-\newcommand{\texmacro}[1]{\texttt{\char92 #1}}
-\newcommand{\METAHEADING}{Symbol & Position \\ \hline\hline}
+\newcommand{\METAHEADING}{Symbol & Position \\ \hline\hline}
+\newcommand{\TEXMACRO}[1]{\texttt{\char92 #1}}
+\newcommand{\ASSIGNEDTO}[1]{\textbf{Assigned to:} #1}
\title{The proof assistant Matita}
\author{Andrea Asperti, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, Enrico Tassi
-{\bf Acknowledgements}
+ \item scelta del sistema fondazionale
+ \item sistema indipendente (da Coq)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item possibilit\`a di sperimentare (soluzioni architetturali, logiche,
+ implementative, \dots)
+ \item compatibilit\`a con sistemi legacy
+ \end{itemize}
We would like to thank all the students that during the past
-five years collaborated in the Helm project and contributed to
+five years collaborated in the \HELM{} project and contributed to
the development of Matita, and in particular
A.Griggio, F.Guidi, P. Di Lena, L.Padovani, I.Schena, M.Selmi,
+\subsection{libreria tutta visibile}
+\subsection{ricerca e indicizzazione}
+\subsection{xml / gestione della libreria}
+\subsection{named variable}
+\subsection{assenza di proof tree / resa in linguaggio naturale}
+\subsection{selezione semantica, cut paste, hyperlink}
+\subsection{sostituzioni esplicite vs moduli}
+\section{Drawbacks, missing, \dots}
+\subsection{localizzazione errori}
\bibitem{annals} A.~Asperti, F.~Guidi, L.~Padovani, C.~Sacerdoti Coen,