxc,oc) ->
+ let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri t in
+ (name_of s, NCic.Decl t) :: nc,
+ Ce (lazy ((name_of s, NCic.Decl t),[])) :: auxc, e :: oc
+ | (Some (Cic.Name s, Cic.Def (t,ty)) as e) -> fun (nc,auxc,oc) ->
+ let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri t in
+ let t, _ = aux true oc auxc 0 uri ty in
+ (name_of s, NCic.Def (t,ty)) :: nc,
+ Ce (lazy ((name_of s, NCic.Def (t,ty)),[])) :: auxc, e :: oc
+ | None -> ...
+let convert_term uri ctx t =
+ aux false [] [] 0 uri t
--- /dev/null
+let convert_metasenv uri =
+ let new_metasenv, fixpoints =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (nm,fty) (i, ctx, ty) ->
+ let new_ty, fix_ty = OCic2NCic.convert_term uri ty in
+ in
+ assert (fixpoints = []);
+ new_metasenv