src/basic_rg/brgGallina.cmx : src/common/options.cmx src/common/layer.cmx \
src/common/entity.cmx src/lib/cps.cmx src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
src/common/alpha.cmx src/basic_rg/brgGallina.cmi
+src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmi : src/basic_rg/brg.cmx
+src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmo : src/common/options.cmx src/common/layer.cmi \
+ src/common/entity.cmx src/lib/cps.cmx src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
+ src/common/alpha.cmi src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmi
+src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmx : src/common/options.cmx src/common/layer.cmx \
+ src/common/entity.cmx src/lib/cps.cmx src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
+ src/common/alpha.cmx src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmi
src/basic_ag/bag.cmo : src/lib/marks.cmi src/lib/log.cmi \
src/common/entity.cmx src/lib/cps.cmx
src/basic_ag/bag.cmx : src/lib/marks.cmx src/lib/log.cmx \
src/complete_rg/crgOutput.cmi src/complete_rg/crg.cmx src/lib/cps.cmx \
src/basic_rg/brgUntrusted.cmi src/basic_rg/brgReduction.cmi \
src/basic_rg/brgOutput.cmi src/basic_rg/brgGrafite.cmi \
- src/basic_rg/brgGallina.cmi src/basic_rg/brgCrg.cmi src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
+ src/basic_rg/brgGallina.cmi src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmi \
+ src/basic_rg/brgCrg.cmi src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
src/basic_ag/bagUntrusted.cmi src/basic_ag/bagType.cmi \
src/basic_ag/bagOutput.cmi src/basic_ag/bagCrg.cmi src/basic_ag/bag.cmx \
src/automath/autProcess.cmi src/automath/autParser.cmi \
src/complete_rg/crgOutput.cmx src/complete_rg/crg.cmx src/lib/cps.cmx \
src/basic_rg/brgUntrusted.cmx src/basic_rg/brgReduction.cmx \
src/basic_rg/brgOutput.cmx src/basic_rg/brgGrafite.cmx \
- src/basic_rg/brgGallina.cmx src/basic_rg/brgCrg.cmx src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
+ src/basic_rg/brgGallina.cmx src/basic_rg/brgELPI.cmx \
+ src/basic_rg/brgCrg.cmx src/basic_rg/brg.cmx \
src/basic_ag/bagUntrusted.cmx src/basic_ag/bagType.cmx \
src/basic_ag/bagOutput.cmx src/basic_ag/bagCrg.cmx src/basic_ag/bag.cmx \
src/automath/autProcess.cmx src/automath/autParser.cmx \
CLEAN = etc/log.txt etc/profile.txt
-TAGS = test-si-fast test-si test \
+TAGS = test-si-fast test-si test2 test3 test6 \
profile-fast profile profile-coq \
xml-si xml-si-v3 xml xml-v3 \
- export-coq export-matita \
+ export-coq export-matita export-elpi \
matita matitac
include Makefile.common
INPUTFAST = examples/automath/grundlagen_1.aut
-MA =
-V = grundlagen_2.v
+MA =
+V = grundlagen_2.v
+ELPI = grundlagen_2.elpi
-PREAMBLE_MA = ../matita/
-PREAMBLE_V = coq/grundlagen.template
+PREAMBLE_MA = ../matita/
+PREAMBLE_V = coq/grundlagen.template
+PREAMBLE_ELPI = elpi/grundlagen.template
test-si-fast: $(MAIN).opt etc
@echo " HELENA -o -q -1 $(INPUTFAST)"
@echo " HELENA -d -l -p -o $(INPUT)"
$(H)./$(MAIN).opt -T 2 -d -l -p -o $(O) $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
-test: $(MAIN).opt etc
+test2: $(MAIN).opt etc
@echo " HELENA -d -l $(INPUT)"
- $(H)./$(MAIN).opt -l -o $(INPUT) -X -T 2 -d -l $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
+ $(H)./$(MAIN).opt -l -o $(INPUT) -X -T 2 -d -l $(O) $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
+test3: $(MAIN).opt etc
+ @echo " HELENA -d -l $(INPUT)"
+ $(H)./$(MAIN).opt -l -o $(INPUT) -X -T 3 -d -l $(O) $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
+test6: $(MAIN).opt etc
+ @echo " HELENA -d -l $(INPUT)"
+ $(H)./$(MAIN).opt -l -o $(INPUT) -X -T 6 -d -l $(O) $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
xml-si: $(MAIN).opt etc
@echo " HELENA -l -o -s 1 -x $(INPUT)"
$(H)mkdir -p matita
$(H)./$(MAIN).opt -T 1 -a n -c $(PREAMBLE_MA) -l -m MA2 -o $(O) $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
+export-elpi elpi/$(ELPI): $(MAIN).opt etc
+ @echo " HELENA -l -m ELPI -o $(INPUT)"
+ $(H)mkdir -p elpi
+ $(H)./$(MAIN).opt -T 1 -a n -c $(PREAMBLE_ELPI) -l -m ELPI -o $(O) $(INPUT) > etc/log.txt
profile-fast: $(MAIN).opt etc
@echo " HELENA -o -q $(INPUTFAST) (31 TIMES)"
$(H)rm -f etc/log.txt
brg brgCrg brgOutput
brgEnvironment brgSubstitution brgReduction brgValidity brgType brgUntrusted
-brgGrafite brgGallina
+brgGrafite brgGallina brgELPI
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+module KF = Filename
+module KP = Printf
+module U = NUri
+module C = Cps
+module G = Options
+module N = Layer
+module E = Entity
+module R = Alpha
+module B = Brg
+(* Internal functions *******************************************************)
+let ok = ref true
+let level = ref 0
+let base = "elpi"
+let ext = ".elpi"
+let reserved = ["pi"; "sigma"; "nil"; "delay"; "in"; "with"; "resume"; "context"]
+let alpha n =
+ if List.mem n reserved then !G.alpha ^ n else n
+let out_preamble och =
+ let ich = open_in !G.preamble in
+ let rec aux () = KP.fprintf och "%s\n" (input_line ich); aux () in
+ try aux () with End_of_file -> close_in ich
+let out_top_comment och msg =
+ KP.fprintf och "%% %s\n\n" msg
+let out_comment och msg =
+ KP.fprintf och "%% %s\n" msg
+let out_clause och msg =
+ KP.fprintf och "%s\n\n" msg
+let out_uri och u =
+ let str = U.string_of_uri u in
+ let rec aux i =
+ let c = str.[i] in
+ if c = '.' then () else begin
+ output_char och (if c = '/' then '_' else c);
+ aux (succ i)
+ end
+ in
+ let rec strip i n =
+ if n <= 0 then succ i else
+ strip (String.index_from str (succ i) '/') (pred n)
+ in
+ aux (strip 0 3)
+let out_name och a =
+ let f n = function
+ | true -> KP.fprintf och "%s" (alpha n)
+ | false -> KP.fprintf och "_"
+ in
+ let err () = f "" false in
+ err f a
+let rec out_term st e och = function
+ | B.Sort (_, h) ->
+ let sort = if h = 0 then "k+0" else if h = 1 then "k+1" else assert false in
+ KP.fprintf och "(sort %s)" sort
+ | B.LRef (_, i) ->
+ let _, _, a, b = B.get e i in
+ KP.fprintf och "%a" out_name a
+ | B.GRef (_, s) ->
+ KP.fprintf och "%a" out_uri s
+ | B.Cast (_, u, t) ->
+ KP.fprintf och "(cast %a %a)" (out_term st e) u (out_term st e) t
+ | B.Appl (_, v, t) ->
+ KP.fprintf och "(appx %a %a)" (out_term st e) v (out_term st e) t
+ | B.Bind (a, B.Abst (n, w), t) ->
+ let a = R.alpha B.mem e a in
+ let ee = B.push e B.empty a (B.abst n w) in
+ let l = match N.to_string st n with
+ | "1" -> "l+1"
+ | "2" -> "l+2"
+ | _ -> ok := false; "?"
+ in
+ KP.fprintf och "(abst %s %a %a\\ %a)"
+ l (out_term st e) w out_name a (out_term st ee) t
+ | B.Bind (a, B.Abbr v, t) ->
+ let a = R.alpha B.mem e a in
+ let ee = B.push e B.empty a (B.abbr v) in
+ KP.fprintf och "(abbr %a %a\\ %a)"
+ (out_term st e) v out_name a (out_term st ee) t
+ | B.Bind (a, B.Void, t) ->
+ let a = R.alpha B.mem e a in
+ let ee = B.push e B.empty a (B.Void) in
+ KP.fprintf och "(void %a\\ %a)"
+ out_name a (out_term st ee) t
+let output_entity och st (_, na, s, b) =
+(* if na.E.n_apix <= 4500 then begin *)
+ out_comment och (KP.sprintf "constant %u" na.E.n_apix);
+ match b with
+ | E.Abbr t ->
+ KP.fprintf och "(gdef c+%u %a\n %a\\\n" na.E.n_apix (out_term st B.empty) t out_uri s;
+ incr level; !ok
+ | E.Abst u ->
+ KP.fprintf och "(gdec c+%u %a\n%a\\\n" na.E.n_apix (out_term st B.empty) u out_uri s;
+ incr level; !ok
+ | E.Void -> C.err ()
+(* end else !ok *)
+let close_out och () =
+ let rec aux () =
+ if !level <= 0 then KP.fprintf och "%s" "\n\n).\n"
+ else begin KP.fprintf och "%s" ")"; decr level; aux () end
+ in
+ KP.fprintf och "%s" "gtop";
+ aux (); close_out och
+(* Interface functions ******************************************************)
+let open_out fname =
+ let dir = KF.concat !G.manager_dir base in
+ let path = KF.concat dir fname in
+ let och = open_out (path ^ ext) in
+ out_preamble och;
+ out_top_comment och (KP.sprintf "This file was generated by %s: do not edit" G.version_string);
+ out_clause och "k+succ k+0 k+2.";
+ out_clause och "k+succ k+1 k+3.";
+ out_clause och "grundlagen :- gv+ (";
+ output_entity och, close_out och
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+val open_out: string -> Brg.manager
type kernel = V4 | V3 | V0
type manager = Quiet
- | Matita
| Coq
+ | Matita
+ | ELPI
(* interface functions ******************************************************)
-let version_string = "Helena 0.8.2 M (February 2015)"
+let version_string = "Helena 0.8.2 M (May 2015)"
let stage = ref 3 (* stage *)
let add
?(beta=0) ?(theta=0) ?(epsilon=0) ?(ldelta=0) ?(gdelta=0) ?(zeta=0)
?(upsilon=0) ?(lrt=0) ?(grt=0) ?(e=0) ()
-= reductions := {
+ if beta > 0 then L.warn level (KP.sprintf "BETA %u" beta);
+ if ldelta > 0 then L.warn level (KP.sprintf "EXP %u" ldelta);
+ if gdelta > 0 then L.warn level (KP.sprintf "EXP %u" gdelta);
+ if lrt > 0 then L.warn level (KP.sprintf "EXP %u" lrt);
+ if grt > 0 then L.warn level (KP.sprintf "EXP %u" grt);
+reductions := {
beta = !reductions.beta + beta;
zeta = !reductions.zeta + zeta;
theta = !reductions.theta + theta;
module BU = BrgUntrusted
module BG = BrgGrafite (**)
module BA = BrgGallina (**)
+module BP = BrgELPI (**)
module Z = Bag
module ZD = BrgCrg
module BU = BrgUntrusted
module BG = BrgGrafite
module BA = BrgGallina
+module BP = BrgELPI
module ZD = BagCrg
module ZO = BagOutput
module ZT = BagType
if !G.trace >= 2 then begin preprocess := true; G.summary := true end
let set_manager s = match KS.lowercase s with
- | "v8" -> G.manager := G.Coq
- | "ma2" -> G.manager := G.Matita
- | s -> L.warn level (KP.sprintf "Unknown manager: %s" s)
+ | "v8" -> G.manager := G.Coq
+ | "ma2" -> G.manager := G.Matita
+ | "elpi" -> G.manager := G.ELPI
+ | s -> L.warn level (KP.sprintf "Unknown manager: %s" s)
let clear_options () =
export := false; preprocess := false;
if !G.stage <= 1 then G.kernel := G.V4;
G.cover := cover;
begin match !G.manager with
- | G.Matita -> st := {!st with mst = Some (BG.open_out base_name)}
| G.Coq -> st := {!st with mst = Some (BA.open_out base_name)}
+ | G.Matita -> st := {!st with mst = Some (BG.open_out base_name)}
+ | G.ELPI -> st := {!st with mst = Some (BP.open_out base_name)}
| G.Quiet -> ()
P.clear_marks ();
"Trace levels: 0 just errors (default), 1 time stamps, 2 processed files, 3 processed objects,\n" ^
" 4 typing information, 5 conversion information, 6 reduction information,\n" ^
" 7 level disambiguation\n\n" ^
- "Stages: 0 parsing, 1 to intermediate, 2 to untrusted, 3 to trusted (default)\n"
+ "Stages: 0 parsing, 1 to intermediate, 2 to untrusted, 3 to trusted (default)\n\n" ^
+ "Supported manages: \"ma2\" (Grafite NG), \"v8\" (Gallina 8), \"elpi\" (lambda-Prolog)\n"
let help_L = " show lexer debug information" in
let help_M = "<dir> set location of output directory (manager) to <dir> (default: current directory)" in
let help_i = " show local references by index" in
let help_k = "<string> set kernel version (default: \"V3\")" in
let help_l = " disambiguate binders level (Automath)" in
- let help_m = "<string> export kernel entities for this manager (default: no manager, \"ma2\": Grafite NG, \"v8\": Gallina 8)" in
+ let help_m = "<string> export kernel entities for this manager (see above, default: no manager)" in
let help_o = " activate sort inclusion (default: false)" in
let help_p = " preprocess source (Automath)" in
let help_q = " disable quotation of identifiers" in