* instantiated/restricted metavariabels *)
let (metasenv,subst as ms), restrictions_for_n, l' =
let l = NCicUtils.expand_local_context lc in
let ms, _, restrictions_for_n, l =
(fun t (ms, i, restrictions_for_n, l) ->
ms, i-1, i::restrictions_for_n, l)
l (ms, List.length l, [], [])
ms, restrictions_for_n, pack_lc (shift, NCic.Ctx l)
if restrictions_for_n = [] then
let low_gap = max 0 (shift - shift1) in
let high_gap = max 0 (stop1 - stop) in
let restrictions =
- HExtlib.list_seq (k+1-shift1) (low_gap + 1) @
- HExtlib.list_seq (len1 - high_gap + 1) (len1 + 1)
+ HExtlib.list_seq (*max 1 (k+1-shift1)*) (k+1) (low_gap + 1) @
+ HExtlib.list_seq (len1 - high_gap + 1) (len1 + 1)
let metasenv, subst, newmeta =
restrict metasenv subst i restrictions
assert (List.length cctx = newlc_len);
(metasenv, subst), meta
- | NCic.Irl _, NCic.Irl _ when shift = 0 -> ms, orig
+ | NCic.Irl _, NCic.Irl _ when shift = k -> ms, orig
| NCic.Irl _, NCic.Irl _ ->
- ms, NCic.Meta (i, (max 0 (shift1 - shift), lc1))
+ ms, NCic.Meta (i, (max 0 (shift1 - shift + k), lc1))
| _ ->
let lc1 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context lc1 in
let lc1 = List.map (NCicSubstitution.lift shift1) lc1 in
let l = List.map (NCicSubstitution.lift shift) lc in
- (fun t -> NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term subst context t = [])
+ (fun t ->
+ NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term subst context t = [])
raise (Uncertain msg)
raise (MetaSubstFailure msg)
-(* delifts a term t of n levels strating from k, that is changes (Rel m)
- * to (Rel (m - n)) when m > (k + n). if k <= m < k + n delift fails
- *)
-let delift_rels_from subst metasenv k n =
- let rec liftaux subst metasenv k =
- let module C = Cic in
- function
- C.Rel m as t ->
- if m < k then
- t, subst, metasenv
- else if m < k + n then
- raise DeliftingARelWouldCaptureAFreeVariable
- else
- C.Rel (m - n), subst, metasenv
- | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst',subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (uri,t) (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- (uri,t')::l,subst,metasenv) exp_named_subst ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst'),subst,metasenv
- | C.Meta (i,l) ->
- (try
- let (_, t,_) = lookup_subst i subst in
- liftaux subst metasenv k (CicSubstitution.subst_meta l t)
- with CicUtil.Subst_not_found _ ->
- let l',to_be_restricted,subst,metasenv =
- let rec aux con l subst metasenv =
- match l with
- [] -> [],[],subst,metasenv
- | he::tl ->
- let tl',to_be_restricted,subst,metasenv =
- aux (con + 1) tl subst metasenv in
- let he',more_to_be_restricted,subst,metasenv =
- match he with
- None -> None,[],subst,metasenv
- | Some t ->
- try
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- Some t',[],subst,metasenv
- with
- DeliftingARelWouldCaptureAFreeVariable ->
- None,[i,con],subst,metasenv
- in
- he'::tl',more_to_be_restricted@to_be_restricted,subst,metasenv
- in
- aux 1 l subst metasenv in
- let metasenv,subst = restrict subst to_be_restricted metasenv in
- C.Meta(i,l'),subst,metasenv)
- | C.Sort _ as t -> t,subst,metasenv
- | C.Implicit _ as t -> t,subst,metasenv
- | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
- let te',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k te in
- let ty',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k ty in
- C.Cast (te',ty'),subst,metasenv
- | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- let s',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k s in
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv (k+1) t in
- C.Prod (n,s',t'),subst,metasenv
- | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- let s',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k s in
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv (k+1) t in
- C.Lambda (n,s',t'),subst,metasenv
- | C.LetIn (n,s,ty,t) ->
- let s',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k s in
- let ty',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k ty in
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv (k+1) t in
- C.LetIn (n,s',ty',t'),subst,metasenv
- | C.Appl l ->
- let l',subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun t (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- t'::l,subst,metasenv) l ([],subst,metasenv) in
- C.Appl l',subst,metasenv
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst',subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (uri,t) (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- (uri,t')::l,subst,metasenv) exp_named_subst ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst'),subst,metasenv
- | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst',subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (uri,t) (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- (uri,t')::l,subst,metasenv) exp_named_subst ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst'),subst,metasenv
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst',subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (uri,t) (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- (uri,t')::l,subst,metasenv) exp_named_subst ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst'),subst,metasenv
- | C.MutCase (sp,i,outty,t,pl) ->
- let outty',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k outty in
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- let pl',subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun t (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let t',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k t in
- t'::l,subst,metasenv) pl ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.MutCase (sp,i,outty',t',pl'),subst,metasenv
- | C.Fix (i, fl) ->
- let len = List.length fl in
- let liftedfl,subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name, i, ty, bo) (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let ty',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k ty in
- let bo',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv (k+len) bo in
- (name,i,ty',bo')::l,subst,metasenv
- ) fl ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.Fix (i, liftedfl),subst,metasenv
- | C.CoFix (i, fl) ->
- let len = List.length fl in
- let liftedfl,subst,metasenv =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name, ty, bo) (l,subst,metasenv) ->
- let ty',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv k ty in
- let bo',subst,metasenv = liftaux subst metasenv (k+len) bo in
- (name,ty',bo')::l,subst,metasenv
- ) fl ([],subst,metasenv)
- in
- C.CoFix (i, liftedfl),subst,metasenv
- in
- liftaux subst metasenv k
-let delift_rels subst metasenv n t =
- delift_rels_from subst metasenv 1 n t
let mk_meta ?name metasenv context ty =
match ty with
| `Typeless ->
let force_to_sort metasenv subst context t =
match NCicReduction.whd ~subst context t with
- | C.Meta (_,(_,(C.Irl 0 | C.Ctx []))) as t ->
+ | C.Meta (_,(0,(C.Irl 0 | C.Ctx []))) as t ->
metasenv, subst, t
- | C.Meta (i,(_,lc)) as t ->
+ | C.Meta (i,(_,(C.Irl 0 | C.Ctx []))) ->
+ metasenv, subst, C.Meta(i,(0,C.Irl 0))
+ | C.Meta (i,(_,lc)) ->
let len = match lc with C.Irl len->len | C.Ctx l->List.length l in
- let metasenv, subst, _ =
+ let metasenv, subst, newmeta =
if len > 0 then
NCicMetaSubst.restrict metasenv subst i (HExtlib.list_seq 1 (len+1))
- else metasenv, subst, 0
+ else metasenv, subst, i
- metasenv, subst, t
+ metasenv, subst, C.Meta (newmeta,(0,C.Irl 0))
| C.Sort _ -> metasenv, subst, t
| _ -> assert false
| C.Sort (C.Type u1), C.Sort (C.Type u2) ->
metasenv, subst, C.Sort (C.Type (u1@u2))
| C.Sort C.Prop,C.Sort (C.Type _) -> metasenv, subst, t2
- | C.Meta _, C.Sort _
- | C.Meta _, C.Meta _
- | C.Sort _, C.Meta _ -> metasenv, subst, t2
+ | C.Meta _, C.Sort _
+ | C.Meta _, C.Meta (_,(_,_))
+ | C.Sort _, C.Meta (_,(_,_)) -> metasenv, subst, t2
| x, (C.Sort _ | C.Meta _) | _, x ->
let y, context, orig =
if x == t1 then s, context, orig_s
let rec aux metasenv subst context ind arity1 arity2 =
(*D*)inside 'S'; try let rc =
let arity1 = NCicReduction.whd ~subst context arity1 in
- pp (lazy(NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context arity1 ^ " ... " ^
- NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context arity2 ^ "\nNEV:"^
-NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv
+ pp (lazy(NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context arity1 ^ " elimsto " ^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~subst ~metasenv ~context arity2 ^ "\nMENV:\n"^
+ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv));
match arity1 with
| C.Prod (name,so1,de1) (* , t ==?== C.Prod _ *) ->
let metasenv, meta, _ =
fun t as orig ->
(*D*)inside 'R'; try let rc =
pp (lazy (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
+ pp (lazy (NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv));
let metasenv, subst, t, infty =
match t with
| C.Rel n ->
NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce (C.Appl (outtype::arguments@[term]))
| C.Match _ -> assert false
+ pp (lazy (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t ^ " :: "^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context infty ));
force_ty metasenv subst context orig t infty expty
(*D*)in outside(); rc with exc -> outside (); raise exc
| NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u) as orig ->
if swap then
match NCicEnvironment.sup u with
- | None -> raise (fail_exc metasenv subst context meta t)
+ | None -> prerr_endline "no sup for" ;
+ raise (fail_exc metasenv subst context meta t)
| Some u1 -> if u = u1 then orig else NCic.Sort (NCic.Type u1)
NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (
and instantiate test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc t swap =
(*D*) inside 'I'; try let rc =
+ pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " :=?= "^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
let unify test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 =
if swap then unify test_eq_only m s c t2 t1
else unify test_eq_only m s c t1 t2
let metasenv, subst, t =
match ty with
| NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _) ->
- metasenv,subst,fix_sorts swap metasenv subst context (NCic.Meta(n,lc)) t
+ metasenv,subst, t
+ (* fix_sorts swap metasenv subst context (NCic.Meta(n,lc)) t *)
| _ ->
- pp (lazy ("typeof: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
+ pp (lazy (
+ "typeof: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t ^ "\nctx:\n"^
+ NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst context ^ "\nmenv:\n"^
+ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv));
let t, ty_t =
try t, NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst ~metasenv context t
- with NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->
+ with
+ | NCicTypeChecker.AssertFailure msg ->
+ (pp (lazy "fine typeof (fallimento)");
let ft =
fix_sorts swap metasenv subst context (NCic.Meta (n,lc)) t
- if ft == t then assert false
+ if ft == t then
+ (prerr_endline ( ("ILLTYPED: " ^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t
+ ^ "\nBECAUSE:" ^ Lazy.force msg ^ "\nCONTEXT:\n" ^
+ NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst context ^ "\nMENV:\n" ^
+ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv
+ ));
+ assert false)
pp (lazy ("typeof: " ^
NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ft));
ft, NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst ~metasenv context ft
- with NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->
- assert false
+ with NCicTypeChecker.AssertFailure _ ->
+ assert false)
+ | NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure msg ->
+ pp msg; assert false
let lty = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc ty in
pp (lazy("On the types: " ^
let metasenv,subst= unify test_eq_only metasenv subst context lty ty_t in
metasenv, subst, t
+ pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 111 = "^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
let (metasenv, subst), t =
try NCicMetaSubst.delift metasenv subst context n lc t
- with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg -> raise (Uncertain msg)
- | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg -> raise (UnificationFailure msg)
+ with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg ->
+ pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg));
+ raise (Uncertain msg)
+ | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg ->
+ pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg));
+ raise (UnificationFailure msg)
+ pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 222 = "^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:ctx t
+ ^ "\n" ^ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv
+ ));
(* Unifying the types may have already instantiated n. *)
let _, _,oldt,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in
metasenv, subst, i::to_restrict, i-1)
l1 l2 (metasenv, subst, [], List.length l1)
- let metasenv, subst, _ =
- NCicMetaSubst.restrict metasenv subst n1 to_restrict
- in
- metasenv, subst
+ if to_restrict <> [] then
+ let metasenv, subst, _ =
+ NCicMetaSubst.restrict metasenv subst n1 to_restrict
+ in
+ metasenv, subst
+ else metasenv, subst
| Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
| NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg ->